
The unsurpassable kings in his history, from monarchs to slaves, endured humiliation and burdens for many years, and finally suffered shame

The meaning of the Yue King's Gouge! The meaning of all the humiliation and burden is not to achieve things, but to live to do what they want to do, and people can only mention other external things when they live and have life. The world thinks that you have suffered enough to be a successful person. In fact, this is wrong, suffering and people, in the early stage you suffer and suffer, and later you become a successful person does not have much to do with Oh, at least there is not much relationship or direct relationship, the value of bearing the burden of humiliation is to be able to live, wait for an opportunity, find an exit, and then do a variety of things is the main factor in success.

The unsurpassable kings in his history, from monarchs to slaves, endured humiliation and burdens for many years, and finally suffered shame

After returning to China, all the things that are done in foreign countries are to hope that Xiao Feng can live, and after returning to China, planning all the big plans for international events, the people's plans, including the destruction of the State of Wu, is the main reason for destroying the State of Wu; such as Liu Bang, hiding in the Darkness of Bashu, Chen Cang, in exchange for only the opportunity to return to Guanzhong, after returning to the world, he also began to make various plans, and did a lot of things for the later emperor, and not because of how much suffering he suffered to accomplish such things; such as Zhu Di, pretending to be crazy and selling stupidity in exchange for only an opportunity to postpone the killing of the head After that, Jing difficulties, vigorous defense of Beiping, personal attack on Daning, plotting to deceive soldiers, besieging Jinan, directly approaching Nanjing, and numerous casualties along the way, these are the reasons for the success of the Qing jun's side; and then such as the humiliation of Han Xin's crotch, Ji Chang was imprisoned for seven years, Sun Zhi endured humiliation and burden, Wu Zixu fled to other countries, Zhang Qian fell to the Xiongnu, and so on, in exchange for only a chance to live, and future choices and efforts are the main reasons for becoming a great cause.

The unsurpassable kings in his history, from monarchs to slaves, endured humiliation and burdens for many years, and finally suffered shame

Therefore, it is said that enduring humiliation and killing opponents are basically two events, as long as you endure an opportunity, it is meaningful to endure humiliation and burden, which has nothing to do with the success or failure of later achievements. Taking a step back, even if you fail in the future, your humiliation will also learn some experience for getting back up later, so it is really awesome to hang and blow up the sky, and you will win it once. See, this is the additional meaning that social cognitive biases give to bear the burden of humiliation. Therefore, as long as you survive, it makes sense to endure humiliation and burden.

The unsurpassable kings in his history, from monarchs to slaves, endured humiliation and burdens for many years, and finally suffered shame

The reason why history loves to emphasize the preciousness of suffering is that people who come here are unwilling to admit it after their achievements, so many people like to base their results on their own suffering and humiliation, such as Liu Xiuyang Jian Zhao Kuangyin and others, sitting on the throne to establish merit, you can say that they are not highly evaluated because they have not suffered much. Therefore, the Yue King's gouge is really bullish, to endure what others cannot tolerate, to do what others cannot do, is such a person not a king?

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