
He was the nemesis of the Japanese, killing 9 lieutenant generals and 55 major generals of the Nationalist army, and the Nationalist army returned him ten thousand yuan to the ocean

During the revolutionary period, countless heroes emerged in our country, and during the Liberation War, the performance of many founding generals of our army was very eye-catching, but when it comes to killing the largest number of enemy generals, the most frightening thing for the nationalist army is the founding lieutenant general Zhou Xihan.

He was the nemesis of the Japanese, killing 9 lieutenant generals and 55 major generals of the Nationalist army, and the Nationalist army returned him ten thousand yuan to the ocean

So how good is Zhou Xihan? He participated in the Jute Uprising in 1927, and judging by his seniority, he knew that he was a veteran.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Zhou Xihan's 16 regiments were invincible and victorious, and the Japanese army that fought fell into the wilderness and fled.

He was the nemesis of the Japanese, killing 9 lieutenant generals and 55 major generals of the Nationalist army, and the Nationalist army returned him ten thousand yuan to the ocean

In July 1939, Zhou Xihan led 16 regiments to attack Huanghang at night, killed and wounded more than 100 Officers and men of the Japanese army in one battle, captured 3 machine guns, more than 30 rifles, and a telegram code, so he became famous in the First World War and received great praise, and even the national government in Nanjing also sent a congratulatory telegram, and said that he wanted to reward the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army with one person and one ocean, according to the number of troops at that time, there were tens of thousands of yuan, so Zhou Xihan also had the reputation of the Japanese nemesis.

He was the nemesis of the Japanese, killing 9 lieutenant generals and 55 major generals of the Nationalist army, and the Nationalist army returned him ten thousand yuan to the ocean

During the Liberation War, his performance was even more legendary, and we briefly counted his achievements: in the Liberation War, he directly commanded the troops to kill a total of 9 lieutenant generals and 55 major generals of the Nationalist Army, a total of 64 senior officers.

Among them, the seven enemy lieutenant generals who were captured alive were Huang Zhengcheng, commander of the "Tianxia First Brigade," Wu Tinglin, commander of the reorganized 15th Division, and Yao Beichen, deputy division commander; Qiu Xingxiang, commander of the pseudo-youth 206th Division; Fu Shaoji, deputy division commander; Yu Yingcai, commander-in-chief of the "Suppression General" in Guangdong-Guibian, and Tang Yao, commander of the Kuomintang 8th Corps. Killed 2 enemy lieutenant generals, namely Xiong Shouchun, commander of the 14th Army, and Shi Jianzhong, commander of the 42nd Division.

He was the nemesis of the Japanese, killing 9 lieutenant generals and 55 major generals of the Nationalist army, and the Nationalist army returned him ten thousand yuan to the ocean

The liberation war lasted not a short time, in this time period, there were also many famous generals, but even among this group of famous generals, Zhou Xihan can be regarded as a legend.

Such a Chinese god of war, who has devoted his life to the revolutionary war, let us pay tribute to him.

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