
The second greatest singer of the historian is Sima Guang, who is Zizhi Tongjian

The author of Zizhi Tongjian is known to everyone, his name is Sima Guang, Zizhi Tongjian is the same as the history of history, is a very, very outstanding history book, of course, the two history books can not be compared, because their systems are different.

Then the ages of their creations are also different, and the contents of their records are also very different, but Zizhi Tongjian has to say that it systematically records the development of the entire History of China.

The second greatest singer of the historian is Sima Guang, who is Zizhi Tongjian

And many scholars and enthusiasts in later generations have learned about the real history through this book, so it has a very high status in the entire historical field and enjoys a very high evaluation.

So let's take a look at his author today, his author's name is Sima Guang, we know Sima Guang, of course, we think he is a person who has wisdom since he was a child like Sima Guang, but his wisdom is far more than that.

He was a politician, historian, and writer during the Northern Song Dynasty, and he became the no. 1 of that year, and then during the song Shenzong, he actively opposed Wang Anshi's change of law.

The second greatest singer of the historian is Sima Guang, who is Zizhi Tongjian

After leaving the imperial court for a full 15 years, during these 15 years he compiled the first chronicle of China, which is also the Zizhi Tongjian, and what we need to mention is the historical record, which is not a chronicle general history.

It is a general history of the Ji Chuan body, who died in 1086 when the four emperors were serving as officials in the court, and the young man was 67 years old, which was also considered a high lifespan at that time.

So let's take a look at the story of Sima Guang, who is very gentle and elegant, and very modest and kind, and very righteous, jealous and hateful, and also very practical in doing things, very diligent, and insufficient strength in the day and then night.

The second greatest singer of the historian is Sima Guang, who is Zizhi Tongjian

This is his evaluation of himself, that is, the kind of time that must be constantly studied, when the time during the day is not enough, it is necessary to forget to sleep and forget to eat, and use the evening time to study, which is also an epic model under the whole Confucian education.

First of all, let's tell the story of his childhood, in 1031 Sima Guang followed his father to Tokyo, of course, on the way to Tokyo, they will pass through Luoyang, pass through Tongguan Baoji and also over the Qinling Mountains.

Then they went to Guangyuan in Sichuan, but on the boardwalk they encountered a very large python, and Sima Guang did not panic at all.

The second greatest singer of the historian is Sima Guang, who is Zizhi Tongjian

He was very calm and composed, holding the sharp sword in his hand, and plunged it into the tail of the entire python, making the whole python have to hold its head in pain and fall directly to the bottom of the unfathomable cliff.

It can be said that he is a virtuous and talented person, and he is also very loved by his father, and every time he travels and talks with him at the same time, his father always wants to take him with him, because he hopes to have some influence on him.

The second greatest singer of the historian is Sima Guang, who is Zizhi Tongjian

Therefore, this also indirectly made Sima Guang not only in terms of knowledge, but also in terms of construction, and Zhang Cun, who was then in the book, hoped to be able to match his daughter to Sima Guang.

At that time, after Sima Guang's father died, sima Guang was raised as his own child, and Sima Guang, because he was 15 years old, he had already explored many places with his father and experienced many customs and customs.

The second greatest singer of the historian is Sima Guang, who is Zizhi Tongjian

Therefore, at the age of 15, he had a very rich social knowledge, so after he successfully entered the official field, he continued to achieve very impressive political achievements, and in 1054, Sima Guang left his friends who were like-minded.

Among them was Wang Anshi, who went to the local government to take up a post, on the one hand, to develop production and rectify internal affairs, on the other hand, to build a fortress and protect the tranquility of the border areas, which also made him constantly appreciated.

This is the story of Sima Guang's growth, so our evaluation and outlook for a person is often based on the person's experience from childhood to adulthood, so family education, school education and social education are absolutely indispensable for a person's growth.

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