
He was the leader of the Northeast Anti-Japanese League, and after being arrested by the Japanese Kou, why did he force them to use electrocution for himself?

According to the recollections of those who participated in his interrogation at that time, his behavior was extremely strange, and even the Japanese who participated in the interrogation thought that he was a "madman" and was very emotionally unstable.

Today's young people may not know that the torture equipment in the Japanese prison is very frightening, such as tiger stools, pepper water, fire chrome iron, etc., you can't think of ways to torture you, and more powerful is the use of electrocution, which will make the torturer miserable.

He was the leader of the Northeast Anti-Japanese League, and after being arrested by the Japanese Kou, why did he force them to use electrocution for himself?

The reason why he was considered "crazy" by the Japanese was because he forced the Japanese to electrocute him!

So, what is his purpose in doing this?

This person, whom Riko called "madman", was called Yu Tianfang.

Yu Tianfang was born in 1908 in Hulan, Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, and studied at the Qiqihar Jiazhong Industrial School in Heilongjiang Province in his early years, and was admitted to the Department of Economics of Tsinghua University in 1928. During his studies, he was an anti-imperialist and anti-feudal student leader, joined the anti-imperialist Grand League, a peripheral organization of our Party, and became a member of our Party in 1931. After the September 18 Incident, Yu Tianfang resolutely abandoned his pen and was sent by our party to the northeast region to carry out anti-Japanese armed struggle, assisted in organizing the establishment of the "Northeast People's Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army Jiangbei Independent Division" (Bayan Guerrilla), and served as a special commissioner and the person in charge of the traffic intelligence station. Later, because the Manchurian Provincial Party Committee sent Yu Tiantian to Qiqihar to serve as the secretary of the Longjiang Special Branch in order to strengthen the anti-Japanese and national salvation work in Qiqihar, the city of Heilongjiang Province.

He was the leader of the Northeast Anti-Japanese League, and after being arrested by the Japanese Kou, why did he force them to use electrocution for himself?

After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression in full swing, Yu Tianfang served as the chief of education of the 11th Army of the Northeast Anti-Japanese League, the director of the Political Department of the 11th Division of the 11th Army, the director of the Political Department of the 3rd Detachment, and the political commissar of the 6th Detachment, and led the unit to carry out guerrilla warfare with the Japanese enemy.

Subsequently, the Northeast Anti-Japanese Coalition Army suffered heavy losses from the Japanese and puppets, except for some withdrawals outside the Soviet Union, only the remaining troops of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Coalition Third Route Army led by Tianfang were left behind the enemy alone, and they fought a bloody battle with the Japanese puppet army, which made the Japanese Kou hate it to the bone.

In December 1944, when Yu Tiandi was inspecting the work of the National Salvation Congress in Songwan Jintun in Suileng County, he was arrested by rikou for informing secret agents, and was successively detained in the lien field (prison) in Qing'an County and the secret prison of the special agent branch of the Bei'an Provincial Police Department.

After Yu Tianbao was arrested, he began to prepare for his escape.

Yu Tianfang knew that the time of arrest was winter, the field was a wasteland, and even if the prison escape was successful, it would be successfully hunted by the Japanese because there was no hiding of the tall pole plants, so his escape plan could only be carried out after the spring and summer, and at this time there was a piece of green yarn tent that could be used as a cover, enough for him to escape the capture of the Japanese. Therefore, how to drag through this long seven or eight months is a problem that he must seriously consider.

He was the leader of the Northeast Anti-Japanese League, and after being arrested by the Japanese Kou, why did he force them to use electrocution for himself?

The Japanese also know that Yu Tianfang, who was captured this time, was a "big fish" and wanted to bribe him. Therefore, at the beginning, they were also "very concerned" for Tianfang, and the high-ranking officials of the Japanese and pseudo-Japanese pretended to be attentive to the prison to "visit", asking him whether he was "cold" and "whether life was good or not", and sometimes deliberately "reprimanded" the guards. His diet is also special than others, with meat and white-noodle steamed buns.

