
"The Pretender" original: Today I understand why Ming Lou has never loved Wang Manchun

author:Well-meaning love has no regrets

After Wang Manchun escaped from prison, he held Mingjing hostage. Ming Lou came to the flour mill and saw Wang Manchun pointing a gun at the temple of the mirror, and his nerves were tense. Wang Manchun said: You know what? Since I was a girl, I have fantasized that one day Zhengda Guangming will stand by your eldest sister's side, and as a member of your Ming family, I will salute her and filial piety to her, but this old witch will toast and not eat the penalty wine. Ming Lou, I trust you, rely on you, believe in you unconditionally, give up a lot of things for you, but what have you done? Set a trap for me to jump, put me to death and then fast?

Ming Lou roared: Have you given up a lot of things for me, including kindness? Does that include human nature? Wang Manchun, you are a beast do you know? I dare not admit that I loved you, because I feel ashamed that you insulted that beautiful past, that you defiled the best of everything. I want to erase that memory from the depths of my memory. You say you love me, do you know me? Do you know me? You have no idea who I am.

"The Pretender" original: Today I understand why Ming Lou has never loved Wang Manchun

When Wang Manchun and Ming Lou quarreled, Ming Tai appeared. He deliberately quarreled with Ming Lou and shot Wang Manchun three times when she was defenseless. Wang Manchun fell from the second floor and died on the spot.

The emotional line between Wang Manchun and Ming Lou runs through the entire original work of "The Pretender". At first, I thought that Wang Manchun was truly in love with Ming Lou, if he didn't love Ming Lou too much, how could he trust him unconditionally and fall into the trap he set step by step? However, now looking at the original work of "The Pretender", I found that the emotional entanglement between Wang Manchun and Ming Lou was not so simple, because they had never read love.

"The Pretender" original: Today I understand why Ming Lou has never loved Wang Manchun

1. Wang Manchun cursed Spiegel, not willing to be greater than love.

In order to seize the financial market, the Wang family and the Ming family became sworn enemies in the business field. Wang Furui is a leader in the financial industry and holds a lot of money in his hands, but he is still not satisfied, and for his own selfish interests, he cooperates with Japanese businessmen and deliberately sets a trap to kill Spiegel's father. Mingjing had no choice but to shoulder the heavy responsibility of running the Ming family's business, and Wang Furuo sent people to threaten and induce, and in order to achieve the goal, he sent the killer to put Mingjing to death. If it were not for Mingtai's mother who stepped forward and sacrificed herself, Mingjing would have long been gone.

Before Mingjing's father died, he said that the Wang family and the Ming family were not allowed to marry for three generations, and Mingjing hated the Wang family's practices, so when he learned that Ming Lou and Wang Manchun were in love, he resolutely prevented them from being together. Wang Manchun refused to break up, and Mingjing took the initiative and sent Minglou to study abroad.

"The Pretender" original: Today I understand why Ming Lou has never loved Wang Manchun

Ming Lou and Wang Manchun are classmates, the feelings of the campus era are always pure and beautiful, Ming Lou takes the initiative to pursue Man Chun, and promises to accompany her forever and love her with heart. Not long after the two fell in love, Ming Lou went abroad without a word under the arrangement of Mingjing. Wang Manchun was not willing, and at the age of sixteen, she said viciously to Mingjing: I swear that I must marry Ming Lou, and I will wait to see your death date. You died the day before, and I entered the door the next day, as the mistress of the Ming family, to personally send you a funeral.

In the five years that Ming Lou went abroad, Wang Manchun only talked about a boyfriend, and as for whether this person existed, no one knew. Maybe this boyfriend is just a person made up by Wang Manchun, just to test whether Ming Lou still likes her? Because she had been waiting for Ming Lou to come back and just return with him.

After Ming Lou returned to China, he asked Wang Manchun: Are you still alone? Did you write last year saying you had a great boyfriend? Did you break up?

"The Pretender" original: Today I understand why Ming Lou has never loved Wang Manchun

Wang Manchun said with a strange smile: "That's not true, I killed him, do you want to know the specific details?"

Ming Lou hurriedly waved his hand to stop her from continuing. Ming Lou knew in her heart that there were words in Wang Manchun's words, and she was blaming Ming Lou for not quitting that year. However, Ming Lou did not have the energy to dwell on these things, and he had very important things to do when he returned this time.

Ah Cheng told Ming Lou that as soon as they returned to China, Wang Manchun sent someone to monitor them, and this meeting was not so much nostalgia as suspicion.

