
The scale of 2021 college graduates is 9.09 million! Ministry of Education: In 2021, we will continue to moderately expand the scale of further education, and public institutions will accelerate the recruitment process
The scale of 2021 college graduates is 9.09 million! Ministry of Education: In 2021, we will continue to moderately expand the scale of further education, and public institutions will accelerate the recruitment process

The number of college graduates in 2021 was 9.09 million, an increase of 350,000 year-on-year. The reporter learned from the press conference held by the Ministry of Education today (December 28) that due to multiple factors such as the new crown pneumonia epidemic, the employment situation of college graduates in 2021 is complex and severe, and the task of "stabilizing employment" and "maintaining employment" is very arduous. Through the efforts of all parties, the employment situation of college graduates in the class of 2021 is generally stable.

According to the data released by the National Bureau of Statistics on December 15, from January to November this year, 12.07 million new jobs were created in cities and towns across the country, exceeding the expected target for the whole year, of which the employment of college graduates has made an important contribution to the stability of the overall employment situation in the country. Wang Hui, director of the Department of College Students of the Ministry of Education, introduced that the education system has done a good job in the employment of college graduates through innovative ways to open up market positions, make full use of policy posts, optimize and upgrade employment guidance services and fully help groups with employment difficulties.

On average, more than 10,000 campus job fairs are held every week

To solve the problem of employment of college graduates, it is fundamentally necessary to rely on the market. The education system regards the promotion of supply and demand docking as an important starting point, and tries every means to open up market-oriented jobs. The education system continues to hold the "24365 Campus Recruitment Service", and as of September 1, it has provided a total of more than 23 million job information for the class of 2021, and more than 63 million resumes have been submitted by graduates. The Ministry of Education has set up a national steering committee for the employment and entrepreneurship of college graduates, set up 19 sub-industry steering committees, and has held more than 50 special recruitment activities, providing nearly 670,000 pieces of job information. Together with more than 20 ministries and commissions, for key areas and key groups, 54 regional, industry-based and alliance-based special job fairs were held, providing nearly 5 million job information. Since March this year, more than 10,000 campus job fairs have been held on average every week, which has effectively played the role of the main channel for campus recruitment.

The Ministry of Education launched the "Graduating Class Counselor Management Service Platform", and more than 80,000 employment staff and graduating class counselors in colleges and universities across the country have all registered and provided services online. Universities around the world generally launch "cloud recruitment" and "cloud interview" services, which have become an important channel for college graduates to obtain employment information and conduct job interviews.

In 2021, we will continue to moderately expand the scale of further education

This year, the recruitment time of party and government organs and institutions has been advanced by more than one month. The Ministry of Education, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, the Central Radio and Television Corporation and other units organized the implementation of the second season of the "National Recruitment Action", providing a total of 820,000 jobs. The Ministry of Education, in consultation with the Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Finance, continued to moderately expand the scale of further education in 2021 on the basis of the expansion of enrollment in 2020. The Ministry of Education, together with relevant departments, has implemented national grassroots employment projects such as the "Special Gang Plan", "Three Branches and One Support", and the "Western Plan", and some localities have implemented local grassroots projects according to local conditions. Through project leadership and policy drive, we will continue to promote graduates to work at the grassroots level. In addition, the Ministry of Education actively promotes the enlistment of college students in the military. The education system cooperates with the military service department department to actively promote the "one year, two conscriptions" conscription reform, organize and carry out activities such as "policy consultation week" and "conscription publicity into the campus", and college students have become the main body of recruits.

The employment of college graduates from low-income families is higher than the national average

"Doing a good job in supporting the employment of college graduates from low-income families is the top priority of employment work." Wang Hui introduced that according to statistics, among the graduates of the class of 2021, more than 500,000 graduates from low-income families. As of September 1, the employment of college graduates from low-income families remained generally stable, higher than the national average.

Implement special assistance. According to the different situations of graduates, in accordance with the requirements of "one person, one file" and "one person, one policy", all localities and colleges and universities have generally established key assistance accounts and carried out targeted employment guidance and services.

In addition, the Ministry of Education, together with the China Development Bank and other relevant units, held a "special job fair for college graduates from low-income families", providing 56,000 jobs; together with relevant departments, held special recruitment activities for ethnic minority graduates from central enterprises in Xinjiang, Qinghai and Tibet. Colleges and universities in various places have held various types of special recruitment activities for low-income families, disabled and other groups of graduates, which has effectively promoted the employment of relevant key groups.

Author: Wu Jinjiao

Editor: Li Chenyan

Photo: Official website of the Ministry of Education

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