
Baby always "arching upwards" when sleeping? There is a reason behind the strange sleeping position, and parents must read the signal

Baby always "arching upwards" when sleeping? There is a reason behind the strange sleeping position, and parents must read the signal

The day before yesterday, There was a message from Bao Mom in the group, saying that the baby was particularly restless recently sleeping, not only often put the small hand out of the bed, but also very much like to arch the head upwards, just like a "caterpillar" who is trying to break free of the shackles, although the action looks quite funny, but the baby mom is inevitably very worried.

However, to the surprise of this mother, after the message was sent, many mothers said that their babies had a similar situation and replied:

"I remember that my family's big treasure was also like this, and my mother-in-law said that this was the baby's body developing, so don't make a fuss."

"It's just that the baby is not sleeping well, and the quilt is too thick, right?"

Baby always "arching upwards" when sleeping? There is a reason behind the strange sleeping position, and parents must read the signal

In fact, to say that the baby sleeps is not honest, it is estimated that every mother is deeply experienced, and there are often people on the Internet who share the baby's various "strange" sleeping positions, which makes people can't help but be funny.

In fact, just like this baby who sleeps up, there are often deep reasons behind the strange sleeping positions, and we as parents have to figure out the "secrets" in it.

Why does your baby arch upwards when he sleeps?

1. Limited ability, will not turn over can only arch

Adults in the sleep uncomfortable, will choose to turn over to adjust the posture, and some babies because of the age is too small, limited ability, has not yet learned to turn over the action, so if you want to move the body, change the posture, can only push their calves, so in the eyes of parents, there will be a child sleeping when the upward arch situation.

Baby always "arching upwards" when sleeping? There is a reason behind the strange sleeping position, and parents must read the signal

2. Too excited, restless sleep

The baby's body is in the process of rapid development, bones, muscles are growing rapidly, sometimes before going to bed, it is inevitable to "intimately interact" with parents, and if you are not careful, you will play too excited.

So when it comes to sleep, the baby's brain nerves are still in a state of excitement, and they will unconsciously begin to move their muscles and bones, make some incredible postures, and it is not surprising that they arch upwards.

3. The small quilt is too hot

When the temperature drops in winter, some mothers are afraid that the baby will sleep cold, and deliberately take out a thick quilt, thinking that this can be foolproof.

In fact, compared with adults, the baby's body temperature is already high, and its own skin sweat glands are underdeveloped, the body temperature regulation function is not yet perfect, the body will be prone to uneven heat generation and heat dissipation, and it is easier to feel heat than adults.

So when the small quilt is too hot and the baby feels uncomfortable, he can't help but arch upwards and subconsciously want to "escape" from here.

Baby always "arching upwards" when sleeping? There is a reason behind the strange sleeping position, and parents must read the signal

4. Want to find a mother

According to psychoanalytic theory, the baby's early sense of security comes from the two aspects of "mother" and "mother's embrace", and the baby often relies on the mother to obtain a sense of security by getting close to the mother to obtain a certain physical contact.

In particular, some babies themselves are less courageous, or have had the experience of getting up at night when their mothers are not around, so they will be more concerned about the emotional connection with their mothers and lack of security.

When the baby sleeps shallowly and cannot feel the presence of the mother, he will continue to arch upwards and seek the comfort of the mother, which is ultimately a manifestation of lack of security.

Baby always "arching upwards" when sleeping? There is a reason behind the strange sleeping position, and parents must read the signal

To correctly cope with the baby's "strange sleeping position", parents should learn to read the signal

Unlike adults who are "able to speak the truth," babies can't say the problem out loud, even if they don't feel comfortable enough, they just try to express it in a special way.

As parents, the key to correctly responding to the baby's "strange sleeping position" is to pay attention to observing the baby's reaction and accurately "guessing" which link is the problem.

Many mothers are particularly worried that the baby's sleeping posture is strange, will it be caused by pathological reasons? So I kept a high degree of nervousness, afraid of what would happen.

In fact, there is almost no disease with only one symptom, and when the baby's body is sick, it often conveys other signals, such as a lot of sweating during sleep, crying and making trouble during the day, often listless and so on.

Baby always "arching upwards" when sleeping? There is a reason behind the strange sleeping position, and parents must read the signal

So if you find that the baby does not have similar abnormal performance, just simply sleep when not honest, occasionally appear upward arch, twist the body, hum and chirp, etc., bao mom can not worry too much, as long as observe the baby's reaction, create a good sleeping environment, so that the baby sleep more peacefully.

For example, when the baby sticks out the small hands and feet out of the quilt and keeps arching upwards, it may feel the heat and need to change the quilt;

The baby's sleep is unstable, may be too excited before going to bed, need to change the baby's bedtime habits, appropriately establish some bedtime rituals;

The baby can not fall asleep smoothly, or often wake up at night, it may be that the light is too bright, the environment is not quiet enough, and a good sleeping environment is needed.

All in all, the baby's sleeping posture is not terrible, parents are witty to judge, take timely countermeasures, of course, if the mother is really worried, you can also take the baby to the hospital for a comprehensive examination, just in case.

Baby always "arching upwards" when sleeping? There is a reason behind the strange sleeping position, and parents must read the signal

Crooked Mom Conclusion:

Taking care of your baby is not an easy task, and even the simple sleeping position has a lot of learning behind it.

As parents, we must understand the meaning behind the baby's behavior and understand his real needs in order to better take care of the baby's healthy growth.

Today's topic: What are the strange postures when your baby sleeps?

I am @ crooked mother, home has a cute treasure, focus on pregnancy, parenting knowledge research, more dry goods content, please pay attention to me.

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