Ming Lou sighed: This time when I saw her, I had a feeling of relief, I think I have been entangled in old feelings, I did not realize that this person has long become an executioner, and there is a smell of blood on my body. I don't know if we will also become more and more ferocious and more obscure, until we are buried in hell.

"The Pretender" original: Today I understand why Ming Lou has never loved Wang Manchun

After five years of not seeing each other, the former lover has long since become the most familiar stranger. Ming Lou sensed that Wang Manchun was no longer pure, she was living in hatred, and she had already become completely blind. In addition to hating Ming Lou for not quitting that year, she also hated the eldest sister Ming Jing for destroying their love affair.

Wang Manchun even did not shy away from saying to Ah Cheng: Every time I think of that old witch, I am eager to tear her apart with my own hands. I know what you think in your hearts, but I am not afraid of her, I don't sleep well every day and night, I hate every day and night, I can kill all those who stand in my way, but I can't kill her. I was looking forward to the day when God would open her eyes and let her die in front of me.

Wang Manchun hates Mingjing to the bone, Ming Lou is her first love, is the person she is ready to work together for a lifetime, because of Mingjing's words, their feelings can only end in nothing. She believes that it was Spiegel who ruined her lifelong happiness, so her greatest wish is to take revenge on Spiegel.

"The Pretender" original: Today I understand why Ming Lou has never loved Wang Manchun

The lone wolf suspects that Spiegel is a communist, and Wang Manchun, in order to grasp the handle of Spiegel, places her eyeliner in the bank and supervises Spiegel at all times. If Ming Lou hadn't been aware of it and joined forces with Mingtai to clear up Mingjing's suspicions, Wang Manchun would not have easily let her go.

Later, Wang Manchun grabbed Mingtai, she knew that Mingtai was Mingjing's treasure, if she was not worried that Mingtai's death would affect Minglou and her feelings, she really wanted to shoot Mingtai and let Mingjing taste the taste of losing her relatives. Although she couldn't kill Mingtai, she wouldn't let Go of Mingjing easily.

Wang Manchun let Mingjing bend over to polish her shoes, tortured Mingtai to extract a confession, pulled out his nails, and used the handkerchief she prepared to wrap Mingjing's ashes as a gift to Mingjing, just to stimulate Mingjing and let her know what pain is. Wang Manchun enjoyed this condescending feeling, and she wanted to transfer all the suffering she had suffered to Mingjing.

"The Pretender" original: Today I understand why Ming Lou has never loved Wang Manchun

Wang Manchun's hatred for Spiegel is undisguised, and she does not feel that she is wrong. Even when Mingjing slapped Ming Lou and wanted to break off relations with Ming Lou, Wang Manchun would naively say: "Ming Lou, she doesn't want you, I want you." I can give you a home. Aren't two people in love together a home? Can blood relations be compared to husband and wife? ”

Wang Manchun loves too stubbornly in this relationship, she stubbornly believes that love is greater than the sky, she and Ming Lou fall in love, and have nothing to do with Mingjing. Unfortunately, she overestimated love and underestimated family affection. After the death of Spiegel's parents, although Spiegel is the eldest sister of Ming Lou, she is like a sister like a mother, and Spiegel has no substitute in the hearts of the three brothers of the Ming family.

Wang Manchun cursed Mingjing, even in front of Ming Lou's face, she did not shy away, she did this, too stupid. Just like Spiegel said: Miss Wang, I want to give you a piece of advice, you still forgot about the past things, you are just a book that my family minglou has read, maybe he will turn it over again when he is interested, but I assure you that as long as I mingjing is alive, your book will never fall on his bedside. Also, if I really have a three long and two short, do you think you can live through tomorrow? What kind of person my brother is, I know best.

"The Pretender" original: Today I understand why Ming Lou has never loved Wang Manchun

Mingjing is not wrong, she is the main backbone of the Ming family, in the heart of Ming Lou, family affection is greater than everything. Wang Manchun delusionally believes that love is higher than family affection, but it is just a fool's dream.

Once, I thought that Wang Manchun could not put down the Ming Building, and would be tortured in five years. Now I understand that Wang Manchun has not really loved Ming Lou. Ming Lou returned to China this time, Wang Manchun only inquired whether Ming Lou had a girlfriend, confirmed that he was alone, and he was overjoyed. Does she really know ming lou? Are you really sure what Ming Lou wants to do to her?

Wang Manchun is conceited in her heart, she feels that no matter her posture, life and education, and Ming Lou are all right, no one is more suitable for Ming Lou than her. So she was sure that Ming Lou loved her. She aimed her spearhead at Spiegel, and in addition to hating Spiegel for breaking them up, she was more unwilling.

