
The city has not changed its name for more than 3,100 years, and since its construction and use, it has now been reduced to no one

China has a cultural history of more than 5,000 years, is also one of the world's famous four ancient civilizations, with the change of dynasties, resulting in the names of many places have changed, just like Xi'an in Shaanxi, the history of calling it Chang'an, Xijing, Hojing, which is with the evolution of history and changes, not only Xi'an, there are many places have more or less changed their names, but there is such a place, from ancient times to the present has not changed, more than 3100 years still use this name, it is called - Handan.

The city has not changed its name for more than 3,100 years, and since its construction and use, it has now been reduced to no one

Handan in the south of Hebei, has a history of more than 3100 years, in North China has a very important position, but also the world's famous historical capital, since the city was built, handan's name has not changed, this is also its special place, so how did Handan come from? There are three theories in total, one is that Handan represents the sunrise and sunset, Handan was originally Gandan before the Warring States, Gan represents sunrise, and Dan represents sunset, so it has this name. There are also saying that the surname is Handan, and there are also saying that Handan Mountain is called Handan. In short, there are many statements that contain historical information.

The city has not changed its name for more than 3,100 years, and since its construction and use, it has now been reduced to no one

I think many people have heard of the "Handan toddler" this allusion, now many people are still using this word, not only that, but also the completion of the Bigui Zhao, the guilt of Jingjing are related to the ancient city of Handan, just the idiom allusions associated with this ancient city have reached 1584, it is really admirable, so it is used as the brewing place of history and culture, more than 10,000 years ago, or the new era, this side has begun to appear the development of history and culture, and in 2012, Ji'nan shadow puppet application successfully, It is worthy of being the historical capital of our country.

The city has not changed its name for more than 3,100 years, and since its construction and use, it has now been reduced to no one

And in the war period, the position of Handan is also very dominant, is a lot of countries want to compete for down, in the Western Han Dynasty, Handan is more famous, even the walking posture has become the object of imitation, just when the Qin Dynasty and the Six Kingdoms of war, many famous battles are near Handan, even if the Qin Dynasty unified the Six Kingdoms, Handan still became the most important place, in the War of Resistance Against Japan, also played a great role in North China, many people in Handan threw their heads and spilled blood, up to eight years.

The city has not changed its name for more than 3,100 years, and since its construction and use, it has now been reduced to no one

And with the rapid development of society, Handan seems to have lost its former glory, and it is no longer in the first-tier cities, slowly weakening down, in fact, because in the late Years of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Cao Cao began to shift the center of gravity of economic politics to the south, resulting in the status of Handan is no longer important, coupled with the later land area is getting larger and larger, many cities have been established, the Sui and Tang Canals are also very convenient to open up traffic, Handan at this time is even more undesirable, and can not take on the most important position again, and later when the Qing Dynasty built the railway, Handan's geographical location also plays an important role.

The city has not changed its name for more than 3,100 years, and since its construction and use, it has now been reduced to no one

It is also very unique that Handan has not changed its name, and not changing its name is also because Handan has no importance and has not been valued, who will care about the name of this small city? It is also because of this that the name of it continues to the present, of course, some people say that the city of Handan carries too much history, and many people have sacrificed here, so in order to show respect, they will not change their name, which is also a comforting statement.

The city has not changed its name for more than 3,100 years, and since its construction and use, it has now been reduced to no one

Whether the name is changed or not, the city of Handan deserves our respect, and we hope that the development of this city is getting better and better.

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