
2022 CES Home Appliances Preview: New Display Technology Is Coming

The annual CES Electronics Consumer Exhibition is about to be launched, affected by the epidemic factors, CES has been suspended for a year, and with the improvement of epidemic control, CES in 2022 is also launched again, and directly opened offline exhibition activities.

However, from the current point of view, CES2022 offline exhibition situation is not optimistic, including AMD, Microsoft, Google, Intel and other major manufacturers have said that they will use online methods to participate in CES2022, no longer offline exhibition. The fundamental reason for this situation is that the development of the epidemic situation is still in an incompletely controllable situation, and the use of online participation can avoid the risk of exhibitors infecting the epidemic to the greatest extent.

2022 CES Home Appliances Preview: New Display Technology Is Coming

In addition to many brands no longer exhibiting offline, CES2022 has been silent for a year, and from the search index of search engines, people's attention to the exhibition has also dropped significantly. It seems that IT will take some time for CES's attention to return to pre-epidemic levels.

Judging from the participation of home appliance manufacturers, unlike previous years, most of the home appliance brands this year have not disclosed the relevant information about the exhibition of CES2022. From the perspective of known brands, Sony, LG, and Samsung of the Japanese and Korean systems will participate in the exhibition, and the domestic Hisense and TCL will participate, compared with previous years, it is expected that most domestic and foreign home appliance brands may not participate in CES2022 this year. Therefore, this year's home appliances will also focus on display technology.

According to relevant news, South Korean display screen manufacturer LG will plan to launch a transparent OLED display panel at CES, and this transparent OLED display will be used in application scenarios such as homes, shop windows, and shelves. In addition, LG Display said that all three OLED screens have a resolution of 1080P and a transparency of 40%, and are now ready for mass production.

2022 CES Home Appliances Preview: New Display Technology Is Coming

Sony 2022 Sony TV global new product launch will be held on January 4, 23:00 Beijing time, from the current warm-up poster news, Sony BRAVIA TV is still the main XR chip, providing a variety of different sizes of panel models, it seems to use OD ZeroMini LED display backlight technology, may also refer to the use of new lighting design.

2022 CES Home Appliances Preview: New Display Technology Is Coming

It is reported that Samsung will launch its first OLED TV during cess 2022 Consumer Electronics Show. There will also be new TVs with technologies such as Micro LEDs and Mini LEDs.

Hisense is mainly based on laser TV, Hisense laser display company deputy general manager Wang Wei once said at the "China Intelligent Display and Innovative Application Industry Conference", "Hisense will release the world's first 8K laser TV at CES 2022, pushing the picture quality level of laser TV to a new height." ”

For more information about CES2022, please pay attention to the follow-up report of Zhongguancun Online.


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