
Napoleon's veteran soldiers were taken prisoner, and they survived to the death of their peers all over the world, and he was still alive!

The most prominent chance in history is the intermittent appearance of famous and great figures. - Nevins

In war, being a prisoner is a common thing. However, if he goes to jail until the guards who are guarding him retire and are still in prison, even if they are all dead, he is still in prison. There are very few such captives. However, there is a prisoner in the world who actually died three waves of such prison guards in prison.

This man was a captain named Sabean.

Napoleon's veteran soldiers were taken prisoner, and they survived to the death of their peers all over the world, and he was still alive!

He was a veteran of the world-famous French Emperor Napoleon. In 1812, he took part in Napoleon's war of aggression against Russia. As a result, the French were defeated under the city of Moscow. During the great retreat, the captain named Sabean was captured by the Russians and taken prisoner. He was then sent to a captive shelter in the lower Volga region called Saratov.

By this time, Captain Sabean was 44 years old.

Napoleon's veteran soldiers were taken prisoner, and they survived to the death of their peers all over the world, and he was still alive!

Three years later, Napoleon was defeated by the French League, also taken prisoner, exiled to the Atlantic island of St. Helena, and finally died. After Napoleon's defeat, the new French government, the Bourbons, showed no concern for the French captives taken in throughout Tsarist Russia and did not make any effort to induce them to return home. As a result, Captain Sabian remained in the Saratov prisoner of war shelter in Russia.

So he made history and became the world's longest-serving captive — imprisoned by the Tsarist government for 100 years.

Napoleon's veteran soldiers were taken prisoner, and they survived to the death of their peers all over the world, and he was still alive!

He spent 60 years in harsh detention in the shelter, and then all the captives died, and at the age of 100, he was specially placed in the shelter in a small bungalow in a corner of the shelter. In the small bungalow, he spent another 40 years.

It wasn't until 1912, one hundred years and one day from the day of his arrest, that Sabean finally died at the age of 144. At this time, the entire three waves of prison guards who had once watched over his shelter had not single survived the passage of time, and all of them had died for many years. And no one of Sabean's age has survived in the world.

After the death of Captain Sabean, the body was buried in the town of Saratov.

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