
He was a Japanese eighth route army, who had been seriously injured by the anti-Japanese resistance, and lived to the age of 99: I am proud

On January 16, 2019, the death of a Japanese veteran caused a number of media in China to report on it. This can't help but make many people feel incredible, the arduous 14-year War of Resistance that began in 1931 is still a nightmare for many people, and the death of a Japanese veteran can attract so much attention. In fact, the 14-year-long arduous War of Resistance did create a huge disaster for our country, countless families were destroyed and displaced, countless civilians were affected by the war, people still can't forget the war, and many people still grit their teeth when they mention the Japanese. But unlike other Japanese soldiers, the Japanese veteran was a Japanese Eighth Route Army soldier.

He was a Japanese eighth route army, who had been seriously injured by the anti-Japanese resistance, and lived to the age of 99: I am proud

This Japanese veteran, whose name is Kobayashi Hirosumi, is indeed a complete Japanese, but his contribution to our country in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression cannot be ignored. Born in Gunma Prefecture, Japan, Kobayashi Hirosumi is the child of the local Tendai-ji temple abbot, and Japanese Buddhism is very different from our country, not only can they marry and have children, but they can also be exempted from a part of the tax. Therefore, Kobayashi's family is still relatively wealthy, and if there are no accidents, he will become a monk in the future and serve the Buddha. However, the war of aggression against China launched by Japanese militarism changed everything. In 1940, the 21-year-old Kobayashi Washisumi was forcibly recruited into the army, and after a period of training, he was sent to Qingdao, Shandong Province, China, and forced to become an aggressor.

He was a Japanese eighth route army, who had been seriously injured by the anti-Japanese resistance, and lived to the age of 99: I am proud

During a "sweep", his unit was ambushed by our army, and Kobayashi Hirosumi became a prisoner. Since he was wounded in battle and wounded in the head, our soldiers carried him to the village, treated his wounds, and fed him. At that time, Kobayashi Was tainted by militaristic ideas and could not accept eating Chinese meals, let alone being humiliated as a prisoner. However, the later development of the matter was unexpected, and the soldiers of our army told him in unskilled Japanese: We do not kill prisoners, we give preferential treatment to prisoners. In fact, our army said this and did the same, not only taking special care of him, but also letting him eat first when it was time to eat, and no one insulted him, let alone punched and kicked him.

He was a Japanese eighth route army, who had been seriously injured by the anti-Japanese resistance, and lived to the age of 99: I am proud

In addition to treating him with dignity, the soldiers of our army also sent him some books, and the more Kobayashi Kansumai looked, the more reasonable he felt. All of this experience is completely different from Kobayashi's imaginary captive life. After recovering from his wounds, Kobayashi moved with our army, and along the way he saw many villages burned down, countless innocent people brutally killed, and even children were not spared. Only then did he realize that his country was waging an unjust war of aggression, which made him feel ashamed. On June 30, 1941, at the meeting of our army to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, Kobayashi Hirosumi also received an invitation, and seeing the enthusiastic soldiers of our army, he felt more and more that he was treated sincerely and should do something to repay this kindness.

He was a Japanese eighth route army, who had been seriously injured by the anti-Japanese resistance, and lived to the age of 99: I am proud

After that, Kobayashi Hirosumi joined the Eighth Route Army, and with the help of his superiors, established the "Jiaodong Branch of the Anti-War Alliance" to contribute to the anti-war cause. At that time, his main job was to paint anti-war slogans on the walls of the Japanese theater, distribute anti-war leaflets, and find ways to make the Japanese army lay down its weapons and not continue the unjust war of aggression. In the most dangerous of all, when Kobayashi was preaching our army's policy and the injustice of this war of aggression to the Japanese soldiers in the Japanese watchtower, he was insulted and seriously wounded by a stubborn Japanese officer, and told him that it was a holy war for the emperor. Then our soldiers rushed over to rescue him, and after he was wounded, Kobayashi Continued his anti-war cause, which made the Japanese military top brass very panicked and offered a high reward for his arrest.

He was a Japanese eighth route army, who had been seriously injured by the anti-Japanese resistance, and lived to the age of 99: I am proud

Until the victory of the War of Resistance, Kobayashi was actively carrying out anti-war propaganda. After that, he stayed in the Jinan municipal government, responsible for the repatriation of Japanese overseas Chinese and prisoners of war. After 1949, he married a Japanese nurse working in Shenyang and gave birth to a son in 1954. At that time, it coincided with the promulgation of the Constitution of our country, so he named his son Xianming, nicknamed Friendly. In December 1955, the organization arranged for him to return to China for a period of time, but as soon as he arrived in Japan, he was monitored by the Japanese government. Later, he went to the Japan-China Business Association as a translator until his retirement. After retiring, he was still running for Sino-Japanese friendship, and he once proudly said: My neighbors all know that I did this, and I am proud.

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