
At ten o'clock in the evening, the child had a fever of 39 degrees, but he could not buy antipyretic medicine everywhere

The day before the lockdown in Xi'an.

At ten o'clock in the night, I suddenly received a message for help in the group:

At ten o'clock in the evening, the child had a fever of 39 degrees, but he could not buy antipyretic medicine everywhere

Hua Hua Jia Wa burned to 39 degrees, there is no fever medicine at home!

It was a panic.

In those days, the epidemic in Xi'an became more serious, and the prevention and control in Beijing was also more stringent. There is no way to buy anti-fever and anti-inflammatory drugs in small pharmacies in the community. I have inflammation in my gums, and I don't have any gum anti-inflammatory medicines at the pharmacy, let alone a fever, and I have to go to the hospital as long as I have a fever.

The problem is that during the day, Grandma has taken the baby to the hospital, and the child has been diagnosed as a bacterial infection.

Here's the regret:

The doctor asked if she wanted to prescribe antipyretic medicine, and grandma thought that there was still one at home, so she did not prescribe it... After returning home from the hospital, they did not check the medicine box until the child was on fire, and only then did they find that there was no antipyretic medicine!

The winter nights in Beijing are particularly cold, and I am really worried about taking the child to the hospital to toss it again, so that the child's condition will become more serious.

So the mother in the group quickly checked on the Internet to see what was the way, and it turned out that there were some online stores such as Hungry, Ali Health, Jingdong Pharmacy, and Dingdang Fast Medicine:

At ten o'clock in the evening, the child had a fever of 39 degrees, but he could not buy antipyretic medicine everywhere

However, if you click in to buy, it will show no delivery.

Another mother remembered that not long ago in Jingdong to buy medicine for the treatment of diarrhea, you can ship it, and the response speed is also very fast, quickly let Hua Hua try. Hua Hua tried the test and found that children under 7 years old did not open consultation services:

At ten o'clock in the evening, the child had a fever of 39 degrees, but he could not buy antipyretic medicine everywhere

Hua Hua took the prescription prescribed by the hospital and went to the online hospital for consultation, and the results showed that the prescription was ineffective.

At ten o'clock in the evening, the child had a fever of 39 degrees, but he could not buy antipyretic medicine everywhere

The mothers in the group all went through the medicine box at home. My family had just run out, and another mom's Merrill had expired.

Fortunately, there was a mother who had just prepared medicine, and there was a child who had a history of high fever and convulsions who had medicine at home, and immediately sent it to Hua Hua for emergency.

At ten o'clock in the evening, the child had a fever of 39 degrees, but he could not buy antipyretic medicine everywhere

After this incident, the friends went to check the "family medicine box" at home.

If before the epidemic, small problems such as colds, fevers, coughs, and minor abrasions, it is too late to go to the pharmacy to buy them temporarily.

However, after the epidemic came, many cities have removed the drugs for treating colds, fevers, coughs, and anti-inflammatories because of the need for prevention and control, and it has become important to reserve some commonly used drugs.

At ten o'clock in the evening, the child had a fever of 39 degrees, but he could not buy antipyretic medicine everywhere

I have always had the habit of stockpiling commonly used + urgent medicines.

In my family medicine box, I have medicines that can be used for warm colds and fevers, medicines that can be used by warm grandmothers, medicines that ordinary adults can use, medicines for treating wounds, and commonly used blood pressure monitors.

This time it was also warm and warm just after the fever, the reserve medicine ran out, and there was no time to make up.

This sudden incident made me feel the change in our lives by the epidemic and wanted to say to everyone:

Household medicine boxes should be prepared in case of unforeseen needs.

However, it should also be said that the family medicine box solves the problem of avoiding the panic of temporarily buying medicines, covering common diseases and acute problems that may cause problems in daily life, and to prepare appropriate amounts to avoid waste.

The following is what I consulted with a doctor friend to sort out the commonly used medicines in the family for everyone to see if you have it ready at home?

Fever class

★ ibuprofen, acetaminophen

The first problem to be solved for fever is cooling, and single-ingredient fever reducers are the most effective means of cooling.

When your child's body temperature exceeds 39 degrees, antipyretic medicine should be considered to cool down. The interval between doses is 6-8 hours. The mode of administration is also divided into two types: oral suspension and fart plug.

Pediatricians generally recommend that antipyretic drugs of both acetaminol and ibuprofen be prepared.

At ten o'clock in the evening, the child had a fever of 39 degrees, but he could not buy antipyretic medicine everywhere
At ten o'clock in the evening, the child had a fever of 39 degrees, but he could not buy antipyretic medicine everywhere

Abdominal diarrhea

★ Oral rehydration salts, probiotics, norfloxacin capsules (adults)

Generally when diarrhea, it is better to supplement boiled water. But once dehydrated, supplementing with boiled water will make the cells lose water more severely. At this time, oral rehydration salts need to be supplemented.

This is a warm oral rehydration solution (German brand oralpadon), available in strawberry and banana flavors, not so salty.

