
In 1957, Chairman Mao came to Qingdao to visit Mao Anqing, who was seriously ill, and Mao Anqing choked up: I dreamed of my mother

Our great leader, Chairman Mao, stepped forward at a time of national peril, saved the people who were struggling in the depths of the sea, liberated them from the dark oppression Chinese, and brought them light and hope.

For the sake of the great national righteousness, Chairman Mao gave up the consummation of his small family for the sake of everyone's fraternity, and he threw himself into the revolution early, leaving his wife and children to wait bitterly, encountering suffering and torture that ordinary people could not bear, and even sacrificed his life.

In 1957, Chairman Mao came to Qingdao to visit Mao Anqing, who was seriously ill, and Mao Anqing choked up: I dreamed of my mother

However, the family of the great man is also an iron backbone, and with his tenacious national integrity and the unrepentant struggle for the cause of peace construction of the motherland, we have seen the greatness of the revolutionary family, not only out of a legendary leader, but also with strong support and understanding behind him, and a common belief, which is really admirable.

Chairman Mao's second son, Mao Anqing, obviously also experienced the twists and turns of suffering, but as a descendant of great people, he also lived up to the expectations of the people and created brilliant.

In 1957, Chairman Mao made a special visit to Mao Anqing on his way to Qingdao, and Mao Anqing choked up and said, "I dreamed of my mother," mixed with a lot of bitterness and nostalgia.

In 1957, Chairman Mao came to Qingdao to visit Mao Anqing, who was seriously ill, and Mao Anqing choked up: I dreamed of my mother

The shadow of childhood

Born in Changsha, Hunan Province in 1923, Mao Anqing lived an uncertain and displaced life with his parents and brothers from an early age because his father had great ambitions, threw himself into the revolution early, and traveled east and west for ideals and beliefs.

When his father left the house and bowed down to the motherland and the people without hesitation, he suffered a fatal blow in his life, who lacked his father's love and care.

After the defeat of the Great Revolution, the family was implicated, the mother Yang Kaihui was brutally killed by the inhumane reactionary warlords, heroic and righteous, and the eldest brother was also arrested and imprisoned together, tortured, but fortunately waited for the rescue and arrangement of the organization to transfer the three brothers to Shanghai.

In 1957, Chairman Mao came to Qingdao to visit Mao Anqing, who was seriously ill, and Mao Anqing choked up: I dreamed of my mother

I thought that everything would get better, but what was even worse was that the third brother unfortunately passed away, and his and his eldest brother's life was getting worse, often hungry, hungry and cold, and even lived a wandering life.

Fortunately, the two were once again cared for by the party organization, sent to the Soviet Union to study, and finally got rid of endless suffering and torture, began to step on the right track, and were able to pursue their ideals and study well without distraction.

In 1957, Chairman Mao came to Qingdao to visit Mao Anqing, who was seriously ill, and Mao Anqing choked up: I dreamed of my mother

Tiger father has no dog

As chairman Mao's son and brother was also a heroic and fearless revolutionary fighter, Mao Anqing did not hesitate to let go, and when he was in the Soviet Union, he actively devoted himself to revolutionary logistics work, dug trenches, transported the wounded, and became an indispensable reserve force on the front-line battlefield.

In 1947, Mao Anqing finally returned to his motherland after going around and through twists and turns, he returned from his studies and became a glorious Communist Party member, immediately threw himself into the construction of the motherland, served the country, and participated in the pilot land reform in Keshan County, Heilongjiang According to his father's will.

And the long period of Russian life made Mao Anqing not completely change the language system some chaos at the same time, but also can not adapt to the diet and living habits, water and soil are not satisfied, but fortunately, with the help of nobles, leaders and colleagues have given Mao Anqing meticulous care, teach him to use chopsticks, leave him biscuits, slowly, Mao Anqing also adapted to such a collective life.

In 1957, Chairman Mao came to Qingdao to visit Mao Anqing, who was seriously ill, and Mao Anqing choked up: I dreamed of my mother

Even if the environment is harsh and the conditions are difficult, Mao Anqing still has a high morale for the land reform work, he often tirelessly and bravely walks the streets and alleys to investigate and visit, humbly asks colleagues for advice, and devotes himself wholeheartedly to the cause of land reform.

Not only that, Mao Anqing also skillfully combined the national conditions, passionately preached, went deep among the masses, won the trust of the common people, learned from the experience of the former Soviet Union, and solved the problem of peasants' lack of farming work and livestock in the form of cooperation and mutual assistance, thus greatly arousing the enthusiasm of the people.

In 1957, Chairman Mao came to Qingdao to visit Mao Anqing, who was seriously ill, and Mao Anqing choked up: I dreamed of my mother

In 1949, Mao Anqing successfully completed his mission and returned to Beijing, but his pace of serving the motherland did not stop, he had been engaged in the translation of Marxist-Leninist works for a long time, translated and disseminated Marxist-Leninist ideas with his super Russian proficiency and translation ability, and had quick thinking, making great contributions to the construction of Marxist theory and the development of philosophy and social science in our party.

Mao Anqing, who has achieved outstanding achievements, has never been complacent and proud of his achievements, nor has he ever considered himself superior because he is the descendant of a great man; he has always worked diligently in his post, immersed himself in hard work, and is worthy of being an excellent Communist Party member who is competent and dedicated.

In 1957, Chairman Mao came to Qingdao to visit Mao Anqing, who was seriously ill, and Mao Anqing choked up: I dreamed of my mother

Affection and nostalgia

Mao Anqing has been working diligently and steadily, and thought that life would be so full of hope, but in 1951, the bad news of the sacrifice of the eldest brother Mao Anying came, and he was exhausted in his post and fell ill, such a fatal blow made Mao Anqing's body overwhelmed, exhausted, and aggravated.

After losing his eldest son, Chairman Mao was heartbroken, and when he learned that his second son's physical condition was worrisome, he was naturally worried about such a son who had been full of suffering since childhood.

In 1957, Chairman Mao made a special visit to his son Mao Anqing, who was recuperating there, through Qingdao, and inquired about his son's physical condition and living conditions in great detail, until he confirmed that his son was gradually recovering, and then he let go of the heart that had been hanging and smiled happily.

In 1957, Chairman Mao came to Qingdao to visit Mao Anqing, who was seriously ill, and Mao Anqing choked up: I dreamed of my mother

Looking at the special trip to visit his father, Mao Anqing could no longer always think of his heart, full of grievances and bitterness turned into tears and full of affectionate words, he choked and said to his father: "I dreamed of my mother who had not dreamed for decades, and she instructed me to practice words well to help you copy articles." ”

Chairman Mao naturally had mixed feelings after listening to it, and he was very moved, and his son's words aroused his memories, and for a while he also recalled the bits and pieces of the past, which was inevitable to be a little sad.

The two exchanged heartfelt words, the father and son embraced each other deeply, and the love and nostalgia of blood thicker than water haunted the two, and could not be calmed for a long time.

In 1957, Chairman Mao came to Qingdao to visit Mao Anqing, who was seriously ill, and Mao Anqing choked up: I dreamed of my mother

brief summary:

Mao Anqing's son summed up his father like a big book, enough to taste for a lifetime, which is probably the leading role of idol models. As the descendant of a great man, he is not humble or profane, never flaunts his might, uses what he has learned in his life to work diligently, and serves the motherland in a down-to-earth manner, which can be called the pillar of the country.

Mao Anqing even taught his own spiritual words and deeds to future generations, encouraging them to serve the country and win glory for the country.

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