
The tomb of the princess of the Tang Dynasty in Shaanxi was excavated, and the shameless behavior of the tomb robbers attracted the anger of the public, experts: animals and animals are not as good

A gentle gust of wind awakens the body that has been sleeping for a thousand years; a gentle gust of wind blows away the mysterious veil of history. Standing on the shoulders of time, I talk to history.

In traditional Chinese culture, digging up other people's ancestral graves is a rather taboo thing, and it will be laughed at by everyone. Yet some people are blinded by profit, and they will do these unconscionable things in spite of the condemnation of conscience. Because most of the ancient tombs have valuable and expensive burial items, which also gave birth to the industry of tomb robbers. Even today, China has perfected the relevant laws and regulations, there are still some remote places that are not protected.

The tomb of the princess of the Tang Dynasty in Shaanxi was excavated, and the shameless behavior of the tomb robbers attracted the anger of the public, experts: animals and animals are not as good

In 1986, a mausoleum was stolen in a small place in Shaanxi. After the local villagers discovered the robbery cave, they immediately informed the local cultural relics protection department. Experts who came to the door of the scene immediately carried out rescue protection work on the stolen mausoleum. After a period of survey and investigation. Experts found that the owner of the mausoleum had a lot of promises, and she turned out to be the Princess Changle during the Zhenguan period of the Tang Dynasty.

The tomb of the princess of the Tang Dynasty in Shaanxi was excavated, and the shameless behavior of the tomb robbers attracted the anger of the public, experts: animals and animals are not as good

Princess Changle was a descendant of Emperor Taizong of Tang and Empress Changsun. Although Princess Changle was favored by Tang Taizong since childhood, she was named Princess Changle at the age of 8. But fate was not good, and Princess Changle died of illness at the age of 23. The death of Princess Changle made Tang Taizong very sad. In order to commemorate Princess Changle, Emperor Taizong of Tang ordered people to build a mausoleum for Princess Changle with the highest specifications. The mausoleum built has a total of 6 main burial chambers, with an overall length of 50 meters. The mausoleum as a whole looks magnificent and atmospheric, and at first glance it is owned by people of high status. And the tomb is full of all kinds of exquisite frescoes.

The tomb of the princess of the Tang Dynasty in Shaanxi was excavated, and the shameless behavior of the tomb robbers attracted the anger of the public, experts: animals and animals are not as good

It is a pity that the burial items in the tomb of This princess Changle have been taken away by tomb robbers. There is nothing of value left. The experts have conducted a careful examination of the entire forest. Angry and scolding, the beast is not as good. What is it that makes experts so out of shape? It turned out that after the investigation of experts, there was no coffin of Princess Changle in the mausoleum, and there were only some traces of firewood burning around, which is the so-called black charcoal.

The tomb of the princess of the Tang Dynasty in Shaanxi was excavated, and the shameless behavior of the tomb robbers attracted the anger of the public, experts: animals and animals are not as good

Obviously, these tomb robbers burned the coffin of Princess Changle for the illumination of the tomb. Moreover, the remains of Princess Changle have not been left in the tomb. It shows that the capital of the corpse was stolen. Such a shameless and vulgar means, it is no wonder that even experts have to break their mouths and scold.

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