
Twilight in the Wind (poetry)

Twilight in the Wind (poetry)

Text/Zhang Fuxian Photo/From the Internet

Wander through the windy twilight

The dark sky was gloomy

Street lights, flashing eyes

There is no moonlight, no stars

The accustomed breeze shaved his cheeks

Blowing swollen the passers-by's dress

Fat pant legs sway in the wind

Thick clothes can't cover body temperature

The cool breeze speeds up the frequency of steps

The wet wind swept in the swarming clouds

A cold rain was brewing in the weeping sky

I turned around and ran all the way home

Twilight in the Wind (poetry)
Twilight in the Wind (poetry)

About the author: Zhang Fuxian, formerly known as Zhang Huifeng, is a geography teacher at Chengwu Bole No.1 Middle School in Shandong Province, an insignificant little author. He likes to record the joys and sorrows of life with poetry, and use words to describe the good, evil, beauty and ugliness of the world. Knowing that the writing is clumsy, although the top kung fu is done, it is a skill of the end, and I sincerely hope that the teacher and friend will be correct. He is a contracted writer of original Chinese novels, and has written the novella "Auspicious and His Companions", which has millions of words of poetry, prose and novels, which are scattered on various online platforms.

One Point No. Selected Works of Zhang Huifeng

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