
Why did Zhao Gao kill the second son and baby who had a high talent and influence?

After Zhao Gao killed Qin II, he made his son and baby king.

However, in just five days, the baby killed Zhao Gao.

Zhao Gao, who has played conspiracies all his life, doesn't he know the position and ability of the baby? Why do you have to set yourself up a "gravedigger"?

The position of the child baby, Zhao Gao should have known it already

When Qin II wanted to kill Meng Tian, Zi Bao advised: King Zhao qian killed Li Mu and used Yan Ju, King Yan liked to use Jing Ke's plot to betray Qin, and King Jian of Qi killed loyal subjects and used Hou Sheng, all of which were "those who have changed the ancients have lost their country and suffered their bodies." The Mengtian brothers were Great Qin's ministers. It is not right to kill those who are loyal and unscrupulous.

Why did Zhao Gao kill the second son and baby who had a high talent and influence?

At that time, it was Zhao Gao who "destroyed montessori day and night" and deliberately planned to get rid of the Montessori brothers.

Obviously, zhao gao could not have been unaware of the opposition of the baby.

Zi Bao's objections not only reflect his position in dealing with the Montessori brothers, but also reflect his talent, position, and strong dissatisfaction with Zhao Gao.

Obviously, in Zi Bao's words, Meng Shi was a loyal subject like Li Mu and Qi Gu Zhongchen, while Zhao Gao was an "undisciplined person" such as Hou Sheng.

Judging from the historical records, in the Qin Emperor's room, Zi Bao was the only person who openly expressed his hostility to Zhao Gao.

Historically, when a new monarch is established, he has either established a young and mediocre person or a person who is close to him.

The child was old, and judging from his logical and clear advice, his insight and talent were good, and he was obviously hostile to Zhao Gao.

If this is the case, why does Zhao Gao still want to set up a baby?

An attempt to stand on your own

After killing the second, Zhao Gao tried to be a king.

Long before killing Qin II, Zhao Gao had already had private contact with Liu Bang.

Why did Zhao Gao kill the second son and baby who had a high talent and influence?

After killing Qin II, Zhao Gao sent someone to contact Liu Bang ,"to divide The King of Guanzhong". (The Chronicle of History. Takazu Honki)"

When Zi Bao was plotting to kill Zhao Gao, he also said: Zhao Gao Nai and Chu Yue, destroy the Qin Emperor's family and Wang Guanzhong. The baby was mentioned in a discussion with his own son, and there was no need to spread rumors.

At that time, Kwantung had been lost, the main army of Zhang Handan and Wang Li had been destroyed, and Liu Bang marched outside Wuguan.

For Zhao Gao, cooperating with Liu Bang can use his power to suppress the internal and become a king.

And for Liu Bang? Xiang Yu had already won the battle of Julu and was rushing to Guanzhong, while Liu Bang was still fighting fiercely outside Wuguan.

Cooperate with Zhao Gao and quickly enter the customs, Liu Bang can also get the reward of "the first to enter the customs is the king".

Therefore, Zhao Gao's cooperation with Liu Bang seems to be a "win-win situation".

However, "Gao Zu thought it was fraudulent", and it was too dangerous to cooperate with someone like Zhao Gao, and Liu Bang was unwilling.

At the same time, Zhao Gao also tested the attitude of the country and tried to directly become a king.

Historia. The biography of Li Si records that after Zhao Gao killed THE SECOND Emperor, he did wear the jade upper temple, but "the left and right hundred officials could not be obeyed" and really could not sit still.

In this way, Zhao Gao could only support the establishment of a new monarch.

A king must be established

After getting rid of Li Si, Zhao Gao became the middle minister, "everything is decided by gao", and Zhao Gao can be regarded as monopolizing power.

However, Zhao Gao's monopoly of power was based on the fact that Tianzi "stood on the platform" for himself.

Zhao Gaoneng monopolized power, and even referred to deer as horses, completely thanks to the favor of Qin II.

Why did Zhao Gao kill the second son and baby who had a high talent and influence?

Like Shang Martin, Wei Ran, and Lü Buwei, who were previous generations of powerful ministers, you Zhao Gao was calling for wind and rain again, and the king (emperor) was upset, and he wanted to get you, that is, a one-sentence thing.

In the end, Zhao Gao was determined to get rid of Qin II, but he was also worried about Qin II's anger.

At that time, the world was in chaos, and Zhao Gao deceived the second, falsely claimed that the world was too peaceful, and deceived the trust of the second.

However, the six kingdoms of Shandong have been restored to their own, Zhang Handan and Wang Lijun have been annihilated at Julu, and Liu Bang's army has already attacked Wuguan, and it is really impossible to hide it at all!

Qin II finally woke up and sent someone to rebuke Zhao Gao for "stealing things" by thieves.

Unable to hide it, Zhao Gao turned his heart sideways and decided to get rid of the second.

Judging from the process of Zhao Gao's elimination of the second generation, Zhao Gao's own strength was still relatively limited at that time.

The only people who cooperated with Zhao Gao's rebellion were his younger brother Langzhong Ling Zhao Cheng and his son-in-law Xianyang Ling Yan Le.

Lang Zhongling, in charge of commanding the guards in the palace, Lang Zhong.

However, although his brother was Lang Zhongling, Zhao Gao also knew that he could not move Lang Zhong, and could only let Zhao Cheng try to make Lang Zhong relax his guard.

Xianyang Ling could command the officials and soldiers of Xianyang, but there was no soldier' charm, only Relying on Zhao Gao, he could not move people.

