
Can I travel during the "two festivals"? The authoritative answer to the joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council has come

The joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council recently issued a notice on the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic during the New Year's Day and Spring Festival in 2022, effectively guiding all localities to do a good job in the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic during the New Year's Day and Spring Festival in 2022.

The "2022 New Year's Day Spring Festival Prevention and Control Work Plan for the Prevention and Control of the New Crown Pneumonia Epidemic" (hereinafter referred to as the "Work Plan") strengthens the safe and orderly flow of personnel and strictly requires the travel of personnel.

1. Travel is strictly restricted for personnel in medium- and high-risk areas and the county (city, district, banner) where they are located.

2. Personnel from other counties (cities, districts, banners) of the city where the medium and high-risk areas are located do not need to travel, and those who really need to travel must hold a negative nucleic acid test certificate within 48 hours.

3. Strictly restrict travel to medium- and high-risk areas and the county (city, district, flag), and do not go to other counties (cities, districts, flags) of the city where the medium- and high-risk areas are located.

4. Personnel in high-risk positions should try to avoid travel, and those who really need to travel must meet the requirements of leaving the job for more than 14 days and hold a negative nucleic acid test certificate within 48 hours, and report to the unit where they are located.

5. Strictly implement the "circuit breaker" mechanism for the management of inter-provincial tourism business activities, and immediately suspend travel agencies and online tourism enterprises from operating inter-provincial group tours and "air tickets + hotels" business in provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) in provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) in provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) in medium- and high-risk areas. Suspend travel agencies and online travel enterprises from operating group tours and "air ticket + hotel" business at land border port cities, and land border port cities should promptly issue free travel risk tips to the public.

6. Fever patients, health code "yellow code" and other personnel should perform personal protection responsibilities, actively cooperate with health monitoring and nucleic acid testing, and do not travel until the risk of infection is excluded.

7. Optimize and adjust the school's winter vacation time, stagger the peak to arrange the return to school in the spring semester, and do a good job in the management service of students staying in school during the "two festivals". Reasonably adjust the time for enterprises to take holidays and resume work, and guide migrant workers to return to their hometowns at staggered peaks. Colleges and universities or enterprises with a large number of migrant workers may require students or migrant workers to return to school or work with a negative nucleic acid test certificate within 48 hours.

The above travel requirements are for inter-provincial (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government), and the travel requirements within the jurisdiction of each province (autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government) are formulated and released by various localities according to the local epidemic situation and actual situation.

At the same time, the Work Plan emphasizes the prevention and control of the epidemic in the capital and the prevention and control of the epidemic in Beijing for the 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games. If a local large-scale local cluster outbreak occurs and there is a risk of spreading in different places, on the basis of emergency handling of the epidemic, more stringent measures should be taken for cross-regional movement of personnel and screening of risk personnel.

The Programme of Work will be implemented from the date of issuance until 15 March 2022.

Answers to questions about the "2022 New Year's Day Spring Festival Prevention and Control Plan for the Prevention and Control of the New Crown Pneumonia Epidemic"

1. The "two festivals" are coming soon, what prevention and control requirements should be paid attention to for residents returning home and going out?

During the "two festivals", in order to effectively control the risk of the spread and spread of the epidemic, ensure that the broad masses of the people spend a healthy, safe and peaceful festival, and strengthen the safe and orderly flow of personnel, the "2022 New Year's Day Spring Festival Prevention and Control Work Plan" (hereinafter referred to as the "Work Plan") focuses on the travel of people across provinces. Considering that China's vast territory, different natural and socio-economic conditions in various places, and differences in the epidemic situation, transmission risks and prevention and control priorities, each province (autonomous region and municipality directly under the Central Government) should formulate personnel travel requirements within its jurisdiction and release them to the public in accordance with the local epidemic situation and actual conditions and in accordance with scientific and accurate prevention and control requirements. Please pay attention to the travel requirements during the "two festivals" and consciously implement epidemic prevention and control measures.

2. If an outbreak occurs in a county (city, district, banner) where a resident is located, can he go out?

After the outbreak of the local epidemic, the personnel of the county (city, district, banner) where they are located strictly restrict travel, and implement the requirements of local epidemiological investigation, risk personnel screening, nucleic acid testing, health monitoring, and community prevention and control.

Personnel who perform specific official duties and ensure the transportation of production and living materials really need to travel, with the approval of the local joint prevention and control mechanism, must hold a negative nucleic acid test certificate within 48 hours, do a good job of personal protection during the journey, and comply with the epidemic prevention and control regulations at the destination. The local joint prevention and control mechanism shall publish the approval requirements and procedures.

3. Can people from other epidemic-free counties (cities, districts, banners) in the cities where medium- and high-risk areas are located travel? If I am out, what administrative rules and requirements do I need to comply with?

