
Atmospheric Liu Chan: The most ideal and perfect emperor in feudal society?

The "harmony and beauty" (relative) of liu bei and Zhuge Liang's relationship between kings and subjects has been praised by people of insight in successive generations, and is regarded as the most ideal and perfect model of the relationship between monarchs and subjects in feudal society. As a successor, Liu Chan was able to fully inherit this "harmonious and wonderful" monarch-subject relationship from his father, and developed this relationship into a "golden partner", which fully explains Liu Chan's "atmosphere"?

Atmospheric Liu Chan: The most ideal and perfect emperor in feudal society?

Shi Zai: Before Liu Bei's death, Zhuge Liang lamented that Liu Chan was "very smart and exceeded people's expectations." Liu Bei also modestly said, "If you can judge this, I will not worry about it!" Zhuge Liang commented on Liu Chan in the Book of Du Wei: "The eighteenth year of the imperial court, the talented Renmin, the corporal of Charity. "Book of Jin. According to Li Mi's biography, Li Mi believed that Liu Chan, as the monarch, could be compared with the Spring and Autumn Dynasty's first overlord Qi Huan, who had to manage Zhongzhong to become a hegemon, and Liu Chan had Zhuge Liang to compete with Qiang Wei. As for Liu Chan's surrender without a fight, Wang Yin said in the "Book of Shu": The reason why Liu Chan would rather recite the insult than make an excuse is that "the whole country is the best policy." A politician like Liu Chan, who pays attention to the practical interests of the Chinese people, cannot speak the same thing as a face politician who "punches a swollen face and punches a fat man."

Shakespeare said, "It is also up to him to pretend to be foolish; he must spy on the mood of the people he makes fun of, know their identities, and see the timing; and then like the wild eagle that spies on every bird and bird in front of him, he does not relax at every opportunity." It's a kind of work as tough as the art of smart people. ”

After Liu Chan's fall, as the king of the subjugated country, not only his own life, but also the happiness of the people of Shudi was in the hands of others. His own treatment directly affected the Jin state's relaxation of policies towards the people of Shu. Therefore, Liu Chan must pretend to be stupid and hide his talents everywhere, in order to hide the sky and cross the sea, and cultivate obscurity and self-preservation. Behind the superficial numbness and cowardice lurks the cunning and wit of the superior. Zhou Shouchang's "Collection of Romance of the Three Kingdoms" commented on Ah Dou: "I am afraid that the rumors are untrue, but I will cultivate obscurity to make my ears full." Therefore, the later lord Liu Chan is a generation of monarchs who are "wise and wise". When I was a child, when my old man taught me, I always listened with one ear and one ear, and when I heard something that was not pleasing to my ears, I wanted to say two sentences. My youngest son is even more born in the door, and every sentence I say, my son not only does not listen, but also thinks that the sentence is superfluous. Once, I said too much, and my son said angrily: "When you are old, I will settle the account with you!" "The reason why I am so wordy is to show that it is actually difficult for people to get along for a long time, father and son are not good, let alone the relationship between kings and subjects.

Atmospheric Liu Chan: The most ideal and perfect emperor in feudal society?

Before his death, Liu Bei specifically instructed: "Ru and Xiang xiang are engaged, and things are like fathers." In fact, for Zhuge Liang, who has no big details and monopoly of power, Liu Chan has basically done everything in a humble way, "with his father doing things." According to the convention, Zhuge Liang should have returned the government with Liu Chan. On the eve of the Northern Expedition, Zhuge Liang still regarded the 22-year-old Liu Chan as a child, and specially sent his henchmen to "supervise" and "the lord of the future is strictly afraid". Not only that, but also in the "Table of Former Teachers", it reveals all kinds of dissatisfaction with Liu Chan, like treating children with his ears and teaching Liu Chan's "pro-idle courtiers, far lesser people", while the young Tianzi Liu Chan considers the overall situation and seeks perfection.

Zhuge Liang disobeyed the instructions of the first lord and the auxiliary government, and then took the place of the government, and for a long time the army was outside, committing the taboo of the monarch. Although there was also some discord between Liu Chan and Zhuge Liang's courtiers, Liu Chan was also thinking about the overall situation and restraining himself. Zhuge Liang was very guilty after making a mistake in employing people, and the lord comforted him: "Victory and defeat are commonplace. Soon after Zhuge Liang demoted himself to the third rank, in order not to affect Zhuge Liang's authority, after Zhuge Liang won the battle, Liu Chan promptly restored Zhuge Liang's position. When the news of Zhuge Liang's death came, Liu Chan was sad for days, unable to go up to the court, and even cried and fell on the dragon bed. When the coffin was transported back, Liu Chan led the wen and wu officials out of the city for twenty miles to greet him. Zhuge dictatorship was very stimulating to the Later Lord. After Zhuge Liang's death, Liu Chan opposed the erection of a temple for him. But under the repeated requests of the crowd, Ah Dou did not have a stubborn opinion.

Despite this, Liu Chan still did not throw away the banner of Zhuge Liang. By acting in this way, we have both won the hearts and minds of the people, thus ensuring the long-term stability of the political situation. Liu Chan was well aware of the truth that "if the monarchs and subjects are not harmonious, there will be internal changes", as long as he is not sober for a while, the barbaric line struggle will be inevitable! The young emperor Liu Chan was able to take a long-term view of this, and it can be said that he has never handled the issue of power and subjects so gracefully. Such a virtuous leadership is also a miracle in the long history of the autocratic system. The Southern Dynasty historian Pei Songzhi commented that "the sage of the later lord is unattainable."

Atmospheric Liu Chan: The most ideal and perfect emperor in feudal society?