Therefore, Zhao Gao took advantage of the loophole in the Qin Dynasty soldier's symbol of "burning things, although there is no symbol, go quickly", let Xianyang Ling "cheat as a big thief", gather officials and soldiers, arrive at Wangyi Palace, and with the cooperation of Lang Zhongling, disarm the unprepared and paralyzed Lang Zhong, and enter the palace. Immediately, Zhao Cheng and a few other people entered the second and forced him to commit suicide.

It can be seen from this that although Zhao Gao has been in power for many years, he only relies on his own power to mobilize the troops of Langzhong and Xianyang, and the reason why he can kill the second is because of his familiarity with the Qin law (finding loopholes) and conspiracies.

Relying on conspiracies and finding loopholes, Zhao Gao was able to kill II, but relying on these alone, how could he hold the field?

Therefore, although Zhao Gao has been in power for many years, his strength is not enough to stand on his own, and he still needs to find a legitimate king to sit in!

So, what kind of people should be set up to "stand on the platform"?

Select the polygon

In ancient times, the most common way to choose a new monarch was to appoint the first king (emperor). Either a crown prince was established early, or a will was appointed.

However, the second was killed, and naturally there is no designation.

In addition, according to the patriarchal basis, choose the characters who are as close as possible in blood.

Why did Zhao Gao kill the second son and baby who had a high talent and influence?

After Qin II ascended the throne, "the ministers and princes of Naixing", the twenty-two sons of Qin Shi Huang (except for the second himself), and ten daughters, were all executed.

Therefore, in terms of blood, the direct descendants of the First Emperor have disappeared.

Of course, there are still many sons in the PangZhi Sect.

Later, Xiang Yu "killed the baby and the prince of the clan room", which shows that the child baby is certainly not a single seedling.

However, the child should be close in blood to the First Emperor.

There are different theories about the identity of the child, some say that he is the younger brother of Qin Shi Huang, some say that he is the son of Qin II's brother, and some say that he is the younger brother of Qin II. (In addition, I personally believe that Zi Bao may be a figure of the Zi Chu generation, who is the little uncle of the First Emperor in terms of generations, but only from the name, there is no historical evidence)

However, no matter which way it is said, in the case that all the direct descendants of Qin Shi Huang were cursed, the children were already relatively close in blood.

Since a new monarch is to be established, the new monarch naturally cannot be too far away in blood relations, and the legitimacy of the blood relations that are too far away is problematic.

Zhao Gao then referred to deer as horses, and it was too late to refer to the royal family.

Therefore, Zhao Gao's choice is very limited.

Babies are still the best candidates

In addition to the problem of blood, the characteristics of the child also make him look like an ideal puppet: famous, powerless.

The Book of the First Emperor of Qin records that Zhao Gao said, "The children and babies are benevolent and thrifty, and the people all carry their words."

Why did Zhao Gao kill the second son and baby who had a high talent and influence?

Judging from the language used by Zi Bao to advise Qin II, Zi Nian dared to speak on such a sensitive issue as the punishment of the Meng brothers, and even said it very seriously, indicating that Zi Nian himself had a certain reputation in the clan room.

However, raising objections on such a sensitive issue and speaking so heavily, the second generation of the Slaughter Clan never took him for a shot, just shows that the child lacks political resources and contacts.

The First Emperor restricted and guarded against the Clan, and the slaughter of the Gongzi by the Second Emperor caused the clan to suffer a devastating blow to the strength of the Clan.

As the "Qin Shi Huang Benji" said: the child and baby are "isolated and unaccompanied, weak and helpless".

Therefore, although zibao has a reputation, he does not have enough political resources to compete with Zhao Gao.

Planted on the project that Zhao Gao is best at

The blood and fame of the child allowed him to continue to give Zhao Gao the power to "refer to deer as horses" in the name of imperial power.

The lack of political resources of the baby made Zhao Gao look like he could not jump out of the palm of Zhao Gao's hand.

As for playing conspiracies, Zhao Gao was even less worried.

Zhao Gao's conspiracy killed Fu Su, Meng Tian, Li Si, and Hu Hai. Each of the most prominent opponents fell under his intrigue.

In contrast, where is the opponent of the child who is known for his benevolence and thrift?

Moreover, in the process of getting rid of the second emperor, Zhao Gao handed over the weapons of the Lang guards, and he could completely replace the inside and outside of the palace with his own henchmen and monitor the children and babies.

However, Zhao Gao still fell on the conspiracy.

It is true that the baby lacks political resources and is really unable to contact the outside world under close surveillance.

Therefore, the child used the five days of fasting to secretly consult with his two sons.

Immediately, on the day of the temple' visit, the baby said that he was ill.

Zhao Gao sent people to please several times, but to no avail, so he personally came to invite: Why didn't the king go to such an important matter as the Zongmiao Temple?

Outside, it is your Zhao Gao's forces, and now, within three steps, your forces are useless no matter how strong they are!

Zi Bao successfully assassinated Zhao Gao.

Zhao Gao fell on the project he was best at.

The talent and position of the child have been expressed very early.

Zhao Gao was obviously aware of the dangers of the baby.

However, after Zhao Gao failed to try to stand on his own, he needed a clan with a good bloodline and reputation to act as a puppet and give himself a "platform".

On the one hand, the bloodline and reputation of the child and the child are all eligible; on the other hand, the child lacks sufficient political resources, is "isolated and unrelated, weak and helpless", and does not have the strength to resist Zhao Gao.

Therefore, Zhao Gao chose the baby.

However, many unrighteous deeds will kill themselves. Zhao Gao eventually fell on the project he was best at.

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