
Popular private dish - garlic vermicelli steamed abalone, you want the tutorial is coming

author:Black cat White cat Night cat

Steamed abalone with garlic vermicelli, this private dish is loved by friends, whether it is at the banquet or on the dinner table of the family gathering!

Abalone itself is extremely high in nutritional value, and the meat is rich in globulin, which has the effect of nourishing yin and nourishing. The meat of abalone also contains an ingredient called "abalone", which can destroy the essential metabolic substances of cancer cells, and is an anti-cancer food on the table.

So, how should this popular private dish be made? Teachers from Hainan New Oriental Culinary Institute come to teach you!

Popular private dish - garlic vermicelli steamed abalone, you want the tutorial is coming

Ingredients for preparing steamed abalone with garlic vermicelli:

6 small abalone, 6 cloves of garlic, 2 green onions, 20 grams of vermicelli, 2 tablespoons of steamed fish soy sauce, 1 tbsp vegetable oil, a little white pepper, a little sugar.

Method for making steamed abalone with garlic vermicelli:

1. Brush the abalone shell clean, use a knife to dig out the abalone meat, remove the internal organs and rinse the inner shell again.

2: Soak the vermicelli in warm water and cut shorter for later; cut the garlic cloves and green onion into small pieces and set aside.

3: Cut 4-5 knives vertically on the surface of the abalone meat, and then cut 4-5 knives horizontally. Place the soft vermicelli inside the abalone shell and place the abalone meat on top of the vermicelli.

4: Pour oil into a wok, add minced garlic over low heat and stir-fry until fragrant, then turn off the heat.

5: Add steamed fish soy sauce, a little sugar and white pepper and mix well to form a sauce.

6: Drizzle the sauce and minced garlic evenly over the abalone.

7: Bring the water to a boil in the steamer, steam in the pot for 5-8 minutes, steam well and sprinkle the surface of the abalone with chopped chives, minced red peppers, a little garlic paste, and then pour some boiling oil to simmer the aroma.

Popular private dish - garlic vermicelli steamed abalone, you want the tutorial is coming

(Image from the Internet)

Tip: Garlic vermicelli steamed abalone ingredients with tips

Abalone and bamboo shoots can be eaten together: this dish nourishes yin and improves sperm, clears heat and diuresis. It is suitable for body heat and dry cough caused by yin deficiency internal heat, and has a certain effect on cataracts.

And venison and abalone can't be eaten together! It is recorded in the "Drinking meal": "Venison should not be eaten with abalone. "Abalone has a sweet and flat taste, is non-toxic, and has the effect of appetizing and lowering the bladder water. The "Compendium of Materia Medica" records: "Venison should not be eaten with pheasant meat, calamus, abalone, shrimp, and produce bad sores." "From the perspective of food and medicine, it is not contrary to venison.

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