The later lord Liu Chan not only had a belly, but also had a lot of brains. Zhuge Liang was anxious about the Northern Expedition, and the young emperor Liu Chan had a very clear mind, and he persuaded: "Xiang Father's southern expedition is difficult; Fang Shi returned to the capital and sat down; now he wants to go north again, afraid of thinking about it." Although Zhuge Liang ignored his own advice and disregard, once the Northern Expedition resolution was formed, Liu Chan still fully supported Zhuge Liang's Northern Expedition. After Zhuge Liang's death, Liu Chan immediately stopped the Northern Expedition, which was empty of national strength and labored and hurt the people. Unfortunately, the general Jiang Wei continued to use troops outside for a long time to fight against Cao Wei, and the national strength and wealth of the Shu state continued to be consumed in large quantities on the battlefield. Sima Yi led a large army to conquer Gongsun Yuan in Eastern Liaoning.

Liu Chan, fearing that Jiang Huan would commit Zhuge Liang's old mistakes, issued a special edict to warn Jiang Huan not to act rashly, "It is necessary for Wu to act rashly, and the east and west are in the corner to take advantage of his provocation." Wei Yan rebelled, but yang Yi rebelled. After listening to Wei Yan's performance, the lord immediately questioned, "Wei Yan is a brave general, enough to reject Yang Yi and others, why burn the boardwalk?" In order to prevent the problem of too much power of the powerful ministers, Liu Chan made Fei Yi the Shang Shu Ling and the general, the chief official of government affairs, and Jiang Huan as the grand sima in charge of the military. After Jiang Huan's death, Liu Chan "took charge of state affairs by himself" and monopolized power, completely resolving the political system of the Shu state for many years that "everything is big and small, and the saltiness is decided by the minister". Liu Chan, the later master, not only has a brain to analyze the problem, but also deals with the problem very decisively and has a human touch. Liu Yan's wife Hu Shi entered empress dowager He, and the empress dowager left Hu shi to live for a month, causing Liu Yan's suspicions and leading to a vicious incident. Liu Chan accepted the lesson and immediately abolished the courtesy of the court of the minister's wife and mother. When Jiang Wei and others pushed the responsibility for the decline of the Shu state to the eunuch Huang Hao, the hou lord did not entrust anyone, but only said: "A mere eunuch is just a listener." Xiahou Ba's father was killed by Huang Zhong, and when Liu Chan comforted Xiahou Ba, who had come to surrender, he said, "Your father's murder was not the work of my ancestors. After a word, he almost said, "My son is still your nephew!" Wei Yan was killed in the rebellion, and the Later Lord did not deny Wei Yan anything, but lowered his command: "Having justified his sins, he still remembers his previous merits and gives him a coffin to bury him." Later generations believed: "It is not extraordinary that the Lord can make this statement." In terms of treating people and things, Liu Chan's mind is much more atmospheric than his father Liu Bei, and he does not lose the style and temperament of the second generation of leaders. Vorkirk said: "The hero is such a man who at a decisive moment does what is necessary for the benefit of human society." When the contemporary leader Wu Lord Sun Hao suppressed the territory with large troops in the Jin Dynasty, he still "made the Zhaoming Palace, and the cost of labor was in the hundreds of millions." Emperor Wu of Jin, who was good at receiving advice and was well aware of decisive dispatch, after the unification of the world, "neglected political affairs, traveled to banquets, and chose five thousand women of Wu Sun Hao's palace to enter the palace, and the court was destroyed by tens of thousands." Try to ride on the sheep cart, do what you want, and go to bed, and the palace people compete to insert bamboo leaves into the household, and sprinkle salt juice on the ground to attract the imperial car. ”

Atmospheric Liu Chan: The most ideal and perfect emperor in feudal society?

As the weakest of the Three Kingdoms, Liu Chan was able to lead the Shu state for 41 years, avoiding mutual confrontation within the team and not launching a major movement every few years, while the regime was stable. When the people of the country are gone, the successor attaches great importance to the actual interests of the people, abandons the face politics, and reduces the unnecessary sacrifice of life and property.

At a critical juncture, when it is broken, it is broken, so that the people of the country can be saved. Such a decision is compared with Liu Beilai, who "constantly encourages the people to fight for his own life for his own selfish interests", and I don't know how many generations have evolved. Compared with his contemporaries Sun Hao the Prince of Wu and Emperor Wu, the founding emperor of the Jin Dynasty, Liu Chan also had no shortage of benevolent lords. Leaders of such atmospheric countries are rare in China's history.

Pang Yong said: "When the tyrannical king reigns, the subjects praise him as a savior; when the king of benevolence reigns, the people regard him as a wart." Montesquieu said: "Countries that are boring to read in the historical record are happy." Wang Xuetai said: "The ruler's policy of appeasement can enable more ordinary people to survive, whether from the perspective of the people at that time or from the perspective of contemporary history, it should be a good thing." Because the recruited people no longer have to spend the price of their lives in exchange for a day's food; from the perspective of historical development, less destruction of social wealth is also conducive to social progress. Their logic is that repression makes class contradictions sharper, class struggles more intense, and the more intense the class struggle, the more social development can be promoted. This is obviously absurd from the historical facts. Decades of war and chaos have caused 'white bones in the wild, no chickens for thousands of miles', social wealth and population have been almost swept away, and it is really incomprehensible that 'fierce' to this extent can also 'promote social development'. ”

Atmospheric Liu Chan: The most ideal and perfect emperor in feudal society?

"The world is two thousand years, China is five thousand years", only out of a big angry Ah Dou, we still scold people can't afford it, who in the end can't afford it?! Is it Ah Dou, or us, or our unhealthy culture?! Talking about heroes with success or failure, and right and wrong with the need to rule are the biggest inferior roots in our history and reality. "Without a correct historical understanding of the past, there can be no talk of the present and the future," he said. ”

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