
The death toll has reached 300,000! About half of the world's patients are in China, and Chinese people need to be vigilant

Cancer has long been a difficult condition to deal with worldwide, even if it is a relatively less serious cancer, esophageal cancer. According to last year's statistics, 300,000 people around the world lost their lives to the disease. What is more noteworthy is that the number of new confirmed patients with esophageal cancer in China has reached more than 300,000, directly accounting for nearly half of the global cases. This undoubtedly means that everyone needs to pay special attention to esophageal cancer, understand the causes of the disease and start to prevent it.

The death toll has reached 300,000! About half of the world's patients are in China, and Chinese people need to be vigilant

Causes and symptoms

The causes of esophageal cancer are divided into two kinds: internal and external causes, and internal factors are related to heredity. But when infected with bacteria and the patient's own immunity is low, it may also induce this cancer. External factors are the patient's eating habits: eating like to swallow directly, drinking and smoking, and often eating pickled foods. The consequence of these bad eating habits is that the patient's body is stressed, which leads to the occurrence of some diseases.

The headache is that the onset time of esophageal cancer is very long, and most of them will take 10 to 20 years to precipitate before they slowly form. However, when patients find that they have some of the following symptoms in their bodies, they should go to the hospital for examination in time to avoid regrets. When cancer occurs, patients will have difficulty swallowing in the throat, often feeling foreign bodies in the throat and having a strong burning sensation.

The death toll has reached 300,000! About half of the world's patients are in China, and Chinese people need to be vigilant

How to prevent it?

First of all, regular inspections are an essential part. Patients who have recovered should always be vigilant against recurrence, and after the age of 50, the body's immunity will decline, and at least every two years, they must go to the hospital for re-examination. Ordinary people who have not been sick also need to undergo a full physical examination every year, which is not only to prevent esophageal cancer, but also to detect problems in other parts of the body in time.

The second is to give specific methods for some important indicators that induce this cancer, such as low vitamin intake, frequent chewing of tobacco, love of drinking and smoking, weight exceeding the standard index, and so on. The first is to always pay attention to standardized eating habits, do not swallow, try to chew slowly. The second is to control the amount of alcohol and smoking, or to quit alcohol and tobacco addiction completely. Finally, it is necessary to supplement the various vitamins needed by the body in time, and control it when it is found that the weight seriously deviates from the normal standard.

The death toll has reached 300,000! About half of the world's patients are in China, and Chinese people need to be vigilant

Modern social life is extremely stressful, which is something that many people understand. As you shoulder more and more stress, the body inevitably has a variety of problems, such as esophageal cancer. At this time, what we can do is not to stagnate, but to face these problems head-on and solve them optimistically.

Part of the source: International Tourism Island Business Daily

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