
When it is cold, you should take your baby to swim, just for these benefits

In four days is the winter solstice, but also the coldest festival of the year, many cities across the country have ushered in low temperature weather, this kind of weather in many parents do not let their children exercise, afraid of colds to go to the hospital, in fact, this is not right, exercise has a great help to the child's body, winter is also necessary to let the child is a local exercise, afraid of cold can go to the infant swimming pool.

When it is cold, you should take your baby to swim, just for these benefits

We all know that children who have exercised will not only exercise physical strength and improve immunity, but also increase appetite and promote sleep, which is very important for children's growth and development, and the benefits of taking babies to swim in winter also include the following aspects:

First, improve the baby's immunity

Many parenting experts have said that the main reason for the decline in the baby's immunity in the autumn and winter is the baby's reduced activity. When the baby swims, the whole body participates in the exercise, driving the blood circulation and metabolism in the body, which is conducive to the development of the body's muscles, bones and joints, and strengthens the adaptability to the water temperature, and the baby can better resist the disease with a strong body.

2. Improved appetite giving sleep

After the weather gets colder, the baby's exercise is greatly reduced, because without exercise, the baby's digestive system ability will be correspondingly weakened. And the appropriate swimming exercise for the baby just makes up for this shortcoming, so that the baby can reasonably swim, consume energy and food in the body, effectively improve the baby's appetite, and improve the baby's sleep quality is also very helpful!

Third, improve the baby's adaptability

When it is cold, you should take your baby to swim, just for these benefits

When the baby is exercising in the water, the continuous limb movement and the impact of the water flow will promote the development of the central nervous system of the brain, improve the physique and enhance the body's cold resistance, and improve the baby's environmental adaptability. The baby's environmental adaptability is improved, and it will not be easy to have colds, fevers and other diseases because of weather problems.

Fourth, promote the growth of the baby's height

We all know that babies who exercise regularly tend to have more advantages in height, because proper exercise can make the limbs fully extended, blood circulation is accelerated, the development of various tissues and organs is better, and good sleep quality helps the secretion of growth hormone, thereby promoting height growth. Baby swimming can allow the baby to exercise under the premise of low gravity, which is conducive to physical development and height growth.

Fifth, promote the baby's intellectual development

When it is cold, you should take your baby to swim, just for these benefits

Exercise not only exercises the physique, but also makes people feel refreshed. Especially for infants and young children, proper exercise can also increase brain cell activity and help improve intelligence. As the most suitable infant swimming exercise for babies, it can effectively promote the development of the baby's brain and nervous system, stimulate the baby's potential, and lay the foundation for the baby's high IQ.

Sixth, exercise the baby's spiritual quality

In the process of learning to swim, the self-confidence is cultivated, the baby is more able to face failure more calmly, and swim against the current, coupled with the insistence on letting the baby swim so that the child develops the habit of active exercise and sunshine confidence, and the baby's excellent quality is cultivated.

Therefore, infant swimming is definitely not a "patent" for summer. Insisting on taking the baby to swim in winter can continue to improve the baby's immunity, promote the formation of good living habits of the baby, help the baby to spend the winter at ease, and make the baby less sick and healthier.

Insist on swimming with the baby throughout the year, the harvest is definitely worth it, especially the baby is less sick, eats well, sleeps well, and develops quickly, saving a lot of cost and energy for the parents, which is also the specific significance of infant swimming.

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