
【Baby Big Exercise Development Schedule】

【Baby Big Exercise Development Schedule】

When the baby is not yet born, there will be many actions: turning over, rolling, kicking people, that is called a toss. After birth, these "movements" are limited by the presence of gravity, such as the newborn's inability to step, roll, roll, or even control the swing of the head.

However, over the next 12 months, the form of movement changes and the baby will gradually acquire the basic motor skills needed in the new living environment. The baby's big movement mainly refers to the motor ability of the body and limbs, including looking up, turning over, sitting, climbing, standing, walking, jumping, etc. The development of the baby's big movements can be roughly summarized as: three up (head), four flips (body), six will sit, seven rolls, eight climbs, nine supports, 1 year old will walk.

0-3 months: look up, kick and raise the chest, the baby can briefly raise the small head when lying on the stomach during the full moon, and at 2 months, it can almost lift 45 °, and at 3 months or 4 months, it can basically lift 90 °.

4-6 months: turn over and sit upright, at this stage, the baby will try to turn over on his own, the calves and feet are eager to try to turn over, parents just need to ensure that there is no danger around the baby. 7-9 months: crawling, in fact, 5-6 months, the baby's lower limb strength will become stronger and stronger.

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