
I have seen the greatness of the grass and trees

Wen | Kingdom Liang

I especially like the confucian scholar Ma Yifu's saying: "I have learned that Qiankun is great, and I still pity the grass and trees." The meaning of this sentence is that even if you have seen the greatness of qiankun, you can still pity the grass and trees.

I think this sentence is similar to the Meaning of the English poet Sygreve Sasson's "The heart has a tiger, and the smell of roses" is similar. No matter how strong people's hearts are, there are also warm moments, and they will also be touched by gentle and beautiful details and feel the beauty of small things.

I have seen that the grass and trees are green. A person has experienced more vicissitudes of life, has experienced many hardships in the world, and his heart cannot be old and numb, cold and hard. We should all have a soft heart that pities the grass and trees, and in this era, we should regain this feeling.

I have seen the greatness of the grass and trees

In this fast-paced era, people's pursuit of fame and fortune is more intense. We pursue immediate interests, many people do their best to make their stage more open, make their dreams higher and farther, and at every turn they will have dreams such as "earning him a hundred million". This era is indeed an era of fulfilling the dreams of all. Time, place, people, many people on the road to chase their dreams is indeed very smooth, life has been hanging since then. But they saw how big it was, but they forgot to pity the grass and trees.

They are non-stop, eager to enjoy the peak moments of life. They were so anxious that they even forgot to move from star to star and time away. The grass and trees withered and flourished, the flowers gave thanks and bloomed, the spring, summer, autumn and winter, the cycle of the sun and the moon, these details of nature were completely ignored by them. Reaching the summit, they look up at the blue sky, stretch out their arms to have a higher and farther world, where will they look down at a thin grass?

What I want to say is that they actually lost two words – feelings.

I have seen the greatness of the grass and trees

Even if you experience the Southern Expedition and the Northern War, even if you win a body of glory, if you lose your feelings, it is just a numb and cold machine, and you will never appreciate the beauty of life. Compassion for the grass and trees, always retain the heart of compassion and benevolence, care for all things in the world, care for weak and small lives. Only by being able to pity the grass and trees can we get more of the beauty and art of life. "Knowing the great" is the process of our hard work in this world, and "jupidity and grass" can make us live more gentle, compassionate, elegant and poetic.

I have people around me, and they are the benchmark of my life. There is a small courtyard on the south side of our community, and the owner is a successful person in the business field. His small courtyard is full of all kinds of flowers and plants. No matter how busy the business is, he will also take care of the flowers and plants regularly. He said: "Smell the flowers and plants, learn to enjoy the most simple life, so that people will not lose themselves in Vanity Fair." When he served the flowers and plants, it was like playing with a baby.

I also know an old man who is also a well-known person in the city and has achieved great results. After retiring, he was not willing to live a comfortable life, so he founded a private school. Everyone said that he was a "careful" principal, he remembered the name of every poor student, could say whose homework was not qualified, whose grades had regressed, and who cried his nose because of the conflict with his classmates. He spent every day with his students, turned himself into a student, and even wore a school uniform. The crane-haired and childlike grandfather laughed among a group of children, all wearing school uniforms, and the picture was so harmonious. He loves his students and treats them like his own children. Everyone commented that he was a particularly affectionate principal.

I have seen that the grass and trees are green. If you can do this, you will keep a soft corner of your heart forever. Life requires not only conquest and triumph, but also flexibility and resilience. Maintain the flexibility and resilience of life, and glow with the goodness and beauty of human nature.

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