"The Pretender" original: Today I understand why Ming Lou has never loved Wang Manchun

I once read a sentence: some emotions that cannot be put down are not still in love, but they are not willing, they are not willing to lose to reality like this, and they are not willing to miss it like this.

The Wang family has a big cause, and Wang Manchun is also a big show of the Wang family, as long as it is what she wants, she will definitely get it. Ming Lou went abroad, leaving Wang Manchun overwhelmed, she felt helpless and defeated for the first time, so she would be blinded by hatred and curse Mingjing not to die.

She didn't think that if Ming Lou really loved her, would he go abroad without saying a word? In the final analysis, the choice of going abroad is in the hands of Ming Lou, and Ming Jing is just a person who has come up with an idea.

"The Pretender" original: Today I understand why Ming Lou has never loved Wang Manchun

The favorable family situation and growth environment make Wang Manchun confident and conceited, she is not willing to lose in the hands of Mingjing, do not want to admit that her feelings with Minglou are vulnerable, and easily lost to reality, so she will impose anger and unwillingness on Mingjing. As she herself said, she could cut off all the people who stood in her way, but there was no way to take the mirror.

If Wang Manchun really loves Ming Lou, he should understand the position of Ming Jing in Ming Lou's heart and respect Ming Jing, rather than speaking ill of each other. Marriage has never been a matter of two people, she really loves Ming Lou, how willing to let Ming Lou be embarrassed between her and Ming Jing, and how willing to let him choose one of the two? Without the marriage blessed by Spiegel, will Ming Lou really be happy?

Wang Manchun's feelings for Ming Lou seem to be deep, but they are actually wishful thinking and self-righteous love. What she can't let go of is not Ming Lou, but the self-esteem that is not willing to lose to MingJing.

"The Pretender" original: Today I understand why Ming Lou has never loved Wang Manchun

2. Ming Lou's fierce heart shattered Wang Manchun's only remaining love.

In a person's life, the most memorable is the first love. The feeling of first love is like looking at flowers in the fog, looking at the moon in the water, hazy and intoxicated. Wang Manchun could not put down Ming Lou, although she was not willing to do it, but her love for Ming Lou was real. It's just that she can't control love and reason, and she will lose herself. And this loss also ruined her.

Ming Jing went to the Wang family to make a big fuss and announced in front of everyone that the Ming family would never accept Wang Manchun as the daughter-in-law of the Ming family. Mingjing's words were tantamount to punching Wang Manchun in the face and making her feel self-conscious. The hatred in Wang Manchun's heart was even stronger.

In the original work, it is written that after Mingjing returned, he severely punished Ming Lou, and Ming Lou deliberately exposed the lilac scars on his arm to Wang Manchun. Wang Manchun was surprised and angry: the old maid was clearly a psychopath. She didn't have a man to marry herself, so she didn't allow her brother to marry a wife, forcing you and me to separate from me. She feels uncomfortable just seeing us together, isn't it perverted? You are obviously her brother, but you are like picking it up on the street. Mingtai was clearly picked up on the street, but his heart hurt like a treasure.

"The Pretender" original: Today I understand why Ming Lou has never loved Wang Manchun

Ming Lou's eyes blurred, and the heavy rain outside the window reminded him of the past. If he had really given up everything and eloped with the woman in front of him, would she still be what she is now? Ming Lou listened to Wang Manchun's complaints, took out a handkerchief to wipe out the tears for Manchun, somehow, before he saw Wang Manchun's tears would be sad, now when he saw Wang Manchun's tears, there was no uncomfortable reaction. Because in his mind, there is no longer a struggle between love and non-love, only the words "available" or "disposable".

Ming Lou has always felt guilty about Wang Manchun, because his resignation has made Wang Manchun wait for five years and be uneasy for five years. How many years of youth can a woman have? It was only when Ming Lou met Wang Manchun again that this guilt gradually disappeared. He found that time can really change a person.

Five years ago, Wang Manchun was pure and lovely, and his heart was kind, but five years later, he became a demon who killed people without blinking. In order to catch the Communist Party, Wang Manchun set a trap, but he did not expect to really encounter the Communist Party. Unfortunately, during the arrest process, the other side pulled a grenade, and Wang Manchun and others were shocked and flew out. Wang Manchun angrily said to his subordinates: Give me the verification of his true identity, and dig out his whole family for me.

