
How the Japanese machine gun closed the door to break through, the railway guerrillas left the door gap, and a row of bullets rushed through the bloody road

In the railway guerrillas, there are many powerful masters, who are not only on the railway line, but also in peacetime, the enemy is difficult to deal with. There was a member of the team named Cao Deqing, of medium stature, who had joined the guerrillas very early. He took advantage of his characteristics of growing up on the side of the railway, pickpocketing the railway is a good hand, the Japanese puppet army encountered him on the railway line is simply no way, although many times surrounded him, but Cao Deqing used his familiarity with the railway every time to throw off the enemy's pursuit. So the enemy thought of catching him while he was not on the railway.

How the Japanese machine gun closed the door to break through, the railway guerrillas left the door gap, and a row of bullets rushed through the bloody road

▲ Japanese train subverted by the guerrillas

When the guerrillas moved to the vicinity of Weishan Lake, once their superiors sent Cao Deqing on a mission, he took a shell gun and set off, staying in a basic mass home at night. But because at this time many areas around Weishan Lake had been pseudo-formed, the enemy established a lot of intelligence networks, he was soon discovered by the hidden agents in the village, and then the enemy went to the nearby stronghold to inform, the Japanese army then dispatched 1 detachment of ghosts and 1 platoon of puppet troops, when Cao Deqing found that the situation was not right, more than 40 enemies surrounded his residence.

How the Japanese machine gun closed the door to break through, the railway guerrillas left the door gap, and a row of bullets rushed through the bloody road

▲ Weishan Lake has played a great role as the base of the railway guerrillas

After completing the encirclement, the enemy shouted to Cao Deqing: "We already know, you are alone, hurry up and surrender!" Cao Deqing calmly judged the situation, he estimated that the enemy would not dare to charge hard for the time being without understanding the specific situation in the house, and after he made preparations for a breakthrough, he began to observe the surrounding terrain by moonlight, and he found that there was a large area of reeds not far from the house surrounded by the enemy, as long as he could rush there, he could use the cover of the tall reeds to break through to the lake. When they reached the lake, the enemy cried out in vain. But the enemy set up a light machine gun against his door, if he opened the door, he could be hit by the dense fire of the machine gun, what to do?

When the puppet army saw that no one in the house answered, he continued to shout for him to surrender: "We know that you are Cao Deqing, don't look at your ability to pick up the train, this time you can't run!" Surrender now! Cao Deqing was doing a warm-up exercise while calculating how to rush out. The enemy saw that there was still no movement in the room when he saw the continuous shouting, and he also muttered, was it around an empty room? So the puppet army, under the threat of the devil, slowly moved to the house step by step.

How the Japanese machine gun closed the door to break through, the railway guerrillas left the door gap, and a row of bullets rushed through the bloody road

▲ Railway guerrillas distributed anti-Japanese leaflets to workers who were maintaining the railway

Cao Deqing thought of a way, he quietly went to the door, hid behind the door, and then slowly pulled the door bolt open, pointing the shell gun at the enemy outside the door. Seeing that the house was still not moving at all, the enemy's machine gun opened fire, after a few point shots, a group of puppet troops under the cover of machine guns had approached the door, the front 4 puppet soldiers held guns, gently pushed the door open, just when the door just revealed a crack, Cao Deqing swept past the enemy with a shell gun, the power of twenty shots was not worthy of the name, suddenly 4 puppet troops were either dead or wounded, all lying down at the door, the puppet army that followed behind turned their heads in fright and ran, and the Japanese troops behind the puppet army were also scattered by the puppet army. The enemy running around even kicked over the machine guns on the ground, and the machine gunners and ammunition men joined the escape.

How the Japanese machine gun closed the door to break through, the railway guerrillas left the door gap, and a row of bullets rushed through the bloody road

The guerrillas occupying the fortifications of the high houses are shooting at the enemy

Cao Deqing took advantage of the enemy's panic to rush out of the gate with an arrow, stepped on the corpse of the puppet army, and rushed toward the reed bush, and when the enemy calmed down and re-erected the machine gun to shoot aimlessly at the reed bush, Cao Deqing had already disappeared.

Author/Zhou Hongxin

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