
A woman's sense of security lies in herself

In this life, everyone is the same, and I hope that I can live with peace of mind.

After all, if you are not at ease, you always suffer from gains and losses, trembling, and the taste is not so good.

It is human nature to want to live with peace of mind, and if you really want to do so, it is not so easy.

I have to say that throughout their lives, many women are always looking for this sense of security, when single, women will always feel that they will be unreliable, all because they are a person, and it is good to get married.

However, after really getting married, many women's hearts will still be very uneasy.

When men are not good to themselves, they will be particularly insecure, their whole person, the whole heart, as if there is no pillar, even if the man is very good to himself, he will still feel worried, will worry that the other party will change his heart one day.

Somehow, women always tend to think that the sense of security they want, that lies in men, but in fact, the sense of security, given by others, is difficult to make people feel down-to-earth, if you want to make yourself really at ease, you have to rely on yourself.

A woman's sense of security lies in herself

A strong heart, not always thinking too much.

In life, the only thing that will not change is change.

That is to say, on the road of life, everything is uncontrollable, and in the years to come, all kinds of things may happen.

In the face of this uncertainty, if our hearts are too weak, we always have all kinds of worries, worry that we will get sick, worry that we will one day lose love, worry that our career will be hit hard, with this mood, of course, we will not be good.

People, the more they think, the more they will be particularly uneasy, and there is no way to live a good life at present.

And if we can not always worry about the future, worry about what has not happened, have a good mentality, but also have the courage to face everything, just live well in the moment, then our lives will really be much better.

On the long road of life, there will be many unsatisfactory things, and if you think too much, it will be useless after all.

Only if we know not to be afraid, no matter what happens, we are just actively facing it, and for what has not happened, we are just looking forward to it, rather than scaring ourselves, our hearts will be much more solid.

The sense of security, that is really not in their own life is always calm, peaceful, but in the fact that they are strong enough to withstand all wind and rain.

A woman's sense of security lies in herself

They have the ability to make money and are financially independent.

Even as women, if we are always worried about the place to live, and often have no way to solve our own three meals a day, then of course, we will always be particularly worried.

In this world, we can not have a lot of beautiful things, but we must not be without the minimum material security.

I agree with a sentence, money is a person's guts, when there is no money, on many occasions, we will be particularly bottomless, when we have money in the card, we will really become very different.

You don't have to be too anxious, you will do something you don't like, you won't be afraid of suddenly losing your job, you won't have to worry about any variables in your life, and you won't be caught off guard.

Without money, our lives will not be able to withstand any wind and grass, and a little thing will also make us particularly desperate.

If we can solve the problem of food and clothing and have savings, then no matter what we have experienced and what kind of difficulties we face, we will have the ability to start all over again.

It can be said that, to a large extent, money is really a woman's best sense of security, and it is also a woman's best reliance.

Life never treats us preferentially because we are women, and if we want to have a certain degree of control over life, we must always have a skill, so that we can make a living at any time.

A woman's sense of security lies in herself

Mentally independent and courageous to leave anyone.

There are also some women who are very good in themselves and have very good careers, but they are still not happy.

In the end, unhappiness is not because of anything else, because the men around them always ignore their feelings, do not take themselves seriously, and even have other women outside.

With their own strength, women should have been able to cope with feelings well, but because of the spiritual level is not independent, even if they are excellent, many women are still always afraid of each other leaving themselves.

Even if a relationship is very unbearable, I feel that having each other will be stronger than without each other, and without each other, I will not know how to live.

It is a terrible thing that women are not mentally independent, it is easy to always want to find a dependency, and then the more you want to find, the more you can't find it, and the more you feel insecure in the end.

In fact, women will long for someone to love themselves, willing to love someone with their hearts, which is very deserved, but when they love a man and manage a relationship well, they must not lose themselves.

To love, but at the same time, if the other person is not worthy, we also have the ability to leave the other person.

Only in this way, no matter who we leave, we will not feel that the sky has fallen, we will still be able to live our own lives, take care of our own days, and on the way forward, we will also have nothing to fear.

A woman's sense of security lies in herself

Too many things, instead of wanting others to give, we should fulfill them ourselves.

Especially the sense of security, what others give, does not count, you must be able to give yourself.

Only when the sense of security grows from within us will others be unable to take it, and we will always have it.

In this way, we will become a better version of ourselves, and it will be easier to get a really good relationship.

As the saying goes, self-helpers help. In the face of life, when we are always uneasy, this will make others feel very bad, and it will also make good people not willing to go near us at all, thinking that we are too negative, which will cause him to be consumed.

And when we shine on our own and exude a particularly stable aura, it will really be particularly attractive.

Life is never waiting for someone to take on our life, but we first become a stable self, and then attract some equally good people, to become friends, to become lovers, to feel this life together.

Text/Tan Meng


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