
Elementary school students write great-grandmother death essay the whole class cries bitterly, teacher: her parents dare not watch it a second time

December 7

In Taikang County, Zhoukou, Henan

Wulikou Township Shaolou Primary School

An essay written by a fifth-grader

Essay in memory of a deceased great-grandmother

Touched the whole class

According to Mr. Du, the Chinese teacher of the class, the great-grandmother of a girl in the class died on the 5th, and the girl wrote an essay in memory of the deceased great-grandmother. At that time, the students in the class were crying after listening to it, and they did not coax themselves for ten minutes.

"Unfortunately, you can't wait for me..."

Elementary school students write great-grandmother death essay the whole class cries bitterly, teacher: her parents dare not watch it a second time
Elementary school students write great-grandmother death essay the whole class cries bitterly, teacher: her parents dare not watch it a second time


The little girl uses childish and sincere words

Expressed the thought of a great-grandmother

The teacher said

Her parents also cried after reading her composition

Her dad didn't dare to look at it a second time

"Almost all of them were brought up by grandparents"

A little girl's sentence

"Old lady, I miss you..."

Evoked a class with a similar experience

The resonance of the students

"This is the most touching article I've ever read!"

The language teacher is below the essay

Gave such a review

According to the teacher

This school is a rural primary school

Many of the students in the class are left-behind children

Kids are almost all and

Older generations of relatives live together

Hence the essay on the little girl

This simple emotion

I have a deep feeling

Netizen: It's so resonant

See this video

Many netizens liked the little girl:

Grateful kids are awesome

Some netizens said:

I was also raised by my grandparents

It's too easy to resonate

Elementary school students write great-grandmother death essay the whole class cries bitterly, teacher: her parents dare not watch it a second time

How to talk about death with your child

Elementary school students write great-grandmother death essay the whole class cries bitterly, teacher: her parents dare not watch it a second time

Teacher of experimental primary school in Henan Province

Even PinkIe

Reading the parting stories told by the children between relatives was particularly touching. In the face of the loss of a life, we will have some changes in our emotions to a greater or lesser extent, and sadness is inevitable. The same goes for children. We should first identify with the child expressing his emotions and give the child enough security. As teachers and parents, we can give our children a hug, we can listen patiently to their feelings, we can communicate with them gently, and we can find ways to let our children feel that death is a normal life process, not terrible.

Death is not a taboo subject. We can let children observe the blossoming and falling of flowers and understand the changes of the four seasons; or choose a suitable picture book and read a story about death; we can also take children to natural museums and science museums to see how people are born, grow up, grow old, and die. All of this allows children to recognize that death is a natural phenomenon of life.

We need to solemnly tell our children that life is only once. The birth of every life is precious, and every life is irreplaceable. Therefore, it is necessary to guide children to correctly recognize death, but also to guide students to master survival skills, pursue the value of life, and cultivate a correct attitude towards life. The key to death education is to make children less afraid when facing death, understand the preciousness of life, fear life, cherish the present, live better, and live worthwhile.

Source: Department of Education of Henan Province

Editor: Sun Zhengjie

Review: Liu Junjun

Duty Editorial Board: Cai Xiaojun

Strategic Partner and Group Legal Counsel: Henan Liaoyuan Law Firm

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