
"Closed-loop management" provides a guarantee for the safety of those involved in the Olympic Games in China and the Chinese public

The Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games Epidemic Prevention Manual (Second Edition) (hereinafter referred to as the "Epidemic Prevention Manual") was recently released. Relevant experts believe that without epidemic prevention safety, there will be no successful Olympic Games, and the "Epidemic Prevention Manual" is the basis and criterion for doing a good job in epidemic prevention and control. Among them, "closed-loop management" as an important measure for epidemic prevention and control before and after the game provides a guarantee for the safety of personnel involved in the Olympic Games in China and the Chinese public.

What is closed-loop management? The "Epidemic Prevention Manual" gives a clear explanation: closed-loop management is a special management method that completes daily work by reducing unnecessary contact while ensuring the safety of Austrian-related personnel and the Chinese public. From January 23 to the end of the Winter Paralympic Games next year, closed-loop management will be implemented to ensure the safe hosting of the Winter Olympic Games. Closed-loop management covers all winter Olympic venues such as arrival and departure, transportation, accommodation, catering, competitions, opening and closing ceremonies. Within the closed loop, participants will only be able to participate in activities related to their training, competitions and work between venues of the Winter Olympic Games. Within the closed loop, all Olympic-related personnel (including relevant domestic staff) must undergo daily health monitoring and nucleic acid testing, and can only travel to and from designated places (including competition venues and contracted hotels) in special vehicles for the Winter Olympics, so as to ensure that epidemic prevention measures are strictly implemented and that there is no contact with the public or all kinds of people outside the closed loop. All Olympic-related personnel will be managed throughout the whole process during their stay in China.

"Closed-loop management" provides a guarantee for the safety of those involved in the Olympic Games in China and the Chinese public

The "Epidemic Prevention Manual" stipulates that Olympic-related personnel must undergo remote prevention and control before coming to China. For example, if you come to China at least 14 days ago, you will complete the full vaccination of the new crown vaccine; you will start to monitor your health status every day before the 14th in China, and upload it through the "Winter Olympic Pass" health monitoring system. Two nucleic acid tests (at least 24 hours apart) are carried out within 96 hours before the departure of a flight to China, one of which must be completed within 72 hours before the departure of the flight, and any positive test will not be allowed to come to China; The "Epidemic Prevention Manual" also has clear provisions on the flight and itinerary of Austrian-related personnel to China, and the first place of entry can only be Beijing Capital International Airport.

By reading the "Epidemic Prevention Manual", we can understand that when Austrian-related personnel enter the closed loop in China, they still have to implement the strict regulations of closed-loop management. For example, all personnel involved in austria need to undergo nucleic acid testing every day, which is more stringent than the current nucleic acid testing requirements for ordinary immigrants after entry; those who test positive will also be effectively dealt with. The Epidemic Prevention Manual also clearly states that violations of any of the provisions described in this Manual during the Winter Olympic Games impose penalties of varying degrees under the Olympic Charter, such as warnings, temporary or permanent deregistration, disqualification, fines, etc., without limiting the disciplinary consequences or sanctions imposed by the institution or other competent authorities and entities. These measures have maximized the spread of the epidemic within the closed loop and the safety of all types of people.

The principle of closed-loop management is fully enclosed, point-to-point, and full-process. Doing a good job of closed-loop management can minimize the possibility of spreading the new crown virus to the audience and the social level by Olympic-related personnel. Relevant experts said that "full closure" means that in the relevant places of the Winter Olympic Games, there will be no contact between people outside the closed loop and inside the closed loop, and the passage routes, entrances and exits are clearly distinguished and prominently marked. In this way, the possibility of the epidemic spreading to the audience and even the society through the Olympic-related personnel is almost zero. For example, people outside the closed loop can only enter the venue for competition and work if the nucleic acid test result is negative; all personnel in the stadium must strictly follow the requirements of the epidemic prevention manual, such as wearing KN95/N95/FFP2 masks, maintaining distance, reducing contact with others, not shouting, singing and shouting, etc. Experts also suggest that both personnel inside and outside the closed loop should "wear masks, wash hands frequently, and do not touch their faces" in terms of personal protection.

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