
The multi-faceted life of Han Fuyu, the "King of Shandong", the warlord of the Republic of China, even the warlords have done good things!

History has its own life, it is like a person, both easy-going and self-respecting. ——Yu Qiuyu

Han Fuyu (Chinese: 汉復榘; pinyin: Fáng Fúng), courtesy name Xiangfang, was born in Bazhou, Hebei Province.

A rectangular face, broom eyebrows, a strong body, a love of large hats, and a gray military uniform are the basic impressions of him.

Although he was born in the army and had also done humorous oil poems such as "Baotu Spring, Spring Spring, Three Springs are as Thick as Eyes", Han Fuyu was not an illiterate person who could not read big characters.

According to the "New Chronicle of Baxian County", since the time of Han Fuyu's great-grandfather, the Han family has been passed down through the generations with cultivation and reading, which is a well-known family of scholars.

Therefore, before Han Fuyu joined the army, he also followed his father Han Jingyuan (formerly Qing Xiucai) to study private school for several years.

It should be noted that most of the soldiers who joined the army at that time were illiterate.

Therefore, as soon as Han Fuyu, who was rough of literature and ink, entered the barracks, he was given the weight of the battalion commander Feng Yuxiang.

Later, with the continuous improvement of Feng Yuxiang's position, Han Fuyu's official position was also promoted.

The multi-faceted life of Han Fuyu, the "King of Shandong", the warlord of the Republic of China, even the warlords have done good things!

It is rumored to be the calligraphy of "big old and rough" Han Fuyu

In 1924, Feng Yuxiang launched the "Beijing Coup".

In order to consolidate his position, Feng Yuxiang specially organized the "Martial Society", which was specially used to cultivate military talents, and Han Fuyu, Sun Liangcheng, Liu Ruming, Shi Yousan, etc. were all famous figures among them, and the title of "Thirteenth Taibao" was also derived.

By the spring of 1928, when the four warlords of Chiang Kai-shek, Li Zongren, Feng Yuxiang, and Yan Xishan joined forces in the Northern Expedition, Han Fuyu had become the commander-in-chief of the Third Front Army of the Second Army.

However, with the complete withdrawal of the Fengzhi warlords from North China, the four major warlords immediately began a new round of hegemony.

The multi-faceted life of Han Fuyu, the "King of Shandong", the warlord of the Republic of China, even the warlords have done good things!

On the eve of the Battle of Chiang Feng

In May 1929, after Chiang Kai-shek defeated Li Zongren of the Gui clan, he turned north and reached the Henan region controlled by Feng Yuxiang's troops.

In view of the lessons learned from the defeat of the Gui clan due to the dispersion of troops, Feng Yuxiang decided to shrink the front, abandon Shandong and Henan, and withdraw Sun Liangcheng, Shi Yousan, Han Fuyu and other troops to Shaanxi and western Henan.

Han Fuyu, Shi Yousan, and others were reluctant to leave their existing territory, and they were already dissatisfied with Feng Yuxiang's paternalistic discipline, so they betrayed Feng Yuxiang under Chiang Kai-shek's bribery.

After the war, Han Fuyu not only maintained the status of chairman of Henan Province, but also received a considerable amount of funds and weapons.

In 1930, the Central Plains War broke out between Jiang, Feng and Yan, and Han Fuyu, who avoided war and defended himself, took the opportunity to enter Shandong and became the fourth chairman of Shandong Province.

The multi-faceted life of Han Fuyu, the "King of Shandong", the warlord of the Republic of China, even the warlords have done good things!

Han Fuyu

In fact, Chiang Kai-shek had long been dissatisfied with his failure to listen to the orders, so Han Fuyu's inauguration as chairman of Shandong Province was not smooth sailing.

Later, considering the need to concentrate the main force against Yan Xishan and Feng Yuxiang, Chiang Kai-shek reluctantly agreed.

Han Fuyu was well aware of this, so as soon as he entered Shandong, he vigorously squeezed out the officials appointed by Nanjing and installed his concubines in various important government departments.

In this way, the contradiction between Han Fuyu and Chiang Kai-shek was further deepened.

In order to prevent Han Fuyu's power from expanding too much, Chiang Kai-shek, in addition to handing over Qingdao to Zhang Xueliang's naval garrison, also placed Zhang Zongchang's general Liu Zhennian in Jiaodong.

With the rich resources of Jiaodong, Liu Zhennian's department quickly expanded from 3,000 to 30,000 people.

