
Sticky sake stuffed yam pills, eat in autumn to warm the stomach and nourish the face

author:Pretty kitchen

Here's a recipe for warming your stomach in autumn, check it out!

The weather is gradually entering autumn, and from time to time I want to make some soup or soup to warm my stomach, and I just have some sake left at home, and I plan to make a sake ball. However, in the traditional ball practice, I also added yam to enhance the taste and become more nutritious.

Yam is a very stomach-nourishing ingredient, autumn is a good time to eat it, if you usually use it as a home-cooked dish, occasionally try such a small dessert, change the taste is also good!

Sticky sake stuffed yam pills, eat in autumn to warm the stomach and nourish the face


1: Peel and wash the yam, cut into small pieces and steam in a pot. When shaving the yam, remember to wear gloves, oh, if the yam skin accidentally gets on the hand will itch.

Sticky sake stuffed yam pills, eat in autumn to warm the stomach and nourish the face

2, yam steamed, put into a bowl to pound into puree, if you think the spoon is not easy to mash, you can change to a rolling pin Oh ~ then add the right amount of sugar, milk, glutinous rice flour, stir well, knead into a smooth surface of the dough.

Sticky sake stuffed yam pills, eat in autumn to warm the stomach and nourish the face

3: Take a small ball and knead into small balls. The size of the balls can be grasped according to their own preferences, I like slightly smaller balls, one bite at a time to eat beautiful!

Sticky sake stuffed yam pills, eat in autumn to warm the stomach and nourish the face

4: After the water in the pot is boiling, pour in the balls and brown sugar.

Sticky sake stuffed yam pills, eat in autumn to warm the stomach and nourish the face

5: After the balls are floated, add red dates, goji berries and sake. Heavy wine lovers can also add a little more.

Sticky sake stuffed yam pills, eat in autumn to warm the stomach and nourish the face

6. Continue to cook for three minutes before you can get out of the pot. If you cook too much, it will affect the taste of the balls.

Sticky sake stuffed yam pills, eat in autumn to warm the stomach and nourish the face

Smelling a faint aroma of wine, soft and sticky and sweet to eat, not only warm the stomach but also nourish the face, especially suitable for girls!

However, it should be noted that the wine is also a certain degree of alcohol, and it is best not to drive after drinking

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