The main role of probiotics is to regulate the intestinal flora, which generally takes 7-14 days to be effective. Can be used in times of diarrhea and constipation.

At ten o'clock in the evening, the child had a fever of 39 degrees, but he could not buy antipyretic medicine everywhere

Colds, coughs, runny nose

★ Mu shutan, saline dripping nasal fluid

Colds are self-limiting diseases that can be cured by autoimmunity. After the child catches a cold, the nose can be relieved by saline drops, and Mu Shutan can decompose the sputum and relieve the symptoms.

Parents need to pay attention to observing their child's mental state to see if they want to go to the doctor.

At ten o'clock in the evening, the child had a fever of 39 degrees, but he could not buy antipyretic medicine everywhere
At ten o'clock in the evening, the child had a fever of 39 degrees, but he could not buy antipyretic medicine everywhere

Constipation class

★ Probiotics, lactulose, kaiser

The appearance of constipation is mainly due to the fact that the stool stays in the intestine for too long, and the intestine absorbs the water of the stool, making the stool dry and the bowel movement difficult.

At ten o'clock in the evening, the child had a fever of 39 degrees, but he could not buy antipyretic medicine everywhere

Probiotics treat constipation by regulating the balance of intestinal flora, and lactulose plays a role in diluting and softening stools to help excrete.

Skin Care Class

★ Hypoallergenic moisturizers, skin creams, calamine lotions

The most important lesson for mild dermatitis eczema is to moisturize the skin, and it is necessary to always have a hypoallergenic moisturizer suitable for children. If the moisturizer is not effective enough and you have eczema, you can use the skin cream of the Children's Research Institute.

Calamine lotion has the effect of astringent and protecting the skin, and is suitable for acute pruritus skin diseases such as urticaria and prickly heat. It can also be used to relieve itching after mosquito bites.

At ten o'clock in the evening, the child had a fever of 39 degrees, but he could not buy antipyretic medicine everywhere
At ten o'clock in the evening, the child had a fever of 39 degrees, but he could not buy antipyretic medicine everywhere

Trauma Care

★ Iodovolt, Band-Aid, Medical Cotton Ball Swab, Gauze, Medical Alcohol, Ice Pack, Hot Pack

Products for traumatic wound disinfection can be used directly on wounds. You can prepare bottles at home, and if you travel, you have a single iodine swab, which can be used after breaking the tail, which is very convenient.

Ice packs are used to relieve pain and swelling, while hot packs can relieve muscle soreness, chronic injuries, and dysmenorrhea.

Here is a special introduction to the burn, the first time after the burn care is very critical: flowing cold water rinse for 15 to 30 minutes, cut off the clothes to observe the wound surface, use gauze to lightly cover the injured part, and immediately send it to the burn department of the regular hospital for treatment.

At ten o'clock in the evening, the child had a fever of 39 degrees, but he could not buy antipyretic medicine everywhere
At ten o'clock in the evening, the child had a fever of 39 degrees, but he could not buy antipyretic medicine everywhere

Other classes

★ Ear temperature gun, blood pressure monitor, forceps, mask, hand sanitizer (60% ethanol)

Standing supplies for outbreaks, as well as other instruments or supplies based on family members' physical condition and past medical history.

At ten o'clock in the evening, the child had a fever of 39 degrees, but he could not buy antipyretic medicine everywhere

In order to facilitate everyone to view, the above family medicine box drugs, supplies, I summarized into a table, click to see the big picture:

At ten o'clock in the evening, the child had a fever of 39 degrees, but he could not buy antipyretic medicine everywhere

The reserve of family medicine boxes is to avoid the panic of temporarily buying medicines like flowers, reduce going to the hospital, reduce the chance of infection in the hospital, and leave valuable medical resources to those who need them more.

However, it is also important to note that:

1. Check the shelf life of the drug regularly, update and supplement the drug in time.

2. The medicine box is placed in a cool, dry place (unless the medicine needs to be refrigerated in the refrigerator).

3. Pay attention to placing the medicine box away from the child's line of sight and contact range, so as not to let the child take the drug by mistake, but also make it easy for the family to get.

4, according to the actual situation of their own home preparation, you can also prepare emergency drugs according to the past medical history, the drugs prepared are children, the elderly, adults can eat, there is no allergic reaction to the drug, the elderly medicine is also part of the doctor's daily prescription drugs to eat.

5, appliances and drugs should be packed separately, all items have a fixed position, neatly arranged, clearly marked.

6. Understand the functions of all items and facilitate their use.

7, the most important point is that the main function of the family medicine box is to deal with some urgent or small health problems in an emergency, and the symptoms do not improve after using the drug, and you must go to the hospital for medical treatment.

Having said so many things to put in the family medicine box, I just hope that everyone can be prepared and can be taken out in time to use it when needed, but I still hope that everyone can be healthy and healthy, and it is best not to use it.

(Some of the picture sources are online, and the copyright belongs to the author)

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