On the outside, there were more than 100,000 Jiang Junyuan clans under the command of Liu Zhi stationed in the Xuzhou area, and inside there were Liu Zhennian's troops, and Han Fuyu was deeply in crisis.

In September 1932, after gaining zhang Xueliang's support, Han Fuyu immediately launched an attack on Liu Zhennian.

At this time, Chiang Kai-shek was busy with his "internal" cause, and he had no intention or ability to support Liu Zhennian.

Therefore, after four months of fierce fighting, Liu Zhennian was driven out of Shandong by Han Fuyu.

The multi-faceted life of Han Fuyu, the "King of Shandong", the warlord of the Republic of China, even the warlords have done good things!

Han Fuyu, chairman of Shandong Province during the Republic of China

After driving Liu Zhennian away, Han Fuyu again targeted Zhang Weicun, the head of the kuomintang's party department in Shandong Province.

This man was a secret agent, used to hide a knife in a funny way, and Mingli was obedient to Han Fuyu, but secretly reported his actions to Nanjing.

In view of this man's lust and immorality, Han Fuyu set up a beauty plan to assassinate him.

At this point, Han Fuyu became a veritable "Earth Emperor".

It is worth mentioning that although Han Fuyu was violent and violent during his tenure and took people's lives, he also did several good things.

For example, in order to eliminate the habitual bandits in Shandong Province, such as "Liu Heiqi, Zhang Blackface," "Little White Dragon," and "Grass Flying," Han Fuyu not only listed the suppression of bandits in Qingxiang as one of the four administrative contents, but also often personally visited the front line to supervise the battle.

For a time, Shandong Province, which was originally plagued by bandits, was greatly improved in 1935, and even Han Fuyu openly declared that "there are no bandits in this province."

But after all, Han Fuyu is a warlord, and it is his nature to cherish the army's fate, which also determines his negative attitude towards the war, and even leads to the disaster of killing.

The multi-faceted life of Han Fuyu, the "King of Shandong", the warlord of the Republic of China, even the warlords have done good things!

In the first few months of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression in 1937, Han Fuyu also personally went to the front and fought several hard battles with the Japanese and Kou in Dezhou, Huimin and other places.

However, when he asked for supplies from the Nanjing side, the authorities not only did not send a single soldier, but also transferred the heavy artillery units stationed in Tai'an when the war situation was urgent.

Han Fuyu would not consider chiang kai-shek's argument that Nanjing was tight, and in his eyes Chiang Kai-shek wanted to use the hand of the Japanese to eliminate dissidents.

In addition, he saw that the entire anti-Japanese defense line had shrunk to the south of the Yellow River, and felt that the war situation was difficult to reverse.

Therefore, as soon as the artillery was transferred away, Han Fuyu sent a telegram ordering the Zhan Shu Tang division, which was about to enter Texas north, to return immediately.

On December 13 of the same year, the Japanese army immediately concentrated its forces on Jinan after capturing Nanjing.

Knowing that the Japanese army had crossed the river, Han Fuyu, who had already made an escape plan, retreated to Jining with a cigarette.

Li Zongren was sitting in Xuzhou, and when he learned that Han Fuyu had repeatedly abandoned Jinan, Tai'an, Qufu, and Yanzhou without a fight, he sent a telegram to question him.

Han Fuyu simply replied with eight words, "Nanjing has been lost, why keep Tai'an?" ”

The multi-faceted life of Han Fuyu, the "King of Shandong", the warlord of the Republic of China, even the warlords have done good things!

Chiang Kai-shek

On January 8, 1938, Han Fuyu again abandoned Jining.

According to his intention, it was to retreat to the southwestern Henan and northern Hubei regions to avoid the Japanese front, in order to achieve the purpose of preserving strength.

This is not to mention, Han Fuyu also privately contacted Liu Xiang and Song Zheyuan to plot against Jiang, trying to block him east of The Gate of Chu and TongGuan.

Upon learning of Han Fuyu's plot, Chiang Kai-shek, who was intertwined with new hatred and old hatred, strengthened his determination to kill Han.

On January 10, 1938, Chiang Kai-shek imitated Liu Bang's pseudo-You Yunmeng to detain and kill Han Xin, and in the name of a meeting, lured Han Fuyu into Kaifeng for arrest.

In the face of Chiang Kai-shek's questioning, Han Fuyu did not want to show weakness, and went so far as to ask Chiang Kai-shek in public about the loss of Nanjing.

Undoubtedly, Han Fuyu's stubbornness at the meeting hastened his death even more.

On January 24, 1938, Han Fuyu was shot by soldiers in the place of detention, ending his life of repeated changes.

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