
They caused China to go back hundreds of years! Counting the three great sinners in Chinese history, the first one is particularly hateful

China is a country with a long history, which has bred countless heroes and heroes, but also many heart-wrenching bad guys. Next, let's take a closer look at the three major sinners in Chinese history, and many people believe that they caused China to go back hundreds of years, of which the first is the most hateful.

They caused China to go back hundreds of years! Counting the three great sinners in Chinese history, the first one is particularly hateful

The first sinner was Cixi, who was the ruler of the late Qing Dynasty, and there are many historical records about him, but most of them are hateful scandals, such as the fact that she once expended so much manpower and material resources to arrange her birthday feast that the soldiers on the front line did not have enough supplies and eventually lost to the invaders. After the defeat in the war, he also sent people to sign a series of unequal treaties on behalf of China, ceding China's land and resources to the Western powers, resulting in an increasingly turbulent situation in China as a whole.

They caused China to go back hundreds of years! Counting the three great sinners in Chinese history, the first one is particularly hateful

The second sinner was An Lushan, a major courtier of the Tang Dynasty who was deeply loved and trusted by the emperor. Because of the continuous expansion of power, An Lu's ambitions became more and more ambitious, and eventually he openly rebelled against the imperial court, leaving the entire Chinese land in war. History refers to this war as the Anshi Rebellion, which led to the decline of the Tang Dynasty and had the greatest negative impact on the entire history of China.

They caused China to go back hundreds of years! Counting the three great sinners in Chinese history, the first one is particularly hateful

The third person was Qin Ju, who was a well-known surrender faction in the Southern Song Court, and repeatedly advised the emperor to cut up the land and claim the title of subject, not wanting the warriors of the Southern Song Dynasty to fight the enemy. In order to achieve this goal, Qin Ju wantonly formed parties for personal gain, excluded dissidents, and suppressed those who disagreed with him. One of the most influential was Yue Fei, who was a very staunch anti-Jin general, who fought with fighters on the battlefield many times and made countless meritorious contributions to the Southern Song Dynasty court, but Qin Ju felt that Yue Fei's conquest was unfavorable to him, so he killed him on trumped-up charges.

They caused China to go back hundreds of years! Counting the three great sinners in Chinese history, the first one is particularly hateful

Because of Yue Fei's unfortunate death, the anti-Jin atmosphere in the Southern Song Dynasty court quickly decreased, and eventually lost the strength and confidence to compete with the enemy. In addition to harming Yue Fei, Qin Ju often connived at corrupt officials and corrupt officials under him, allowing them to exploit the people, which was extremely detrimental to the development of the entire country. The people of the country have not stopped scolding Qin Juniper until now, and to this day, Qin Juniper's kneeling statue is still repenting in front of Yue Fei, he has been targeted, and on the pillar of shame of history, no matter how many years there is no way to turn over.

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