
Preparation method of cold red oil belly silk

author:Beef bucket bowl dining

Bull Bowl Catering Combat Training Base - Cold Mix Red Oil Belly Silk

In Sichuan restaurants, no matter how big or small, there will be a dish of red oil belly silk, and many brine restaurants will also have this dish. It is simple to prepare and tastes very good. Let's see how it's made!

Preparation method of cold red oil belly silk

Fresh pork belly with flour, salt and white vinegar repeatedly kneaded and washed with water. Then be sure to blanch the water, because the blanching water can remove the mucus on the surface of the pork belly, when blanching the water, you can add a little cooking wine, about 3 minutes after the water boils, the pork belly is fished out. Then rinse off with cool water. Then the pork belly is broken from the middle with a knife and split in two. Remove excess fat oil. Wash again with clean water. Add water to the pressure cooker and add pork belly. Appropriate amount of ginger slices, green onions, peppercorns, cooking wine. Close the lid. SAIC starts the timer, which needs to be based on the old tenderness of the pork belly, usually 15-20 minutes. If you don't have a pressure cooker, you can also use a normal pot, but the cooking time will become longer, about 60 minutes or so.

We can use the cooking time to prepare the ingredients. Green, red pepper, green onion cut into strips, the finer the better.

Wait for the pork belly to cook and then remove and let it cool. In a hurry to eat, you need to cool down with a cool white. Cut the pork belly into thicker strips with a knife. Serve in bowls and set aside.

Season directly in a bowl containing pork belly: add salt, monosodium glutamate, sugar, soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, minced ginger and garlic. Stir the seasonings evenly (be sure to stir well before putting in the oil). Then add sesame oil and red oil (the amount of red oil can be a little more), and then sprinkle with shredded shallots and chili peppers. Stir well and serve.

After this dish is served, there must be red oil spilling on the side of the dish, and vinegar and pepper oil can be added to the seasoning, so that the seasoning is another flavor.

Pork belly has a strong texture and a refreshing taste. It is a must-have for appetizers!

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