
Winter Solstice I. Winter Solstice (Poetry)

Winter Solstice I. Winter Solstice (Poetry)

Text/Zhang Fuxian Photo/From the Internet

A bowl of dumplings, steaming hot

Woke up the dawn

After the longest darkness of the year

The river was wrapped in ice, and the snowflakes were shining

Light defeats darkness

The night was squeezed into a dead end

Dusk is late, dawn

But he hurriedly woke up the hillside

The darkness is not willing to sink

Gather strength and wait for the moonlit stars

Must be next summer solstice

The cycle of reincarnation continues, and the night is reborn

Winter Solstice I. Winter Solstice (Poetry)

About author:Zhang Fuxian, formerly known as Zhang Huifeng, is a geography teacher at Chengwu Bole No.1 Middle School in Shandong Province. Use poetry to record the joys and sorrows of life, use words to describe the good, evil, beauty and ugliness of the world; good reading, love calligraphy, to praise the true feelings of the world, to say all the unfairness of the world. He is a contracted writer of original Chinese novels, and his works are included in "Chinese Countryside", "Shi Xing Kuangyuan" and "Qingquan Record".

One Point No. Selected Works of Zhang Huifeng

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