
In 1988, underground party members brought back a list of 100 people from Taiwan, solving a mystery for 38 years

Home is the source of happiness, the driving force of life, and the reliance of warmth. In any way, you can't stop a heart that wants to go home. In the nearly half-century from 1949 to 2000, many CCP members who had lost contact in Taiwan finally returned to the mainland smoothly and found their relatives.

Among these old underground party members, there was a very special person, who returned home in 1988 and brought a list of hundreds of names.

Seeing this list, the old Communists who have experienced various wars are moved!

In 1988, underground party members brought back a list of 100 people from Taiwan, solving a mystery for 38 years

For no other reason, every name on this list is a soldier who disappeared after going to Taiwan before. And from the mouth of this "homecoming", we also understand why they are missing. Because they were all killed by the Taiwan authorities.

Later, in a conversation with everyone, the old man who returned to China mentioned a name on the list: Liu Guangdian. He told his story with the Communist Party and with Taiwan. And it was precisely this old man's words that completely revealed the whereabouts of Liu Guangdian, an underground party member who had been out of touch with the mainland for 38 years.


On the mainland, Liu Guangdian was lonely and unknown, but in Taiwan in the 1950s, he was regarded as the "three masters" of Taiwan's intelligence work, along with Wu Shi, then deputy chief of staff of the "Ministry of National Defense" of the Kuomintang authorities, and Zhu Feng, a traffic officer of the underground party of the Communist Party of China.

In 1988, underground party members brought back a list of 100 people from Taiwan, solving a mystery for 38 years

In 1922, Liu Guangdian was born into an ordinary farming family in Lushun, Liaoning Province. Life was not smooth, and due to the unfortunate death of his father at the age of 15, Liu Guangdian could only go out to make a living. Between the ages of 15 and 18, he worked as an apprentice, a medical business, and a financial and accounting job in a coal mine.

During this period, Liu Guangdian's clever, studious, hard-working flashes also attracted many members of the opposite sex, and by 1942, at the age of 20, he had a family with a girl named Wang Sulian.

It is said that the family has been established, and now that the family has become a family, what Liu Guangdian wants next is naturally a good job. However, in that era of rampant Japanese aggression, what kind of stable work was there? Therefore, Liu Guangdian, who has been working outside for many years, is ready to take his wife back to his hometown in Lushun first, first, to see his elderly parents, and second, to find a suitable job in Lushun.

After returning to Lushun, because Liu Guangdian knew Japanese, by chance, he found a position in the Japanese pseudo-police station. However, as a hot-blooded young man, Liu Guangdian hated the atrocities of the Japanese Kou very much, so he often used his spare time to secretly protect the people and anti-Japanese people.

In 1988, underground party members brought back a list of 100 people from Taiwan, solving a mystery for 38 years

However, Liu Guangdian did not stay in Lushun for a long time, and after resigning from his position in the Japanese pseudo-police department, he began to travel to Beiping, Shanghai and other places, continuing to engage in the pharmaceutical business, and the business was also doing smoothly, saving a lot of savings. It is also worth mentioning that during this period, in order to have a brighter future, he also went to Beijing Fu Jen University to study economics and management.

The sun and the moon alternate, the years are like shuttles, and in the blink of an eye, four years have passed. And these four years of experience, but also let Liu Guangdian grow a lot, he is no longer a 20-year-old hairy boy, a long time in the mall, his eyes are poisonous.

At the end of 1946, when Liu Guangdian was doing business in Shanghai, he met a northeastern fellow named Hong Guoshi. As soon as they first met, Liu Guangdian felt that the Hongguo style was extraordinary. After in-depth exchanges, Liu Guangdian confirmed his ideas, and he was indeed not an ordinary person, but an underground worker of the CCP.

In 1988, underground party members brought back a list of 100 people from Taiwan, solving a mystery for 38 years

Hong joined the revolution in 1938 and joined the Communist Party of China in 1945. After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Hong Guoshi went to Shanghai in 1946 to do intelligence work, responsible for collecting military intelligence of the Kuomintang, and at the same time undertaking the task of developing personnel suitable for the work of the CCP's hidden front.

