
Poetry I. In the Fog

Poetry I. In the Fog

Text/Zhang Fuxian Photo/From the Internet

Dots of light float in the fog

Blink your eyes in the streets

Like a fishing fire in the Yangtze River

Like twinkling stars in the sky

Foggy, the wind stops,

The "snail" is crawling slowly

Within five meters, I saw a figure

The four corners don't stop flashing

I can't see the shape of the car on the other side

Only the sound of the horn calling

Go slowly, go slowly

It was three minutes late

Poetry I. In the Fog
Poetry I. In the Fog

About author:Zhang Fuxian, formerly known as Zhang Huifeng, is a geography teacher at Chengwu Bole No.1 Middle School in Shandong Province. Use poetry to record the joys and sorrows of life, use words to describe the good, evil, beauty and ugliness of the world; good reading, love calligraphy, to praise the true feelings of the world, to say all the unfairness of the world. He is a contracted writer of Chinese original novels, who has written the novella "Auspicious and His Partners", as well as short stories, miniature novels, essays, and poems, totaling millions of words, and his works are scattered on various online platforms.

One Point No. Selected Works of Zhang Huifeng

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