
Family version of Sichuan-style watercress crucian carp, accompanied by wine under the rice.

author:Solo mobile phone photography

Sichuan-style watercress crucian carp, cooked at home to eat, delicious and under the rice, warm heart and stomach!!! [Lick screen] [Lick screen] [Lick screen] [Lick screen]

Watercress crucian carp

There are many ways to cook crucian carp, such as braised, dry roast, crispy, radish silk crucian carp soup and other methods.

Because I came to introduce you to you, it is a watercress crucian carp.

Family version of Sichuan-style watercress crucian carp, accompanied by wine under the rice.

Ingredients: 2 crucian carp (about 1.2 kg)

Accessories: 50 grams of meat foam, 30 grams of green onion, 30 grams of ginger, garlic, 30 grams, 30 grams of pickled pepper foam.

Seasoning: Pixian bean paste 100 grams, salt 20 grams, monosodium glutamate 20 grams, chicken essence 30 grams, sugar 30 grams, cooking wine 50 grams, aged vinegar 30. Water starch 20 g.

Step 1

Scrape off the scales of the crucian carp, button off the gills, and take out the internal organs to wash them. Marinate with green onion and ginger water, add cooking wine for 15 minutes and set aside.

Step 2

Cut the ginger into ginger rice, chop the garlic into garlic paste, and cut the shallots into green onions and set aside.

Family version of Sichuan-style watercress crucian carp, accompanied by wine under the rice.

Step 3

Wash the pot and simmer it with ginger. Add a little salt under the cold oil. Heat the oil to 60% or 70%, and when it is hot, add crucian carp and fry until it is golden brown on both sides.

Step 4

In a pot with oil, add minced meat, ginger, garlic, bean paste, minced pickled pepper, and sauté to bring out the aroma. Seasoning is added to salt, chicken essence, monosodium glutamate, sugar, cooking wine, aged vinegar. Add the fried crucian carp, cook until 78 minutes, wait until the crucian carp is flavored, fish out the crucian carp, pour a little oil on the soup, pour on the crucian carp and sprinkle with green onions.

Family version of Sichuan-style watercress crucian carp, accompanied by wine under the rice.

Characteristics of the dish

The color is bright red and homely, slightly spicy.

Operational key:

Be careful not to break the skin when frying the fish.

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