
At Hua Guofeng's funeral, someone held up a 16-character banner, highlighting Hua Guofeng's life

In the revolutionary years, there were many old revolutionary predecessors, for the development of the country and the future of the motherland, their lives can be described as bowing down and dying. They fought on the battlefield for the motherland and defended the motherland against foreign enemies... Among these revolutionaries, Hua Guofeng is a typical representative, when he died, a person also specially took a banner to pay tribute to him, and sixteen words were written on the banner.

At Hua Guofeng's funeral, someone held up a 16-character banner, highlighting Hua Guofeng's life

Hua Guofeng, a native of Shanxi, was born in 1921 in a handicraft family, his father died very early, and Hua Guofeng was brought up by his mother since childhood. When he was a teenager, driven by progressive books, Hua Guofeng secretly joined the guerrilla group without his mother, because he could read and write, and he was very intelligent, and soon took on important responsibilities in the team, because of the development and growth of the guerrillas, Hua Guofeng was also more and more importantly organized.

At Hua Guofeng's funeral, someone held up a 16-character banner, highlighting Hua Guofeng's life

Hua Guofeng has always taken the order of the organization as the first, in 1949, shortly after his wife was newly married, the whole country launched a southward movement, Hua Guofeng did not say a word, he took his wife to leave his hometown and went to Hunan. In this way, he lived in Hunan for decades, and during his tenure, he never slackened off in his work for a moment, and the local people also praised him.

At Hua Guofeng's funeral, someone held up a 16-character banner, highlighting Hua Guofeng's life

During the Hunan period, Hua Guofeng attached great importance to the life of the local poor peasants, and he had conducted field research on the lives of the local poor people many times and knew the local economic development situation very well. Because of his excellent work in Hunan, Hua Guofeng was soon transferred to Beijing. It is worth mentioning that after Hua Guofeng was transferred to Beijing, his salary was 200 yuan, although it looked very high, but the rent alone had to pay 150 yuan.

In the first month, when the organization came to collect the rent, Hua Guofeng's wife was shocked, she did not expect the rent in Beijing to be so high, but Hua Guofeng did not say a word, let his wife quickly pay the rent. Later, the organization took into account his actual situation and reduced his rent by a part, according to this standard, the previously overpaid part should be returned to Hua Guofeng, but Hua Guofeng did not take it, he did not want to add trouble to the organization, he was such an honest person.

At Hua Guofeng's funeral, someone held up a 16-character banner, highlighting Hua Guofeng's life

When Hua Guofeng arrived in Beijing, he was soon given a difficult task, that is, to become a new generation of leaders. At that time, China was in ruins, this task was a very serious challenge for Hua Guofeng, if he did not do well, he was likely to become a sinner of the times, even so, Hua Guofeng still took on this task without complaint.

After all aspects of the reform have been completed and the country has officially embarked on the track, Hua Guofeng decided to step down from this position, and he hopes to put the future of the country in the hands of young people, because they have younger minds, more mental strength and action, which is not an easy task. Many people who stay in high positions for a long time will inevitably covet power, but Hua Guofeng quit when he said quit, and in the next thirty years, he never intervened in any political matter.

At Hua Guofeng's funeral, someone held up a 16-character banner, highlighting Hua Guofeng's life

Hua Guofeng's death is a major loss for the country, and for some people, it is a great pain. At his funeral, a man appeared holding a banner with sixteen big words: Gu Quan's overall situation is open-minded, and his heroic name will last forever.

Maybe he was an ordinary citizen that Hua Guofeng had helped, or maybe he had never even seen Hua Guofeng himself. We don't know anything about this person's identity, but what we can be sure of is that he must have been impressed by Hua Guofeng's spirit and integrity, which is why he brought such a banner to pay tribute to Hua Lao.

This banner highlights Hua Guofeng's life, and his life has always been open-minded and bright...


"Remembering Hua Guofeng" plum

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