
Named after him a guerrilla, revolutionary veteran, was later awarded lieutenant general

Named after him a guerrilla, revolutionary veteran, was later awarded lieutenant general

I believe that many people should be familiar with the name of Liu DengJun. The name of this team is one of the few teams named after both the commander and the political commissar. In fact, there was also a guerrilla group named after the commander in the Eighth Route Army.

Named after him a guerrilla, revolutionary veteran, was later awarded lieutenant general

The name of this guerrilla group was the Tang Detachment. It can be guessed from the name that the commander of this guerrilla group is surnamed Tang, so his team is named in this way.

The commander of this team was named Tang Tianji. He was born in 1904 in Anren County, Anyang, Hunan. In 1925, he was admitted to the Whampoa Military Academy, and he and Lin Biao were classmates who participated in the Second Crusade.

Named after him a guerrilla, revolutionary veteran, was later awarded lieutenant general

From the above experience, it can be seen that he should be a very old person in the revolution. After the founding of New China, the founding lieutenant generals who were awarded the title could be said to be deserved, and they may even have some grievances when their ranks were lowered.

In 1938, Tang Tianji and a number of leaders founded a regional base. Because there were many Japanese troops who frequently attacked this area at that time. The central government decided on the guerrillas in this area. Tang Tianji became the commander of this guerrilla group.

From then on, the name of this guerrilla group was called the Tang Detachment. Because Tang Tianji was a graduate of the Whampoa Military Academy, he had participated in many battles, whether it was to build an army or do combat, he had a lot of experience.

Named after him a guerrilla, revolutionary veteran, was later awarded lieutenant general

The most beautiful thing he led this guerrilla force was an ambush battle. After a mechanized wing of the Japanese army entered the ambush circle of their guerrillas. Defeated by his guerrilla ambush. More than 600 enemy soldiers were annihilated by this ambush battle. Because of this battle, the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army was very recognized for his command ability. Even Jude specially sent a telegram to commend him.

Named after him a guerrilla, revolutionary veteran, was later awarded lieutenant general

After the founding of New China, Tang Tianji served as the commander of the Hunan Military Region and the political commissar of the air defense force.

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