
This is the correct way to do minced eggplant, many people do not know, the head chef shared the detailed method

author:First cuisine

Today to share with you a "minced meat eggplant" the simplest home-cooked method, not greasy and not greasy special rice, there are friends who like it to quickly learn it.

This is the correct way to do minced eggplant, many people do not know, the head chef shared the detailed method

Ingredients: Purple eggplant, pork belly

Accessories: green onion, garlic, millet pepper

Seasoning: bean paste, chili sauce, dark soy sauce, salt, pepper, sugar, chicken essence, steamed fish tempeh

【Minced eggplant】—— Soft and fragrant

1. Let's start preparing the ingredients

Prepare two purple eggplant, remove both ends and cut into segments, put them in a steamer and steam on high heat for 8 minutes.

Eggplant is steamed and then fried, it is not easy to absorb oil, and it is soft and sticky to eat.

This is the correct way to do minced eggplant, many people do not know, the head chef shared the detailed method

Prepare a piece of pork belly, cut into thin slices and then chop into meat pieces.

This is the correct way to do minced eggplant, many people do not know, the head chef shared the detailed method

2. Start preparing the excipients below

Prepare a slice of green onion, cut it from the middle and cut it into green onions,

Prepare a few garlic grains, pat flat and then cut into minced garlic.

Prepare a few millet peppers, wash and cut into rings.

This is the correct way to do minced eggplant, many people do not know, the head chef shared the detailed method

3. Start cooking below

After eight minutes, remove the soft, steamed eggplant, let it cool a little, and tear it into long strips.

This is the correct way to do minced eggplant, many people do not know, the head chef shared the detailed method

After boiling oil in the pot, after fully sliding the pot, pour out the hot oil and add the cool oil, pour the minced meat into the pot, sauté the fat inside, stir-fry the minced meat white and stir-fry the incense, add a spoonful of bean paste, a spoonful of chili sauce, stir-fry the sauce to fry the red oil, add green onion, garlic, millet pepper and stir-fry.

This is the correct way to do minced eggplant, many people do not know, the head chef shared the detailed method

Pour the eggplant into the pot and stir-fry quickly, pour in a spoonful of broth (no broth can be added to the water), add the appropriate amount of soy sauce, salt, pepper, and then add a little sugar to freshen, continue to stir-fry for 2 minutes to let the eggplant absorb the soup into the flavor.

This is the correct way to do minced eggplant, many people do not know, the head chef shared the detailed method

After 2 minutes, add the appropriate amount of chicken essence, steamed fish soy sauce and stir-fry evenly, then sprinkle with green onions.

This is the correct way to do minced eggplant, many people do not know, the head chef shared the detailed method

Well, a simple and rice-filled eggplant is ready.

This is the correct way to do minced eggplant, many people do not know, the head chef shared the detailed method

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