
The amount of new energy insurance exceeds 50%, and the days of fuel vehicles are becoming more and more difficult, and the deep reasons behind it

The amount of new energy insurance exceeds 50%, and the days of fuel vehicles are becoming more and more difficult, and the deep reasons behind it

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2024-05-23 18:58Published in Guangdong science and technology creators

Text/Wang Xinxi

The days of fuel vehicles are getting worse and worse.

In the third week of May 2024 (13th-19th), the number of domestic new energy passenger vehicles insured reached 168,000, and the penetration rate also exceeded 50% for the first time, reaching 50.2%, surpassing that of fuel vehicles.

The amount of new energy insurance exceeds 50%, and the days of fuel vehicles are becoming more and more difficult, and the deep reasons behind it

In other words, the retail penetration rate and online penetration rate of new energy vehicles in mainland China both exceed 50%, and the penetration of new energy vehicles into the market continues, and this trend is further strengthened.

Judging from the new energy sales list in April, BYD's sales in April reached 254,000 units, a year-on-year increase of 37.5%. Only 3 of the top 10 new energy vehicle companies declined year-on-year, and 7 of them all increased year-on-year, and the year-on-year growth of Cialis was as high as 725.7%.

The amount of new energy insurance exceeds 50%, and the days of fuel vehicles are becoming more and more difficult, and the deep reasons behind it

There has been a great deal of controversy in the industry about whether oil vehicles are better or new energy vehicles, and now the data shows that end users vote with actions, and new energy vehicles have become the choice of most people to buy cars.

The reasons behind this are probably as follows:

First of all, the charging infrastructure is being further improved, and the cruising range and product experience are continuously upgraded.

The advantage of oil vehicles over new energy is that they refuel quickly, gas stations all over the country, and there is no so-called endurance anxiety when running at high speed on holidays, which makes many consumers still choose oil vehicles. But behind this penetration rate of new energy vehicles, we must see two changes:

The amount of new energy insurance exceeds 50%, and the days of fuel vehicles are becoming more and more difficult, and the deep reasons behind it

One is that the charging range of new energy vehicles is improving. Nowadays, many consumers who drive electric cars have a feeling that the laying speed of charging piles is faster than expected, and the situation of queuing for charging in the past has been alleviated to a certain extent.

The amount of new energy insurance exceeds 50%, and the days of fuel vehicles are becoming more and more difficult, and the deep reasons behind it

Secondly, the improvement of the mileage of car companies is also visible to the naked eye, 600~800 kilometers of battery life in the high-end models, is popularizing, battery performance is getting better and better, these are the facts that can be seen, from the current point of view, behind the further improvement of the penetration rate of new energy vehicles, is the gradual improvement of infrastructure, charging battery life pain points are not as strong as in the past. All kinds of factors have made many consumers choose new energy.

The amount of new energy insurance exceeds 50%, and the days of fuel vehicles are becoming more and more difficult, and the deep reasons behind it

On the other hand, consumers are paying more and more attention to product experience and technology, and new energy vehicles are gradually overpowering traditional fuel vehicles in terms of power, quietness, and intelligence, especially plug-in hybrids, integrating fuel, plug-in, range extension, and pure electric functions. The comprehensive performance and cost performance are more than those of fuel vehicles.

In the economic downturn, saving money on new energy vehicles is an important reason for a large number of consumers to choose

Although many people think that new energy vehicles do not save money considering value retention, insurance premiums and future battery replacement costs, in fact, in the current economic downturn, consumers are very sensitive to oil prices, which is an indisputable fact.

Saving money for new energy vehicles is the reason why many consumers choose. Even the current strange situation is that many consumers buy hybrids, but they basically don't refuel much. On the highway on holidays, plug-in hybrid and range extender vehicles are still queuing up with pure electric to grab charging piles, which can be seen that these hybrid car owners basically don't refuel much.

The amount of new energy insurance exceeds 50%, and the days of fuel vehicles are becoming more and more difficult, and the deep reasons behind it

Why? Because of the relatively high cost of gasoline vehicles, it is very intuitive to save money on trams, and the cost of charging a pure electric car with a range of 500-600 kilometers is about dozens of yuan. A fuel truck can basically run 600-700 kilometers with a full tank of fuel, most of the fuel tank capacity is about 50 liters, and the price of filling a car with a tank of fuel is about 400 yuan.

The amount of new energy insurance exceeds 50%, and the days of fuel vehicles are becoming more and more difficult, and the deep reasons behind it

In other words, it takes an hour for the tram owner to fully charge, which is equivalent to directly saving more than 300 yuan. If you can charge 10 times a month, it is equivalent to earning 3,000 yuan, many people think that the oil truck saves time and cost, but in the economic downturn, many people may not be able to earn 300 yuan a day, spend an hour to fully charge, earn 300 yuan, most think that this time is worth it, this is the mentality of many consumers at present.

The amount of new energy insurance exceeds 50%, and the days of fuel vehicles are becoming more and more difficult, and the deep reasons behind it

Behind the stronger new energy manufacturers, the industrial chain is being reconstructed with trams as the core to achieve cost reduction

From the perspective of manufacturers, the effect of the stronger the new energy head car companies is obvious, such as BYD, the annual sales of up to 3 million vehicles, which is behind the efficiency and cost requirements of the industrial chain production capacity, driven by the leading effect of BYD, Geely, Changan, ideal and other car companies, China's automobile industry chain is being reconstructed with trams as the core, and almost every link in the production chain occupies a dominant position, which has led to the continuous decline in the cost of all aspects of the entire new energy vehicle, and has the ability to fight a price war with oil vehicles.

