
Shaanxi discovered the tomb of a Tang Dynasty princess, and the shameful behavior of tomb robbers caused public anger, and experts angrily rebuked animals and beasts


The ancient poem says: "Personnel have metabolism, and exchanges have become ancient and modern." The country and mountains have left a trace of victory, and my generation has returned to the landing. "This means that the great rivers and mountains of our country have lasted for a long time, and people from generations have been able to go to see it. However, the Chinese civilization has been handed down to this day, and it is not only the homeland of mountains and rivers that can be left for future generations to appreciate. There are also many historical artifacts.

Shaanxi discovered the tomb of a Tang Dynasty princess, and the shameful behavior of tomb robbers caused public anger, and experts angrily rebuked animals and beasts

The Shunzhi Emperor once wrote a poem: "How many heroes and Hans have come in ancient times, and the mountains in the north and south are lying in mud." "This is to say that the heroes and good men of the ancients will inevitably die, and eventually they will become a piece of loess on the mountain, and it is not only the heroic boys who have become the loess, but also those strange women who are magnificent."

1. The princess who soaked up in the honeypot

According to the existing historical records, most of the princesses of the dynasties have been pampered and cared for, they are often the heart of the emperor, the pearl in the palm of the hand, and the girl who will be envied by all girls. But often there are also some princesses who will become victims of national politics and embark on the road of marriage and kinship.

Shaanxi discovered the tomb of a Tang Dynasty princess, and the shameful behavior of tomb robbers caused public anger, and experts angrily rebuked animals and beasts

Whether it is a princess who has spent her life in thousands of favors, or a princess who is forced to marry her relatives, their living standards will always be much higher than that of ordinary girls. Therefore, the funerary goods in his tomb must also be extraordinary. Placing rare treasures and various treasures in his tomb is also a hope that the princess can also enjoy herself in another world.

Second, the things that accompany the funeral are envied

Because the tomb of the princess will always place valuable treasures, her tomb is always indispensable to the patronage of tomb robbers. These tomb robbers hope to find treasure in their tombs and get more money. The purpose of their actions is very disgraceful, so they do not have the same support as archaeologists, and they do not have the support of the public opinion.

Shaanxi discovered the tomb of a Tang Dynasty princess, and the shameful behavior of tomb robbers caused public anger, and experts angrily rebuked animals and beasts

Time is fleeting, it has reached the modern society, but the act of tomb robbery is repeatedly prohibited, and there will still be tomb robbers in society. In spite of the prohibition of the law and the condemnation of the moral level, they still do their own thing in the business of robbing tombs. In modern Shaanxi, the tombs of Tang Dynasty princesses have been unearthed, and the shameless behavior of tomb robbers has aroused the anger of the public, and experts have angrily rebuked animals and beasts. One wonders what would make experts so angry.

3. The egregious acts of the grave robbers are infuriating

If the tomb robber sneaks into the tomb and simply steals some jewelry devices, this is not to say that their behavior is correct, but because these artifacts will eventually be flowed into the trading market. Eventually appear in front of the public in a different form, and perhaps some will be accepted by museums, providing experts and scholars with something to study in history, and eventually realizing its value that has been passed down through the ages in disguise.

Shaanxi discovered the tomb of a Tang Dynasty princess, and the shameful behavior of tomb robbers caused public anger, and experts angrily rebuked animals and beasts

However, the infuriating thing is that some of the tomb robbers have misbehaved, and after they entered the tomb, they not only stole some antique treasures, but also destroyed other cultural relics in the tomb, which brought great difficulties to the later archaeological team and brought serious losses to history and culture. In 1986, a stolen tomb was discovered in Shaanxi, and local villagers immediately reported it to the local cultural relics protection department after discovering the stolen tomb.

Archaeologists immediately came to inspect and carry out rescue and restoration work. After a series of investigations, experts concluded. This tomb is the tomb of the "Princess Changle" during the Zhenguan period of the Tang Dynasty.

Shaanxi discovered the tomb of a Tang Dynasty princess, and the shameful behavior of tomb robbers caused public anger, and experts angrily rebuked animals and beasts

Princess Changle, the daughter of Emperor Taizong of Tang and Empress Changsun, was favored but died of illness at the age of 23. From this, you can imagine that the economic development of the Tang Dynasty during the reign of Zhenguan can be described as unprecedented prosperity, and the history books even record it as a "prosperous world". Since childhood, the princess who has been pampered and pampered but has died of illness, her funeral products must be first-class boutiques. Experts concluded that this tomb and its funerary products have great historical research value, which can not only more intuitively let people see the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty, but also more clearly study the tomb culture of the Tang Dynasty royal family.

Shaanxi discovered the tomb of a Tang Dynasty princess, and the shameful behavior of tomb robbers caused public anger, and experts angrily rebuked animals and beasts

The group of experts entered the burial chamber very carefully, and as expected, the tomb was large, with a total of six floors, a depth of up to fifty meters, and the walls of the tomb were also painted with exquisite frescoes. However, when the experts went deeper, they found that almost all the tomb robbers stole the tomb, and there was almost nothing to examine except these murals. Experts found that there were traces of black charcoal and firewood burning in the tomb, and speculated that it may be that the tomb robbers burned the coffin as firewood for lighting.

What's more, the remains of Princess Changle are also gone! From this, people understood that the tomb robbers not only stole cultural relics this time, but also destroyed the coffins and remains of the ancestors, which made the experts lose the right to study history further. This is undoubtedly a major loss of historical civilization. Therefore, experts have broken their mouths and scolded tomb robbers for being inferior to animals.

Shaanxi discovered the tomb of a Tang Dynasty princess, and the shameful behavior of tomb robbers caused public anger, and experts angrily rebuked animals and beasts

According to the scale of the excavated tomb and the murals in the tomb, it can be seen that Princess Changle must have been a princess who was loved by thousands of people when she was alive, otherwise Tang Taizong would not have bothered so hard to build a magnificent tomb for her. But what people did not expect was that a princess like this could not even keep her remains after death, which was really pitiful.


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