
What is gestational diabetes? How harmful is high blood sugar to pregnancy? Take a look

How harmful is high blood sugar to pregnancy? Many pregnant women believe that high blood sugar is not harmful to the body, and when the condition is naturally better after childbirth, this idea is very wrong. Abnormal glucose tolerance in women during pregnancy can seriously threaten the health of the fetus and pregnant women, and even more so, pregnant women will suffer from the disease of gestational diabetes.

What is gestational diabetes? What are the dangers of high blood sugar to the fetus? What are the dangers of high blood sugar to pregnant women? Let's explain them one by one.

What is gestational diabetes? How harmful is high blood sugar to pregnancy? Take a look

1. What is gestational diabetes?

Gestational diabetes mellitus refers to a woman who develops diabetes mellitus or has abnormal glucose tolerance during pregnancy. In simple terms, it means that women get pregnant first, and only develop diabetes after pregnancy, which generally appears in the twenty-eighth week of pregnancy in women, just after childbirth, most patients' blood glucose will return to normal, and the symptoms of diabetes will gradually disappear. However, a small percentage of patients still transition to type 2 diabetes in the years after childbirth or decades.

What is gestational diabetes? How harmful is high blood sugar to pregnancy? Take a look

2. What are the dangers of high blood glucose in pregnancy to the fetus?

(1) Malformed fetuses

If a pregnant woman suffers from early ketosis or hyperglycemia, it will cause abnormal cardiovascular conditions in the fetus, and in severe cases, it will give birth to a malformed fetus, such as cerebellar malformations, double uterus, anencephaly, scoliosis, anal atresia, no kidneys and other congenital malformations.

(2) Giant

If a woman's blood sugar is too high during pregnancy, it will make the fetus also form high blood sugar, if the fetus's blood sugar is high, the pancreas in his body will secrete a large amount of insulin, thereby metabolizing excess glucose. However, the fetus's blood contains more insulin and blood sugar, which will increase his fat and protein, and his weight will also increase, eventually forming a huge child, especially his upper body.

If the fetus grows into a huge baby, his shoulders are too wide and blocked in the birth canal, which will make it very difficult for the pregnant woman to give birth, which is often referred to as dystocia. When experiencing dystocia, medical staff need to use some special techniques to make the fetus deliver smoothly, which may cause damage to the newborn's body parts and nerves in the process.

What is gestational diabetes? How harmful is high blood sugar to pregnancy? Take a look

(3) Dead babies

According to the survey, the gradual increase in fetal mortality is directly related to the blood glucose level of pregnant women. It can be seen that high blood sugar will increase fetal mortality.

(4) Neonatal jaundice

Women's blood sugar is too high during pregnancy, which will lead to hypoxia in the fetus in the abdomen, and the number of pro-erythrocyte production in the fetus will also increase, eventually causing polycythemia. Newborns with polycythemia usually have their red blood cells destroyed and are very prone to neonatal jaundice.

What is gestational diabetes? How harmful is high blood sugar to pregnancy? Take a look

(5) Neonatal dyspnea syndrome

While the blood sugar of pregnant women continues to increase, their excess sugar will also enter the fetus's body, resulting in hyperglycemia in the fetus, which will lead to delayed lung maturation of the fetus and directly suffer from dyspnea syndrome after childbirth.

(6) Neonatal hypoglycemia and hypocalcemia

If the woman's blood sugar is too high during pregnancy. It will cause hyperinsulinemia in the fetus in the abdomen, which can directly cause symptoms such as hypocalcemia and hypoglycemia in newborns.

What is gestational diabetes? How harmful is high blood sugar to pregnancy? Take a look

3. What are the dangers of high blood glucose in pregnancy to pregnant women?

(1) Re-illness after childbirth

Mothers with high blood sugar during pregnancy are very susceptible to gestational diabetes. According to surveys, this group of people is at high risk of developing type 2 diabetes from 5 to 15 years after childbirth, with a high probability of developing it, about 40% to 60%.

Mothers who have not had pregnancy hyperglycemia during pregnancy have a very small chance of getting the disease, about 15%. This survey directly shows that if the blood sugar of pregnant women is too high during pregnancy, even if they have treated diabetes, they need to pay attention to their daily diet and actively exercise to maintain their health. Otherwise, it is possible to get sick after middle age.

What is gestational diabetes? How harmful is high blood sugar to pregnancy? Take a look

(2) Production difficulties

Pregnant women with high blood sugar, its production process will be relatively long, and even sometimes there will be difficult labor, etc., and the mortality rate of the fetus will also increase.

(3) Suffering from comorbidities

If a pregnant woman develops diabetes during pregnancy, she may also have comorbidities during pregnancy, such as puerperal infection, pregnancy height, mastitis and other diseases.

(4) Increased amniotic fluid

If women's blood sugar is too high during pregnancy, their amniotic fluid will also increase, and the serious case will exceed the healthy expectant mother by more than ten times, and it is very easy to have premature birth and premature rupture of membranes, which is very harmful to the fetus in the abdomen.

What is gestational diabetes? How harmful is high blood sugar to pregnancy? Take a look

(5) The mortality rate has increased

People should effectively control the blood glucose of pregnant women, if the high blood sugar of pregnant women is not effectively controlled, it will make their mortality rate reach 25% to 30%, which seriously affects their life safety. Therefore, during this period, pregnant women need to use insulin scientifically under the guidance of a doctor, so as to avoid the death of baby girls

(6) Induce diabetes

Hyperglycemia and diabetes are two concepts, but hyperglycemia eventually turns into diabetes. Therefore, women need to pay attention to the prevention of diabetes during pregnancy, develop good blood sugar checking habits, and do not let high blood sugar develop into diabetes.

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