
Can I have twins for three generations of IVF?

Since ovulation induction drugs are used in IVF treatment to help women obtain multiple eggs in a menstrual cycle, a single IVF cycle can generally be formulated into multiple embryos, and if 2 embryos are transferred at the time of transfer, twins can be successfully conceived. So, can you have twins for IVF?

Can I have twins for three generations of IVF?

First, let's take a look at how ivy is done?

AA69 Fertility Center said: After the couple confirms that ivory, women begin to receive ovulation induction treatment, under the action of ovulation-promoting drugs, women have multiple eggs growing and developing in a menstrual cycle, so multiple eggs can be obtained when retrieving eggs. Combined with sperm, multiple embryos can be obtained.

Generally, ivy can be fertilized, the doctor will transfer 1 to 2 embryos according to the patient's physical condition, if the embryo is successfully implanted within 14 days, it means that the IVF fertility is successful.

It can be seen that IVF can have twins, as long as the doctor puts two embryos in the transfer, it is possible to conceive twins.

Can I have twins for three generations of IVF?

Of course, the doctor can not guarantee that the transferred embryos can be implanted smoothly, there may be two embryos transferred, only one implanted, or none of them successfully implanted, then there is no way to realize everyone's wish to conceive twins.

For twin pregnancies, I hope that you will not only look at the beauty of conceiving two babies, but also look at the danger behind it, the incidence of complications during pregnancy in multiple pregnancies is 3 to 7 times that of single pregnancies, and the proportion of diseases and deaths in fetuses and newborns is 4 to 10 times that of single pregnancies. It can be seen that multiple pregnancies pose a risk to the safety of mothers and babies. Therefore, most of the reproductive centers in China will advocate singleton transplantation to reduce the risk of pregnancy complications and ensure the success rate of IVF.

Therefore, for the safety of the mother's fetus, the doctor will consider the patient's physical condition to decide how many embryos to transfer when transferring, and believe that the doctor will give reasonable suggestions to reduce the occurrence of multiple pregnancies while ensuring the clinical pregnancy rate.

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