
How your feelings are distorted


To exist is to be perceived, says the British psychologist Rhine.

My feelings were perceived by you, and I realized that I had existed as such.

A person's sense of existence comes from his feelings, being seen by another person.

If a person sees himself clearly, he does not care about the evaluation of others,

There are also some people who do not see themselves clearly and care about the feelings and evaluations of others.

In fact, each of us cares a lot about what other people think.

If we had a good parent from an early age, we would have a sense of existence from an early age.

And on this basis formed the so-called self,

Those who don't have a clear self tend to get the attention of others in some distorted way.

Being twisted into one's true thoughts, everyone will encounter.

Being distorted by our parents, we feel very sad.

We also wonder, aren't we biological? Why never does a father and daughter understand themselves?

Twisted by colleagues, we will be ashamed and angry inside, twisted for our other half, we will feel very sad.

So most of the distorted ideas of the people around us are helpless, and life is a kaleidoscope, and we have to face everything calmly.

How your feelings are distorted

Why do different people have different reactions and opinions about the same thing?

Feeling different in different states will also be different, so usually the people around us will distort reality and our thoughts.

In fact, in this case, we may as well have less emotions and will have a little more clear cognition.

If you don't condemn yourself, then you will see the situation with a little more clarity and less emotion.

So these are unconscious, so they are not about condemnation, they just need to be seen and understood.

How your feelings are distorted

The value of psychological counseling also lies in the client's feelings, being seen.

Comments are not seen though. Seeing must be a heart-to-heart feeling. It's the feeling of longing to feel being seen.

But because you can't see it, you can't treat the symptoms. So existence is the equivalent of being perceived.

The sense of non-existence stems from feelings, not being perceived.

If a person is ignored for a long time, it will lead to being in a contradictory state and unable to walk out.

I believe that many people want to be seen by others, and it will be very painful not to be seen.

But the moment you were seen, you felt very painful.

All in all, those who are anxious are often caused by the attention of those around them.

How your feelings are distorted

The source of the double contradiction is the division of a person's heart, and this contradiction will bring us great trouble.

Especially between children and friends, children have an accurate sense of things themselves,

But it will not be confirmed by parents or by outsiders.

This is the child's heart will be very uneasy and troubled.

There are many people who are an irreproachable good person in society, but a tyrant at home.

So people who grow up in this environment are extremely miserable.

Sometimes something more insidious than this behavior is the attack. The attackers will not admit to doing so.

People who are hurt can't even talk to them, so they can only choose to curse internally.

This feeling of being bound destroys the feelings between us,

If we're lucky enough to have a good parent or a growing environment, we won't feel what it feels like to be taken by you.

It will also form a very rich self, and if we lack this luck, then we must constantly change ourselves.

Whether it is innate luck or acquired effort, this will make us feel safe.

So our feelings and perceptions are up to us to decide.

Don't always be converted by others or it will only make us feel pain.

How your feelings are distorted

When interacting with the people around you, when love and understanding occur, the backlash also occurs.

The consequences will be terrible and you will feel that you show love and understanding to him, as if they feel a great offense.

So in the end our hearts will become dark.

In fact, the most real we are friendly and not bad,

Changing myself, I still long to be seen and understood, and no one will love me or care about myself at this time.

How your feelings are distorted


The mind refers to the attitude and method of life of a person's inner consciousness towards the objective world.

The meaning of spiritual cohesion should mean that the mind condenses the consciousness of the objective world,

This has led to the wrong way of life and attitude.

In short, each of us should focus our time and energy on improving our own value.

Don't always listen to other people's opinions and be brainwashed by others.

Mental distortion is a way of growing up the mind that cannot be normally believed upwards.

So a man is always ignored that his heart must be dark.

How your feelings are distorted


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How are your feelings distorted?

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