
Cao Cao shouted 3 times in public, wen wu smelled discolored, why only Xu Chu dared to laugh loudly?


In other words, friends who like "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" must still remember the "relationship" between Cao Cao and Xu Chu. Once, Cao Cao ordered Xu Chu to "take" Cao Pi, and cao Pi was also a xu person? Cao Cao's own son, who dares to provoke? However, in front of Xu Chu, he never dared to make a mistake.

This time Xu Chu personally came to "arrest" Cao Pi, and Cao Pi was frightened not lightly, and cried out: My life is rested, my life is rested! Cao Pi's teacher Sima Yi told him not to panic, and Cao Pi retorted: That's Xu Chu! Who he is, it is my father's confidant, even if the father king asks him to kill his own father and mother, he will never frown a bit!

Xu Chu was a fierce general who had been loyal to Cao Cao since his early days. Everyone knows that Cao Cao is suspicious by nature and almost does not trust anyone, but only absolutely trusts Xu Chu, and the deep meaning of this is self-evident!

Cao Cao shouted 3 times in public, wen wu smelled discolored, why only Xu Chu dared to laugh loudly?

In his youth, Xu Chu was very good at fighting, and once organized villagers in his hometown to fight thieves together. Once, when he was out of grain during a war with thieves, Xu Chu was in a hurry, pretended to "negotiate peace" with the thieves, and falsely claimed to "trade" with them, exchanging cattle for the thieves' grain.

The thief actually believed, after the completion of the transaction, the cultivating cattle actually ran to find the Lord, at this time Xu Chu was happy, he used one hand to directly drag the tail of the cow to the distance, when the thieves saw this scene, they were all frightened and stupid, is this still a person? Even their own "cattle" dared to ask for it, and they were directly scared away.

At this point, Xu Chu's "fierce name" has been widely spread, and as long as the local and surrounding villages and towns hear the word Xu Chu, they will all talk about the discoloration.

Cao Cao shouted 3 times in public, wen wu smelled discolored, why only Xu Chu dared to laugh loudly?

After Xu Chu followed Cao Cao, Cao Cao was mainly responsible for the janissaries, and during the Battle of Guandu, someone tried to assassinate Cao Cao, and after Xu Chu found out, all the assassins were solved at the first time. It is precisely because Xu Chu is very capable, straightforward, simple in character, and absolutely loyal, so Cao Cao trusts him 100%.

In 211 AD, Cao Cao lost the Battle of Weinan, and at the time of life and death, Xu Chu only relied on tattered armor, left hand to protect his head, right hand to row a boat, and many arrows in his body, escorting Cao Cao to flee to the opposite shore.

After that, Cao Cao and Ma Chao fought, and no one under Cao Cao could defeat Ma Chao's courage. Ma Chaojiu heard that there was a "tiger idiot" Xu Chu under Cao Cao's account, and there were ten thousand enemies.

Cao Cao shouted 3 times in public, wen wu smelled discolored, why only Xu Chu dared to laugh loudly?

Therefore, Ma Chao pointed at Cao Cao and shouted: Where is Xu Chu? I'm going to fight one! Cao Cao looked at Xu Chu, and Xu Chuhu glared at Ma Chao, his teeth clenched as he was bitten.

Xu Chu is more than eight feet tall, with a waist of ten thick, plus he is very angry now, which can be described as "full of aura", ordinary people cannot withstand this sense of oppression. Ma Chao glanced at it and thought to himself, sure enough, it was not a waste of time, first fight with him and then say, there is no victory or defeat in the end.

Xu Chu saved Cao Cao's life many times, and was also a first-class fierce general, coupled with his great prestige and loyalty in the army, Cao Cao trusted him even more. At the Battle of Guandu, Cao Cao defeated Yuan Shao to unify the north, and wanted to take advantage of the victory to pursue the south to unify Jiangdong.

Cao Cao shouted 3 times in public, wen wu smelled discolored, why only Xu Chu dared to laugh loudly?

Cao Cao's army was suppressing the territory, Sun Quan was very worried, through the lobbying of Zhou Yu and other main war factions, Sun Quan decided to fight Cao Cao to the death, and the "Sun Liu Alliance" was formed to jointly fight against Cao Cao Cao.

"During the conversation and laughter, the trees are ashes and smoke", Zhou Yu's fire burned Cao Jun away. When the great enemy was gone, the "Sun Liu Alliance" ceased to exist, and Jingzhou became the main contradiction between Sun Liu and Sun Liu.

As we all know, Jingzhou was a strategic powerhouse during the Three Kingdoms period, and the significance to the Sun and Liu families was even more significant. Both groups want to take this big fat for themselves. Cao Cao was defeated at the Battle of Chibi, and although the foundation remained untouched, he also lost a lot of yuan qi and was unable to attack Sun Liu again. Cao Cao was a traitor, and he knew that Sun Liu would definitely fight to the death for jingzhou, the land of right and wrong.

Cao Cao shouted 3 times in public, wen wu smelled discolored, why only Xu Chu dared to laugh loudly?

Once Cao Cao held a special meeting to ask his subordinate Wenwu how he viewed Sun Liu's question about Jingzhou. Xun Yu made an analogy to Cao Cao and said, "Sun Liu's two families are like two vicious dogs, sooner or later they will bite each other. ”

After Cao Cao listened, he immediately laughed, and Wen Wu also laughed, and when the laughter stopped, Cao Cao intentionally learned three dog barks: "Wang, Wang, Wang." At this time, the color of Wen Wu changed, and no one dared to speak out, because everyone was suspicious until Cao Cao was suspicious, afraid that they would not control and provoke Cao Cao, and when the time came to settle accounts after the autumn, they would not even know how they died. However, at that time, there was a person who did not hold back, laughing loudly, without thinking, this person was Xu Chu.

The relationship between Cao Cao and Xu Chu was extraordinary and very delicate. Xu Chu was fierce and reckless, but only loyal to Cao Cao. Coupled with the fact that the two of them have known each other for many years, Xu Chu has saved Cao Cao's life many times, and it can be said that without Xu Chu, there would be no Cao Cao now. Although Cao Cao was suspicious, he also had "feelings", and he certainly could not wait with others for Xu Chu. All in all, Cao Cao and Xu Chu are called "master-servant relationship", but in fact they are born into death, and they are "good brothers" who compare their hearts to their hearts!

Cao Cao shouted 3 times in public, wen wu smelled discolored, why only Xu Chu dared to laugh loudly?

Reference materials for this article: "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", "Pin Three Kingdoms", "Vernacular Romance of the Three Kingdoms", "Baidu Encyclopedia Related Terms - Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Cao Cao Biography, Xu Chu Biography, Battle of Chibi, Sun Liu Alliance"

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