
Who won the Battle of Talas, and why is there no positive record in the Chinese history books?

author:Meow meow talks about things

The Battle of Talas, an ancient battle that took place in 751, can be described as a contest between the dragon of the East and the eagle of the West. This battle is almost a "traceless" existence in the history books of the mainland. Why is that?

Who won the Battle of Talas, and why is there no positive record in the Chinese history books?

In the summer of 751 A.D., a far-reaching battle quietly began outside the city of Talas. This was not only a simple military confrontation, but also a turning point in the fate of Central Asia. Yes, this is the famous Battle of Talas in history. But when it comes to this battle, many people may be confused, and there are few records in history textbooks, which makes people curious about the truth.

Who won the Battle of Talas, and why is there no positive record in the Chinese history books?

The Battle of Talas was actually a decisive battle between the Tang Dynasty and the Arab Empire (Great Food Empire). It turned out that the Tang Dynasty at that time was strong and strong, and its frontier expanded to today's Central Asia, and this region was also the only place where the Silk Road passed, and it had extremely high strategic value.

Gao Xianzhi of the Tang Dynasty, the general who single-handedly covered the sky, led his troops against the combined forces of the Great Food Empire and its allies, the Qarluqs. Imagine that scene, the iron cavalry of the East and the warriors of the West launched a life-and-death struggle in the vast land of Central Asia. The sound of war drums, the flying hooves of horses, and the light and shadow of swords all show the cruelty and fierceness of war.

Who won the Battle of Talas, and why is there no positive record in the Chinese history books?

However, the outcome of the war is varied, some sources say that the Tang army was defeated, while others say that the two sides are evenly matched. However, judging from the long river of history, after this battle, the influence of the Tang Dynasty in the Western Regions did begin to decline, while the power of the Great Food Empire gradually expanded in Central Asia. This battle was not only a military confrontation, but also had a deeper impact on the geopolitical landscape of later generations.

Why is such a pivotal battle so rarely recorded in our history books? There could be multiple reasons behind this. The writing of history often carries a certain degree of subjectivity, and the compiler may deliberately downplay or even ignore certain disgraceful historical events for various reasons. Moreover, psychologically, people tend to remember victories and forget defeats, and this kind of "selective forgetting" is not uncommon in the writing of history. The turmoil and decline of national power in the late Tang Dynasty may also have made the record of this battle unappreciated by later generations.

Who won the Battle of Talas, and why is there no positive record in the Chinese history books?

But no matter what history says, the importance of the Battle of Talas cannot be overlooked. It was not only a turning point in the history of Central Asia, but also profoundly influenced the trade routes and cultural exchanges of the Silk Road. The impact of the campaign was manifold, ranging from military, economic, and cultural, to far-reaching significance.

Who won the Battle of Talas, and why is there no positive record in the Chinese history books?

Let's take another look at the details of this battle. The purpose of Gao Xianzhi's trip was not simply to fight, but more to stabilize the Western Regions and protect the trade routes of the Silk Road. The goal of the Great Food Empire and its allies is to expand their sphere of influence and control the region's trade routes. This strategic need on both sides made the Battle of Talas an inevitable conflict.

Who won the Battle of Talas, and why is there no positive record in the Chinese history books?

On the battlefield, both sides demonstrated their military prowess. The Tang army, under the command of Gao Xianzhi, showed extremely high combat skills and a tenacious military style. And Da Shi and his allies, with their numerical superiority and strong material support, put great pressure on the Tang army. The two sides went back and forth, and the war went back and forth several times, and finally turned into a protracted tug-of-war.

Who won the Battle of Talas, and why is there no positive record in the Chinese history books?

It is worth mentioning that war is not simply a confrontation of force, but also involves a lot of diplomacy and strategic use. For example, before the war, Da Shi used diplomatic means to attract a number of small countries and tribes as its allies, forming an encirclement of the Tang army. Although the Tang Dynasty was tactically prepared, it was slightly passive in terms of overall strategic layout.

Who won the Battle of Talas, and why is there no positive record in the Chinese history books?

The battle also exposed some problems of the Tang Dynasty in the later period, such as the weakness of border defenses and the lax management of the army. These problems were magnified in the Battle of Talas, and also laid the groundwork for a series of upheavals in the later Tang Dynasty.

Who won the Battle of Talas, and why is there no positive record in the Chinese history books?

The cruelty of war is not only the bloody wind on the battlefield, but also its huge impact on people's lives. Countless ordinary people have lost their homes due to the war, and the economic and social order has been seriously damaged. And all this undoubtedly deepens the tragedy of the war.

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