The reason why he came into contact with Liu Guangdian was precisely because he took a fancy to Liu Guangdian's cleverness and hoped that Liu Guangdian could join the Communist Party of China and come to his side to do things.

Although Liu Guangdian was not highly educated, he was well aware of the situation at that time, and he also believed that the revolution was necessary for China at that time. So in early 1947, under the introduction of Hong Guoshi, Liu Guangdian joined the Dalian Intelligence Office of the Northeast Social Department of the Communist Party of China. Subsequently, the two established the CCP intelligence station "Huashi Company" in Shanghai.


At the end of the 1940s, China's revolution progressed very rapidly, and by the first half of 1949, with the victory of the three major battles of the People's Liberation Army and the Battle of Crossing the River, most of China had been liberated. Seeing that the general trend was gone, the Kuomintang chose Taiwan as their last foothold.

In 1988, underground party members brought back a list of 100 people from Taiwan, solving a mystery for 38 years

As for how to deal with the Kuomintang troops on the other side of the strait, the Party Central Committee finally decided to liberate Taiwan in the summer of 1950.

It can fight across the strait, and intelligence is very important. Although our Party had already sent many underground Party members to Taiwan at that time, if there were no radios, how could they pass on information? Therefore, our party can only send traffic personnel to Taiwan and let them risk their lives to retrieve information. And this important task finally fell to Liu Guangdian's body.

In the second half of 1948, Liu Guangdian's family moved into a new home in Beiping. In 1949, Peiping was peacefully liberated. At this point, Liu Guangdian could have lived a stable and happy life with his wife and children, but for the liberation of the whole country, Liu Guangdian finally accepted this difficult task.

In April 1949, Liu Guangdian bid farewell to his wife and children and left Beijing for Hong Kong. After half a year of preparation, Liu Guangdian secretly arrived in Taiwan on October 25.

In 1988, underground party members brought back a list of 100 people from Taiwan, solving a mystery for 38 years

In Taiwan, Liu Guangdian stayed for about a month. During this period, Liu Guangdian, with his ingenuity, obtained a lot of intelligence, and on November 27, he successfully brought back a batch of important Kuomintang intelligence to the mainland. Although the process is difficult, the ending is good. What Liu Guangdian brought back this time was Chiang Kai-shek's top-secret intelligence in Taiwan: the arrangement of the Kuomintang's troops in the sea, land, and air.

However, it is not enough to liberate Taiwan on the basis of this information alone. Therefore, in order to continue to collect the latest intelligence on Taiwan, Liu Guangdian went to Taiwan again in June 1950.

At that time, the situation in Taiwan was no longer what it used to be, and Chiang Kai-shek had discovered the intelligence organization of the Chinese Communists and was conducting an all-out search. Gunfire continued to erupt from the execution ground in Machangcho, a suburb of Taipei, and countless red agents were found shot. Under such circumstances, Liu Guangdian went to Taiwan again, and the degree of danger can be imagined. But Liu Guangdian could no longer take care of these things, in order to complete the tasks assigned by the organization, he had already opened up everything.

In 1988, underground party members brought back a list of 100 people from Taiwan, solving a mystery for 38 years

This time when he came to Taiwan, Liu Guangdian did not take long to get new information. However, in early February 1951, when Liu Guangdian sent a message to his superiors that "the goods have been completed and shipped to the port within the day," an accident occurred: Hong Guoshi and others who were collecting intelligence in Taiwan with Liu Guangdian were discovered and arrested by the Kuomintang secret service organization.

The reason why Liu Guangdian escaped the disaster was because he happened to go to Taipei on the same day and was ready to buy a ferry ticket to return to Hong Kong. In addition, Hong Guoshi also protected Liu Guangdian at a critical moment, did not give his position, and created time for Liu Guangdian to escape.

