
Jingbian: Riding a "donkey" to class, traditional culture comes alive

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Jingbian: Riding a "donkey" to class, traditional culture comes alive

Riding a "donkey" to class is not only a move of traditional cultural inheritance and development, but also a "new trick" for good primary school physical education classes. Recently, the Shaanxi Science and Technology Daily reporter came to our county to collect wind, and watched how the non-genetic teachers in our county taught the students at the scene of the fifteen and five small schools in Jingbian, and recorded the process with the camera in their hands, which was released to the Internet and attracted the onlookers of netizens, and received a lot of praise.

Jingbian: Riding a "donkey" to class, traditional culture comes alive

In the Danxia Geomorphological Scenic Spot in Longzhou, Jingbian County, the interviewers also recorded the magnificent Danxia Geomorphological Scenic Spot and the Jingbian Running Donkey and the Overlord Whip, which caused a surprise from netizens in the comment area, praising Jingbian as a fusion of miraculous natural landscapes and profound humanistic feelings.

At the foot of Tongwancheng, a melodious horse's head piano sounded, the national style dancers fluttered, and the time of a desolate battlefield was vividly remembered, as if weeping and telling the trajectory left by the wheels of history over the past thousand years on this land, which was fascinating. The owner of the shop, Jia Xiaoyan, not only makes the ribs well, but also is famous for his paper-cutting skills, "a pair of clever hands to win the double inheritance". Bai Na, the post-90s owner of the wife's dried lamb minced soba noodles main store, touched the nearby villagers with her helpful deeds. The reporters of Shaanxi KeBao recorded these touching and profound inheritance stories with their lenses.

In recent years, with the continuous expansion of the influence of tourism resources in our county, Longzhou Danxia, Tongwancheng, etc. have been favored by more and more people, attracting tourists and journalists from other places to visit and publicize, this time Shaanxi Science and Technology Newspaper interviewers came to our county to collect style to our county Tongwancheng National Heritage Park, Danxia landform scenic spots, intangible cultural heritage, characteristic local cuisine for centralized publicity, so that the outside world not only understand the unique scenery of Jingbian, the depth of historical and cultural heritage, but also to understand the Jingbian people's spirit of struggle as always to inject vitality.

Source: Jingbian Rong Media

Hosted by Jingbian County Bureau of Culture, Tourism, Cultural Relics, Radio, Film and Television

Producer: Lin Ze

Editor-in-Chief: Yan Kunshan Responsible Editor: Ma Jin'e





Jingbian: Riding a "donkey" to class, traditional culture comes alive

Jingbian Cultural Travel / Douyin Kuaishou / Weibo WeChat

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