After the occurrence of the local epidemic, the personnel of other non-epidemic counties (cities, districts, banners) in the city where the medium and high-risk areas are located do not travel unless necessary, and cooperate with the epidemiological investigation and screening of risky personnel in accordance with the requirements; those who really need to travel must hold a negative nucleic acid test certificate within 48 hours, do a good job of personal protection during the journey, and comply with the epidemic prevention and control regulations of the destination.

4. During the two festivals, can I go to the county (city, district, flag) where the medium and high-risk areas are located?

In order to prevent the risk of infection, travel to medium- and high-risk areas and the county (city, district, banner) where they are located is strictly restricted, and those who have already traveled must comply with local epidemic prevention and control regulations.

Personnel who really need to go to carry out specific official duties and ensure the transportation of production and living materials shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant local prevention and control policies and regulations.

If it is not necessary to go to other counties (cities, districts, banners) of the city where the medium- and high-risk areas are located, those who have already arrived must comply with local epidemic prevention and control regulations.

5. During the "two festivals", will the travel of high-risk positions be restricted?

Personnel in high-risk positions have more opportunities to come into contact with infected personnel, virus-contaminated items and the environment during their work, and if protection is not in place, the risk of infection is higher. Recently, in some parts of China, there have been infections such as port handlers engaged in imported goods and staff at centralized isolation points, and some places have even caused the spread and spread of communities.

Relevant departments and enterprises and public institutions should register and compile records of high-risk personnel in high-risk posts who come into contact with inbound personnel, goods, and the environment at ports, as well as high-risk personnel in centralized isolation places, designated medical institutions, fever clinics, imported cold-chain food processing enterprises, etc., and strictly implement measures such as standardized protection, closed-loop management, high-frequency nucleic acid testing, and zero daily health monitoring during the work period.

During the "two festivals", personnel in high-risk positions should avoid travel as much as possible, and if they really need to travel, they should report to their units to meet the conditions of leaving their jobs for more than 14 days and holding a negative nucleic acid test certificate within 48 hours. Do a good job of personal protection during the journey and comply with the epidemic prevention and control regulations of the destination.

6. Can I still travel if I have respiratory symptoms such as fever and cough?

Before traveling, if you have respiratory symptoms such as fever and cough, you should temporarily suspend your travel plan to avoid aggravation of symptoms of travel fatigue, and seek medical treatment in time, and arrange travel after recovery. Do a good job of personal protection during the journey and comply with the epidemic prevention and control regulations of the destination.

7. What is the impact of the health code becoming a "yellow code"?

Health code "yellow code" personnel should perform their personal prevention and control responsibilities and obligations, take the initiative to cooperate with the local health monitoring and nucleic acid testing, and avoid going out. After the health code is changed from "yellow code" to "green code" and there are no abnormal symptoms, you can travel normally. Do a good job of personal protection during the journey and comply with the epidemic prevention and control regulations of the destination.

8. After the end of the winter vacation or the Spring Festival, what are the specific arrangements and requirements for college students to return to school or migrant workers to return to work?

Colleges and universities have a large number of students, a wide range of sources, concentrated accommodation; some enterprises have a large number of migrant workers, the workplace is densely populated, once the source of infection is introduced, colleges and universities, enterprises are prone to cluster epidemics, and in a short period of time rapidly spread and spread.

In order to reduce the risk of the epidemic and avoid the gathering of people when returning to school and returning to work, it is recommended that universities or enterprises arrange for staggered peaks to return to school and return to work; and according to the actual situation, students or migrant workers are required to hold a negative nucleic acid test certificate within 48 hours when they return to school or return to work.

9. During the two festivals, can I organize gathering activities such as banquets? Is there a limit to the size?

Recently, after the local epidemic occurred in some places, it caused the rapid spread and spread of the epidemic through crowd gathering activities such as dinners, wedding banquets, and funerals.

In order to reduce the risk of the spread of the epidemic, during the "two festivals" period, temple fairs, large-scale theatrical performances, exhibitions and promotions and other activities should be strictly controlled, and large-scale personnel gathering activities should not be held as much as possible, such as family dinner gatherings and gatherings, and advocate "postponing happy events, simplifying funerals, and not doing banquets", and it is really necessary to hold as small as possible the scale of activities. Individuals who organize banquets with more than 5 tables and other gathering activities on their own must report to the neighborhood committee or village committee of the local community to implement the epidemic prevention and control regulations. Border townships avoid large-scale gatherings.

10. During the "two festivals", what protective measures should individuals pay attention to?

During holidays, the public should strengthen self-protection and standardize the wearing of masks in closed places such as public transportation, elevators, and outdoor places where people gather. Pay attention to washing hands frequently, pay attention to shelter when coughing and sneezing, and maintain social distancing of more than 1 meter. Indoor windows are often opened for ventilation to keep air circulating. People such as the elderly aged 60 and over and patients with serious chronic diseases should minimize going to crowd gathering places.

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