This is also an important reason why domestic car companies can launch a price war of "electricity is lower than oil" - the stronger the head player, the stronger it is, and the result of the cost optimization of the entire industrial chain.

Judging from the data, the strategy of "oil and electricity at the same price", "electricity is lower than oil" is being successful, and now 100,000 new energy vehicles, in addition to oil and electricity, large space, low cost of car, fast power response, in addition to reversing image, automatic parking, cruise control, LED headlights, central control screen and other configurations are also quite complete, which is difficult to have these configurations in the oil truck market below 100,000 at the same time.

In the market of about 100,000, oil trucks are also losing their cost-effective advantages. The sales ranking of the A-segment has also undergone significant changes. The Qin PLUS DM-i, priced at 79,800 yuan, continues to rank first with monthly sales of nearly 30,000 units, beating joint venture models such as Sylphy and Lavida.

The amount of new energy insurance exceeds 50%, and the days of fuel vehicles are becoming more and more difficult, and the deep reasons behind it

Recently, the Americans dismantled a BYD Seagull and came to a similar conclusion: the interior materials are cross-level, the driving performance is good, the craftsmanship is comparable to that of American electric vehicles, and the price is only one-third of the same level models in the United States.

The amount of new energy insurance exceeds 50%, and the days of fuel vehicles are becoming more and more difficult, and the deep reasons behind it

Behind this is also the result of the opening of the whole link of new energy vehicle research, production, supply and marketing, and the further decline in manufacturing costs.

The cost-effective advantage encroaches on the online car-hailing market, and online car-hailing provides a reference for consumers to buy a car

The cost-effective advantages of new energy vehicles are highlighted, and they are also eating away at the cake of the online car-hailing market. And online car-hailing is actually a big cake, and there is still room for increment.

The amount of new energy insurance exceeds 50%, and the days of fuel vehicles are becoming more and more difficult, and the deep reasons behind it

At present, the online car-hailing market is basically dominated by brands such as BYD and GAC Aion, and the online car-hailing market is the first line of popularizing the tram experience for consumers. Many consumers also value these aspects when buying a car. To a certain extent, it is actually providing a brand reference for consumers to buy cars, which has a subtle impact on consumers' brand choice to buy cars.

The evolution rate of new energy vehicle products exceeds that of gasoline vehicles

The industrial chain is reconstructed with new energy vehicles as the core, which promotes the evolution of new energy vehicles.

In the past few years, the progress of electric vehicles in terms of battery motors, power systems, assisted driving, human-computer interaction and hybrid technology is obvious to all. Then in three years, this gap will widen even further.

Behind this speed of evolution is actually due to the addition of the three-electric system and more and more intelligent units, which greatly reduce the number of ECUs in each unit in the vehicle and replace them with a central integrated processing system. The architecture of oil vehicles needs to solve the problem of electricity that the whole system depends on, and it is difficult to do intelligence, resulting in the inability of intelligence to compete with new energy vehicles.

The new human-computer interaction mode brought by the three-electric structure promotes the continuous upgrading of intelligent experience, which determines that the later the new energy vehicle, the stronger the competitiveness, and the experience of the product itself has a stronger and stronger impact on consumers' car purchase decisions. The current time node is precisely the inflection point of new energy vehicles in the mature stage of product quality and intelligence.

New energy vehicles and oil vehicles are not an either/or relationship, but a complementary relationship, there is still a large part of the consumer group in the choice of oil vehicles, some because consumers are used to driving oil cars, that the stability and reliability of oil vehicles are better, and some think that oil vehicles are more convenient to repair, better value retention, and more friendly to long-distance travel needs. However, the times are changing, consumer psychology is also changing, the product competitiveness and infrastructure of new energy vehicles, cost competitiveness, and the impact on consumers' minds are changing. How to save oneself and how to change is a test of the wisdom of the oil truck giant.

Author: Wang Xinxi, Senior Reviewer of TMT This article is not reproduced without permission

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  • The amount of new energy insurance exceeds 50%, and the days of fuel vehicles are becoming more and more difficult, and the deep reasons behind it
  • The amount of new energy insurance exceeds 50%, and the days of fuel vehicles are becoming more and more difficult, and the deep reasons behind it
  • The amount of new energy insurance exceeds 50%, and the days of fuel vehicles are becoming more and more difficult, and the deep reasons behind it
  • The amount of new energy insurance exceeds 50%, and the days of fuel vehicles are becoming more and more difficult, and the deep reasons behind it
  • The amount of new energy insurance exceeds 50%, and the days of fuel vehicles are becoming more and more difficult, and the deep reasons behind it
  • The amount of new energy insurance exceeds 50%, and the days of fuel vehicles are becoming more and more difficult, and the deep reasons behind it
  • The amount of new energy insurance exceeds 50%, and the days of fuel vehicles are becoming more and more difficult, and the deep reasons behind it
  • The amount of new energy insurance exceeds 50%, and the days of fuel vehicles are becoming more and more difficult, and the deep reasons behind it
  • The amount of new energy insurance exceeds 50%, and the days of fuel vehicles are becoming more and more difficult, and the deep reasons behind it
  • The amount of new energy insurance exceeds 50%, and the days of fuel vehicles are becoming more and more difficult, and the deep reasons behind it
  • The amount of new energy insurance exceeds 50%, and the days of fuel vehicles are becoming more and more difficult, and the deep reasons behind it

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