
If a child has bad emotions, how should adults channel it?

Children are not like adults, who know how to manage and channel their emotions. When they have bad emotions, they often show them directly on their faces, and even attract the attention of adults in inappropriate ways. In the face of children's situation, adults need to know how to properly sort out.

If a child has bad emotions, how should adults channel it?

1. Guide the psychology of children's things being robbed

Children have a strong possessiveness for their own things, and when a beloved toy or food is snatched, their faces will turn red. In addition to crying, he even beat people. At this time, what adults have to do is not to blame the child for not knowing how to share, but to accept the child's angry emotions first. Then from the child's point of view, share the mood at this time, but encourage the child to reason with other children and try to get it back, or negotiate to play together and share their toys or food with each other.

2. Channel children's sad emotions

Although children are ignorant, there will also be times of sadness, such as when the beloved toy is broken, they will be sad and cry. At this time, the adult accompanies him and gives him a hug, instead of telling the child at the beginning that it is bad and it does not matter if he buys him a new one. If you let your child form the thinking that "as long as it is broken, there is a new one", maybe he will deliberately break the toy in the future.

3. Channel children's fear

Children are curious about the new things in the world, but they are also afraid. When the child is afraid of something, the adult should experience this emotion with the child and communicate with the child in the same mood. Tell the child that he is afraid that he can hide in the arms of an adult for help, or he can face it bravely. When you face it bravely, you may be able to find out what is interesting about him.

4. Channel children's jealousy

Children are easy to compare with each other, and there will also be jealousy. For example, when a child sees that his parents are intimate with other children, he will think that his parents do not like him, or even jealous that his parents are good to other children, and will defend his territory by crying or pulling other children. At this time, there is no need to immediately criticize the child, and the reasons for the child's actions should be understood. If it is because the child is jealous, tell the child: even if the parents are occasionally kind to other children, it will always be yours.

5. Channel children's guilt

When a child accidentally breaks something in the house, he feels very scared and guilty. Identify with his guilt and tell him that guilt cannot change the facts that have happened, but should learn to deal with what happened after breaking things, and honestly tell adults.

Whether it is an adult or a child, it is necessary to do emotional counseling, especially if the child does not understand self-regulation, it is necessary for adults to guide them properly and stay away from negative emotions in order to grow up healthily.

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