
Two of the heroes of the Five Heroes of Wolf's Tooth Mountain survived| a daily lesson of cold knowledge

Two of the heroes of the Five Heroes of Wolf's Tooth Mountain survived| a daily lesson of cold knowledge

The Five Heroes of Wolf's Tooth Mountain are the heroes we have admired and worshipped since childhood. In 1941, in the Battle of Wolfa Mountain in Yi County, Baoding City, Hebei Province, they faced the attack of the Japanese army and the puppet army when they ran out of bullets, preferred to die and jumped off the cliff dozens of meters deep without hesitation. When I was a child, I thought that the five heroes of Wolf's Tooth Mountain had all jumped off a cliff and died, but in fact, two heroes survived and were rescued.

Two of the heroes of the Five Heroes of Wolf's Tooth Mountain survived| a daily lesson of cold knowledge

The five heroes of the Five Heroes of Wolf's Tooth Mountain were: Ma Baoyu, Ge Zhenlin, Song Xueyi, Hu Delin, and Hu Fucai; after they jumped off the cliff, ma Baoyu, Hu Fucai, and Hu Delin were martyred, and when Ge Zhenlin and Song Xueyi jumped off the cliff, they hung on a branch, survived, and were saved by the Eighth Route Army.

Two of the heroes of the Five Heroes of Wolf's Tooth Mountain survived| a daily lesson of cold knowledge

After Ge Zhenlin recovered from his injuries, he successively threw himself into the War of Liberation and the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and made many military achievements. After returning to China after the Korean armistice, he successively served as deputy director of the Logistics Department of the Hunan Provincial Guard Regiment, deputy commander of the Hunan Provincial Public Security Brigade, deputy director of the Hengyang Municipal People's Armed Forces Department, and deputy director of the Logistics Department of the Hengyang Garrison District, and retired in 1982. Serves as an external counselor for nearly 200 primary and secondary schools across the country.

Two of the heroes of the Five Heroes of Wolf's Tooth Mountain survived| a daily lesson of cold knowledge

Ge Zhenlin

Although Song Xueyi survived, he broke his waist bone and survived after rescue. He returned to his hometown and led the people in the village to work hard and start a business, and died of illness in 1971.

Two of the heroes of the Five Heroes of Wolf's Tooth Mountain survived| a daily lesson of cold knowledge

Song Xueyi

Hats off to the heroes and martyrs!

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