
On the last day of 2021, listen

Today is the last day of 2021

We're all lamenting 2021

Reminiscences on 2021

Looking ahead to 2022

Expectations 2022

On the last day of 2021

What do you want to say?

Who do you want to say to?

Yourself, family, friends, or teachers

There's a lot to say but I don't know where to start

Then with the editor

Go and hear what they think

NO.1 Say what you want to say to yourself

There is nothing difficult in the world, as long as you are willing to climb

--- Mao Zedong

Now we all say it to ourselves

Try a little harder, be pretty

The rest of your life is expensive, try hard and try harder

Don't feel inferior, don't show off, be nice to yourself

Because I am my own sun

Be the one who has been with you the longest

It's your greatest sense of security

Hopefully in the new year

Contented, self-motivated, and ambitious

On the last day of 2021, listen

NO.2 What you want to say to your family

Who rejects parents' discipline of themselves

Whoever loses the opportunity to be human in the first place

--- Haji Abubaka Iman

Every time I encounter it I won't do it

When things can't be done

Will choose to confide in their families

A good word, a word of encouragement

Instantly heals our hearts

Although we left home to come to a different place

But the concern and thoughts of parents

But it has always been in the heart and cannot be abandoned

On the last day of 2021, listen
On the last day of 2021, listen

NO.3 Say what you want to say to your friend

A friend

Embedded in a person's heart

It's like a constellation in the blue sky

A star has fallen

Just couldn't move another star to fill her

--- Bingxin

When we come into this world

The first thing you encounter is affection

The second is friendship

That's right

"Friends from afar, happy"

Whenever you need to

I am always by your side

Even if we haven't seen each other in a long time

But he has always been concerned about each other

Looking forward to seeing you again

Say a word for a long time no see

This is the tacit understanding between friends

Separated from each other missed

Meet and greet as usual

On the last day of 2021, listen
On the last day of 2021, listen

NO.4 Say what you want to say to the teacher

The only source of respect for the teacher

It lies in the morality and talent of teachers

--- Einstein

Teachers are in addition to family, friends

The people we came into contact with the most as teenagers

Came to school off-site

The teacher gave us a lot of help

Every lesson

Teachers impart knowledge and experience

Expand our knowledge

Sending our sincerest wishes

Teacher, I hope you work hard at the same time

Take care of your body

The above is collected by Xiaobian

See if there's anything you want to say

2021, this time

Really going to say goodbye to you

Thank you for the surprise

Warm and touching

Hello 2022

Finally, best wishes to all students

Happy New Year

All the best

The final exam has passed!!!


Text 丨Modan Gui

The picture 丨 Zheng Qiuhong is partly from the Internet

Typography 丨 Zheng Qiuhong

Editor 丨 Zhang Mengyuan

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