In order to make preparations before escaping from prison, Yu Tianfang secretly thought that only by first eating a full stomach, raising his body, and having the strength, could he deal with the Japanese Kou. However, there is no mention of the situation of the anti-Japanese organizations under the leadership of our Party that the Japanese Kou demanded, and even nonsense. The Japanese who interrogated him were not fools, and Yu Tianfang's actions finally tore through the disguise of the Japanese Kou who interrogated him, and they began to use punishment for Tianfang, first beating the hand board and whipping his back, then pouring cold water, "eating red dates" (burning the skin with a red iron rod), etc., asking him to explain the contact with the Soviet army.

In order to delay time, Yu Tianfang first entrusted the Japanese to the false snake, and slowly waited for the growth of the tall crops outside to take advantage of the opportunity to escape from prison. Over time, Yu Tianfang began to act unusually, provoking the Japanese army and forcing the Japanese to use more brutal electrocution on him.

He was the leader of the Northeast Anti-Japanese League, and after being arrested by the Japanese Kou, why did he force them to use electrocution for himself?

Although people after electrocution will become sluggish and unresponsive, their bodies and minds will be greatly damaged. However, in order to achieve the purpose of escaping from prison, Yu Tianfang did not hesitate to destroy his own body, so he gave the people who participated in his interrogation the feeling that Yu Tianfang had "gone crazy".

By July 1945, the crops in the fields outside had grown taller, and the time had come for Yu Tian to escape from prison.

In order to prepare the weapons for the prison escape, Yu Tianfang found that in his cell, there was a Su-style "Bela Gas" (stove). He found that there was a small iron door for ashes on the stove, and an iron shaft on the iron door. So he took advantage of the absence of the guard, unloaded it, weighed it, and weighed it, which weighed half a pound, and if he hit the head hard, he could knock the person unconscious.

He was the leader of the Northeast Anti-Japanese League, and after being arrested by the Japanese Kou, why did he force them to use electrocution for himself?

At this time, an anti-coalition fighter named Zhao Zhongliang was also imprisoned here, and they decided to escape from prison on the night of July 11.

That night, when they went to the toilet, they took advantage of the Opportunity of the Japanese guard Ishimaru to doze off at the desk in the office, beat the Japanese guard to death, got the key to the cell door, and successfully escaped from the prison.

Yu Tianfang's successful escape shocked the Japanese army occupying the northeast, when the pseudo-"Manchukuo" newspaper exclaimed: "Yu Tianfang fled, Manchukuo lost more than half." The Japanese Police Agency immediately offered a heavy reward for Yu Tianfang's arrest, and organized military police from various counties to hunt down and arrest him. However, with the help of patriotic fathers and countrymen in the northeast, Yu Tianfang escaped safely, but unfortunately Zhao Zhongliang was sacrificed under the gun of the Japanese Kou.

He was the leader of the Northeast Anti-Japanese League, and after being arrested by the Japanese Kou, why did he force them to use electrocution for himself?

On August 16, 1945, Yu Tianfang, who had fled to Laolai Village in Nehe, learned of Japan's unconditional surrender and immediately organized the Self-Defense Force of the Propaganda Department of the Third Route Army of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Coalition in the county seat of Nehe county to return to revolutionary work. Yu Tianfang successively served as the director of the Zhongchang Railway Escort Road Army, the deputy commander of the Heilongjiang Provincial Military Region, the chairman of the Heilongjiang Provincial Senate, the president of the Heilongjiang Provincial People's Court, the military minister of Heilongjiang Province, and the deputy political commissar and commander of the Heilongjiang Provincial Military Region of the Northeast Democratic Coalition Army.

Yu Tianfang's heroic deeds are well known in the northeast region, and later when the chairman received him, he praised him as "great wisdom and courage, people's hero!" ”

On May 3, 1967, the people's hero Yu Tianfang died unjustly at the age of 59.

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