Faced with such a harsh situation, Liu Guangdian tried his best to keep his head cool, and he even sent an alarm to the organization through the post office that "Jundi died of acute encephalitis", suggesting that the organization had been destroyed. Subsequently, Liu Guangdian contacted another related person, Wang Yaodong, and after a period of discussion, the two decided to leave Taipei immediately and go to Hong Kong.

In 1988, underground party members brought back a list of 100 people from Taiwan, solving a mystery for 38 years

However, the two people's plans were unexpected in the middle of the road, and due to taiwan's strict investigation, they had to stay away from the docks, hide in the downtown, and wait for the right time in anonymity. Since then, Liu Guangdian has also lost contact with the party organization.


So, during this period of time, where did Liu Guangdian and Wang Yaodong hide? From the old man who returned to China, we learned that Liu Guangdian had been hidden in a cave on the top of a mountain at an altitude of one thousand meters for four years from 1950 to 1954.

Although he was in the mountains, Liu Guangdian always wanted to return to the mainland. Once, when Liu Guangdian learned that his friend Lai Zhengliang had a relative working for a shipping company in Taiwan, he asked him to try to help him leave Taiwan. However, because the Kuomintang troops strengthened the blockade of the seaport and the wharf, and strictly prohibited ships from taking people out of the port without permission, Liu Guangdian's plan to leave Taiwan this time also failed.

In 1988, underground party members brought back a list of 100 people from Taiwan, solving a mystery for 38 years

In fact, Liu Guangdian wanted to leave Taiwan more than once, but due to the obstruction of the Taiwan authorities, every plan to leave Taiwan failed to succeed.

Originally, Liu Guangdian was hiding in the mountains, and there was no possibility of being discovered by the Kuomintang. Infuriatingly, however, among the progressives, traitors appeared, offering Liu Guangdian's hiding place.

In February 1954, after nearly four years of tracking, Kuomintang agents finally captured a group of underground CCP members and progressives who were shielding in the Tainan area. Among this group, another progressive man named Hu Canglin, who could not resist the torture of Kuomintang agents, finally confessed Liu Guangdian's hiding place: In March 1950, a man named Wang Yaodong hid in the nearby mountains with an important figure of the Ccp.

After the enemy received such information, when he organized a large number of troops to conduct a large-scale search of the deep mountains in Hu Canglin's mouth, he finally captured Liu Guangdian and Wang Yaodong at Gouping, the junction between Tainan and Kaohsiung, on February 13, 1954.

In 1988, underground party members brought back a list of 100 people from Taiwan, solving a mystery for 38 years

What is infuriating is that after Liu Guangdian was captured, the despicable Kuomintang secret service actually carried out a divisive plan. They began to spread the news that Liu Guangdian had abandoned the dark and cast his allegiance to the "party-state." In addition, in order to make this divisive plan more complete, they even arranged for a Kuomintang agent who looked similar to Liu Guangdian to go to Hong Kong to make anti-communist remarks.

In prison, Zhen Liu Guangdian was tortured inhumanly. What is admirable is that in the next five years, no matter how severely Liu Guangdian was tortured to extract a confession, he always adhered to his revolutionary beliefs and did not give the Kuomintang a single bit of information.

In October 1958, the Kuomintang Taiwan Provincial Security Headquarters formed a trial hall and sentenced Liu Guangdian to death. In January of the following year, after receiving a message about Liu Guangdian, Chiang Kai-shek waved a large stroke of the pen: "This case was cracked in 1954, why is it extended to the present sentence, check the report, Liu Prisoner's death sentence is approved." ”

In 1988, underground party members brought back a list of 100 people from Taiwan, solving a mystery for 38 years

In this way, Liu Guangdian lost his precious life in February 1959 accompanied by a gunshot. At the time of Liu Guangdian's death, he was only 37 years old, and in Beiping, across the strait, there was his wife and children who had been waiting for him to return home. But they never heard of their husbands again, and it wasn't until the old man returned home with the list in 1988 that they learned that their husband, his father, was a great hero. The mystery of Liu Guangdian's disappearance in Taiwan has finally come to a conclusion, and the truth has since come out.

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