
This man sold a province to become the first person in China to be expelled from his hometown, and his second wife died young

All along, the people's local concept is relatively heavy, even if they leave their hometown for decades, they have a successful career outside, they still hold the idea of "the tree is tall, the leaves fall back to the roots", and the hometown people have local celebrities who have established meritorious deeds outside and engaged in colonization, and they also feel that there is light on their faces, and they are proud of the celebrities in their hometown.

Vice versa, if a scum appears in a place, everyone in the hometown is ashamed, and this is most prominent in the case of Lu Zongyu, an official in the late Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the People's Republic.

This man sold a province to become the first person in China to be expelled from his hometown, and his second wife died young

Lu Zongyu, Haining Salt Official, when he was a teenager, he called himself a prodigy, people said that he could "read the nose and the spirit of the air and measure the wind and rain, at the age of nine, he tried to ride the iron bull of Haitang to wait for the immortals", plus his father was in business in his early years, not only the family was rich, he was influenced by the commercial family since childhood, and then went to Japan to study at his own expense and entered the Political and Economic Department of Waseda University.

Later, he served as the general office of the Fengtian Ocean Affairs Bureau in the late Qing Dynasty, the envoy of the three eastern provinces, the assistant of the Bank of Communications, and the director of the Printing and Casting Bureau. After the fall of the Qing Dynasty, he served as vice minister of finance of the Beiyang government, financial adviser to the presidential office, minister in Japan, chairman of the shareholders of the Bank of Communications, and premier of the China Huiye Bank.

This man sold a province to become the first person in China to be expelled from his hometown, and his second wife died young

Originally, there was a figure in his hometown whose position was not low, and the villagers felt honored, but he was appointed by Yuan Shikai as minister plenipotentiary in Japan, participated in the "Twenty-One Articles" negotiations that humiliated the country, and became a pro-Japanese faction known to the world for betraying the interests of the motherland.

In 1919, at the end of the First Century War, China, as the victorious power, should have been able to abrogate the treaty of the defeated Germany in China, but Germany was unwilling to return Shandong to China, but secretly exchanged it for Japan. The most infuriating thing is that Lu Zongyu and his ilk acted as intermediaries in order to obtain Japanese funding, which led to the failure of Chinese diplomacy at the Paris Peace Conference.

This man sold a province to become the first person in China to be expelled from his hometown, and his second wife died young

This incident made the vast number of student groups intolerable and became the fuse of the May Fourth Movement. The students picked up the three traitors hiding behind them and rushed to their residence, where there was a riot, and some people even set fire to Cao Rulin's home, and then Lu Zongyu was dismissed.

This man sold a province to become the first person in China to be expelled from his hometown, and his second wife died young

When this news reached Lu Zongyu's hometown of Haining, his old family, taking the traitor in his hometown as a great shame and humiliation, held a general meeting of 10,000 people and held a referendum, and the congress unanimously decided to expel Lu Zongyu's township citizenship and telegraph the whole country, so Lu Zongyu became the first person in China to be expelled from his hometown.

This man sold a province to become the first person in China to be expelled from his hometown, and his second wife died young

This is not to mention, after the expulsion of Lu Zongyu's township citizenship, the old family held a meeting to decide to make 3 stones, the inscription "traitor Lu Zongyu" six characters, respectively, standing in Lu Zongyu's birthplace of Yanguan, in front of his family ancestral ancestral temple, the tide resort Haitang side, and then planned to use stone carvings such as Qin Juniper's kneeling statue, and later the news spread to Beijing Lu Zongyu, he was always panicked, that is, bribed the county governor with heavy money, instructed to destroy the monument, and later forcibly demolished three monuments under the intervention of the Beiyang government, however, later still unearthed a stone stele of "traitor Lu Zongyu". This stele has only been reproduced in the world and is now in the Haining Museum.

When Lu Zongyu was 19 years old, he married his cousin, who was one year older than him, but the new marriage was only three months, and his 20-year-old wife was infected with smallpox and went west.

This man sold a province to become the first person in China to be expelled from his hometown, and his second wife died young

The year after his wife's death, he found a daughter of a large family surnamed Xu, who was a classmate of the famous female revolutionary Qiu Jin, and had also been married as a sister, with a cheerful personality, so he agreed to the marriage. Who knew that when it came to marrying through the door, the woman said that "marrying the groom, marrying the groom, marrying the bed first and then marrying the groom", saying that the new bed of the Lu family was too earthy and had to be re-prepared, so he had to buy a new bed with carved phoenixes, and the wedding was finally held as scheduled. However, he gave birth to three children, Xu Shi, and died of illness.

During this period, Lu Zongyu went to Japan to study, and after returning to China, Lu Zongyu was an official in the Qing court, and learned that the teacher of the academy, Zheng Xiaoxian, had died, leaving an orphan girl named Zheng Xueshi, a little named Shi'er, and his uncle who gambled with him because of high debts, wanted to sell her into the Qinglou. Lu Zongyu took the 16-year-old Shi'er home as a concubine and had four sons and four daughters.

This man sold a province to become the first person in China to be expelled from his hometown, and his second wife died young

Later, at the age of thirty, Lu Zongyu was transferred to the general office of the Fengtian Ocean Affairs Bureau and in charge of the salt affairs of the three eastern provinces, and was promoted to the alternate Sipin Jingtang the following year. In the autumn, due to his mother's illness, he helped the coffin back to his hometown, and when he visited the Xishan Mountain of Jiaoshi, he met the twenty-four-year-old Zhu Fuying, and the two had a sudden affection, and the two of them traveled hand in hand to enjoy Lotus Bay, and then Lu Zongyu took her back to Tianjin as a concubine. Two years later, Zhu Fuying gave birth to a young daughter Min Yan, and because she could not bear the snubs of the wives and concubines of the big family and lu Zongyu, she went into the church and became a Christian. Lu Zongyu had a large number of wives and concubines, and his wives Xu, Zheng, and Zhu successively gave birth to six men and six women for him.

This man sold a province to become the first person in China to be expelled from his hometown, and his second wife died young

Many of Lu Zongyu's children were well educated, and the most famous one was a daughter, Lu Jingyan, who was as famous as Zhang Xueliang's confidante and "Miss Zhao Si", and became a well-known playwright, studying "Dream of the Red Chamber" and writing "The Biography of Xiangling" and other red studies monographs.

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