"The Pretender" original: Today I understand why Ming Lou has never loved Wang Manchun

At this time, two cars came through the fish, the back seat of the car, Ming Lou through the car glass, looking at Wang Manchun with a disgusted face. Ming Lou hates Wang Manchun's viciousness, and she always holds the principle that she would rather kill a thousand people by mistake than let go of one person, and hurt innocent people.

As Wang Manchun's superior, Ming Lou had mentioned that she needed enough evidence to arrest people. Wang Manchun knew that he was accusing herself of killing innocents indiscriminately, and she wanted to defend herself, and she did this because she did not want to let these people go, and they would point a gun at their heads in the future. Unfortunately, she and Ming Lou had different positions, and the more she explained her loyalty to her superiors, the more Ming Lou felt that she looked abominable.

Wang Manchun had doubted the identities of Ming Lou and Ah Cheng, but Ming Lou had a deep heart, and could always see through her thoughts at a glance, see through her plans, and make her unable to start. She pondered the opaque building's mind, and when she saw him in a serious book, she would break out in a cold sweat. She wanted Ming Lou to let down her guard and talk to her once, so that Ming Lou could understand her situation.

"The Pretender" original: Today I understand why Ming Lou has never loved Wang Manchun

The reason why she refused to let go of a communist party was that in addition to asking the Japanese for credit, she also had her own thoughts. She has done things for the Japanese and has stood against the people. Just like she said to Ming Lou: I am different from other women, I have lost too much, and I have killed too many people. I knew that one day, too, I would be killed.

Wang Manchun had predicted her future, and she killed people like a numb, but she was only timid inside. When the lone wolf asked her to meet at the Wind Moon Place, he wanted to take a piece of information from his pocket and give her. Wang Manchun thought she had other plans, immediately pointed a gun at her, and complained: I am so stupid, stupid enough to go to the appointment alone. If you lay out and harm me, I will die here meaninglessly, with dirty water splashing and a hundred mouths.

The lone wolf did not expect that Wang Manchun was such a timid and cautious person. She can only find a way to stabilize her emotions, lest she lose control and create an uncontrollable situation.

"The Pretender" original: Today I understand why Ming Lou has never loved Wang Manchun

In addition to the lone wolf, Mingtai also saw through Wang Manchun's fear. After Wang Manchun arrested Mingtai, he advised Mingtai to confess truthfully: You are only twenty-two years old, do you know what it means to save the country? A hairy boy like you is just too stupid to measure up. When people die, there is nothing left. You are a famous woman, delicate, rich, proud, like a collection of blue and white porcelain, once accidentally broken, you can no longer hold up.

Mingtai smiled: "You must be very scared, right?" You usually don't dare to look in the mirror! Because you are not against me, you are against the whole people, against the ancestors of your Wang family. I am indeed exquisite and rich, but I am not a vase, I am a Buddha.

Mingtai is really good at reading people's minds, and he said that he hit Wang Manchun's pain point, so Wang Manchun angrily pressed him into the water. Even the Lone Wolf and Mingtai could see through Wang Manchun's fear, but Ming Lou had never found it.

"The Pretender" original: Today I understand why Ming Lou has never loved Wang Manchun

Ming Lou did not know that when Wang Manchun interrogated Mingtai, his own will was also worn out. She was about to collapse, and she wanted to step on the back of the Mingtai and shoot. Considering Ming Lou's mood, she held back.

Wang Manchun said to Mingtai: For me, your eldest brother is the other half of my life, and I really don't want you to suffer.

Wang Manchun likes Ming Lou, in addition to the love he did not have when he was young, he also had his own ideas. After five years of not seeing, she found that Ming Lou had changed, becoming scheming and unpredictable. She broke the connection with Ming Lou, hoping that one day she would be in trouble, and Ming Lou could use the power in her hands to save her.

After Wang Furao's death, Wang Manchun had no one to be close to, Liang Zhongchun took her as a sworn enemy, and the Japanese were self-interested and unscrupulous people, except for Ming Lou, she had no one to rely on. Therefore, when Ming Lou asks Wang Manchun who he is loyal to, Wang Manchun will ask him who he is loyal to?

"The Pretender" original: Today I understand why Ming Lou has never loved Wang Manchun

Ming Lou said: Power. Wang Manchun sighed: Brother Shi is greedier than before, but don't be greedy and chew more. You think that there are beautiful people with the country, but in fact, the beauty does not think so, and the beauty only wants to have fun in time. Don't you think that this world is a scorched earth, and we will escape the disaster of war? Wouldn't it be better if we couldn't stay here? Fortunately, I left this chaotic place and went to spend a leisurely day together, okay?

In fact, Wang Manchun hinted at Ming Lou several times, she wanted to elope with Ming Lou, as long as Ming Lou said a word, she could put everything down. The cruelty of the war and the calculation of the intrigue made her sleepless at night and sleepless. She wanted to escape, but she didn't know where to go. There is a Ming Lou, she has the main heart.

It is a pity that Ming Lou has packaged himself as a man who only loves power. Wang Manchun believed it to be true, so he tried his best to eliminate the Communist Party and make the Japanese trust Ming Lou. She didn't want anyone to drag Ming Lou downstairs, but the more she did, the more she became Ming Lou's sworn enemy.

"The Pretender" original: Today I understand why Ming Lou has never loved Wang Manchun

After Wang Manchun fell into the trap set by the Ming Lou and was arrested, he faced the end of his life. Originally, Ming Lou could have saved her life like Mingtai, but he didn't do it. He did not go to the prison to see Wang Manchun, and did not give up on her. If it weren't for Wang Manchun's escape from prison, he would never see her again in his life.

So I understand Wang Manchun's revenge for getting out of prison, she has done many wrong things, sorry for many people, but for Ming Lou, she is not ashamed. Except for Ming Lou, she did not trust anyone, but the person she trusted the most betrayed her and even forced her to die. She holds MingJing hostage, hoping that Ming Lou will pay the price for her actions, she is not happy, she also wants to let Ming Lou live worse than death.

After Wang Manchun held Mingjing hostage, he asked Ming Lou, how did they get to this point? Shanghai is a world of the weak and the strong, the French, the British, the Americans and the Japanese all want to get a piece of the pie, Japan is coming, for her, the end is the same, she does things for the Japanese, but she just wants to live in peace, what is wrong?

"The Pretender" original: Today I understand why Ming Lou has never loved Wang Manchun

Seeing this, I suddenly understood the reason why Wang Manchun went astray. Wang Manchun did not establish the correct three views, she just wanted to live, no matter which way. She had no faith, no spiritual pillar, and her only thought was to be with Ming Lou. Therefore, she does not care about the life and death of others, does not care who she does things for, and whether she destroys her conscience. And Ming Lou is fighting for the people and living for his conscience, and he knows better than Wang Manchun what he should do.

In the original work, Mingtai fired three shots at Wang Manchun's eyebrows, and she fell from the second floor and lay flat on the ground. Mingtai and Minglou quickly untied the bound Mirror and led her away. From beginning to end, Ming Lou did not look at Wang Manchun, nor did he shed a single tear.

Seeing this, I regret the death of Wang Manchun. Did Ming Lou really love Wang Manchun? Maybe the love of youth is just a mutual affection, and with the passage of time, this feeling has also been diluted by time.

"The Pretender" original: Today I understand why Ming Lou has never loved Wang Manchun

There is a saying in the "Breakup List": True love is not just a rose, but no matter what happens, two people must live together.

The love between Wang Manchun and Ming Lou is more like the remembrance of youth and the regret of love and regret. After seeing each other again, things are not human, and Wang Manchun is paranoid about Ming Lou and always wants to make up for this regret. The more you try to close it, the more loopholes there are.

I once thought that Wang Manchun is such a nature, even if she did not meet Ming Lou, she was also a woman who would be vicious in her mind, or whether Ming Lou changed Wang Manchun's nature. If Wang Manchun hadn't fallen in love with Ming Lou, wouldn't he have become so extreme? If Ming Lou could plot against Wang Manchun and persuade Wang Manchun to leave here, or make friends with Wang Manchun and ease her hatred for Mingjing, would everything be different?

"The Pretender" original: Today I understand why Ming Lou has never loved Wang Manchun

Ming Lou always said that Wang Manchun was cold-blooded, but in fact, why wouldn't he? He knew that Man Chun had old feelings for him, but he used Man Chun's liking for him again and again to put her in danger. Wang Manchun had nothing but him. If he had persuaded Man Chun a few more words, maybe Man Chun would not have drilled the tip of the bull's horn and walked into a situation of no return.

Perhaps, this is the cruelty of war. Ming Lou's identity and location did not allow him to take a risk. From the moment he came to Shanghai, he was ready to sacrifice, to sacrifice his love, and his life. Just like Wang Tianfeng said: Love is immortal, so it will not become extinct. But it is a weak underbelly in human nature, especially in our line, with love, it will not happen.

Between Ming Lou and Wang Manchun, whoever moves first loses.

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